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kde4.04's in comparison Kubuntu remix vrs. OpenSuse 11 RC1

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    kde4.04's in comparison Kubuntu remix vrs. OpenSuse 11 RC1

    I know I know, but I am going to do this anyway.

    First off I love Kubuntu and will stick with it. Period.

    I just got curious and decided to do a side by side test between the Kubuntu kde4 (remix) only version and the latest Opensuse 11 RC1 kde4 version.

    Both kde4's are in version kde4.0.4 as far as I know.

    so here goes:

    What Opensuse has that we don't:
    - Opensuse gives a consistent and clean nice look from boot to login
    - a working alt+F2 kdesu+app (kate, konqueror, etc)
    - a working mover for all elements on the panel
    - an add panel function (it works) from right click on desktop
    - a change plasma-theme function from right click on desktop>configure desktop
    - numlock enabled on login
    - a trashcan widget
    - a kickoff / kmenu editor function built in.

    Ark still doesn't work correctly on either in dolphin or konqueror but I am just wondering why Opensuse has done such a good job on those little details and we are so far behind.

    I have not gone into a great deal of research on it but will when I have the time.

    I still and always will prefer Kubuntu, not least because of this forum and apt-get versus rpm but I think we should have a look at what is obviously missing and see how to we can address that situation.

    I hope thisa comparison is usefull to someone and is not perceived as, well whatever
    HP Pavilion dv6 core i7 (Main)
    4 GB Ram
    Kubuntu 18.10

    Re: kde4.04's in comparison Kubuntu remix vrs. OpenSuse 11 RC1

    I hope this comparison is useful to someone and is not perceived as, well whatever
    Not perceived in any way. How else to make one better if you can't compare and say Hmmmm, why??

    I do find that interesting that the other is a little more polished. What I hope is that Kubuntu focused more on helping with KDE4.1 and smoothing that out for Kubuntu itself.


      Re: kde4.04's in comparison Kubuntu remix vrs. OpenSuse 11 RC1

      I hope this comparison is useful to someone and is not perceived as, well whatever
      Nope => "Staring down a microscope too long gives you tunnel vision". Same thing with the Linux distributions...

      Maybe Opensuse is mixing KDE 4.0.X and KDE 4.1 development branch ?

      My HH with the Debian KDE 4.1 beta has also:
      - a working alt+f2 kdesudo (krunner)
      - a working mover for all elements on the panel
      - an add panel function from right click on desktop
      - a change plasma-theme function from right click on desktop > configure desktop
      - a trashcan widget
      Before you edit, BACKUP !

      Why there are dead links ?
      1. Thread: Please explain how to access old kubuntu forum posts
      2. Thread: Lost Information


        Re: kde4.04's in comparison Kubuntu remix vrs. OpenSuse 11 RC1

        Maybe Opensuse is mixing KDE 4.0.X and KDE 4.1 development branch ?
        You are probably right on that rog.

        I'll have to look into that a little.
        HP Pavilion dv6 core i7 (Main)
        4 GB Ram
        Kubuntu 18.10


          Re: kde4.04's in comparison Kubuntu remix vrs. OpenSuse 11 RC1

          I'm still on KDE 4.0-something, but Alt-F2 works fine. No trashcan widget, but it's easy enough to pop open Dolphin, open the trashcan, right-click and empty it.

          The panel is fine as long as you don't accidentally delete the taskbar or something, which I did. Then you're into a reconstruction project. :P

          But I have also heard very favorable comments about the new OpenSUSE from elsewhere, so apparently they are doing a nice job with it. Whatever helps GNU/Linux find more adopters -- I'm for it!


            Re: kde4.04's in comparison Kubuntu remix vrs. OpenSuse 11 RC1

            I'm still on KDE 4.0-something, but Alt-F2 works fine.
            Hey Dible, long time no see

            Hmm...on my kde4 only (remix) instal it doesn't work.

            On HH kde3/kde4 it works.

            Just wondering which are you using?
            HP Pavilion dv6 core i7 (Main)
            4 GB Ram
            Kubuntu 18.10


              Re: kde4.04's in comparison Kubuntu remix vrs. OpenSuse 11 RC1

              Hey Fintan -- hope it's a nice Spring in Switzerland!

              My Kubuntu system started life as HH Alpha, with the original kde4-core Beta installed on it. All 64-bit, of course. It's been continuously updated/upgraded since February. I'm away from it and can't check, but I think it's now 4.04. Except for my little faux pas with the taskbar, I really haven't had any trouble with it. I upgraded VMWare Player to 2.0.4 the other day, and it is all working fine, except I'm coming to regret my choice of the XFS filesystem -- it seems to have some problem with my 12GB VM, and sometimes takes 3 minutes to close the VM. xfs_progs reports that it is 49% fragmented and it won't defrag to any smaller percentage. :P So probably one of these days I'm going to reinstall everything on a ext3 filesystem.

              Here's the screen shot that I took back in February after I first got it set up:



                Re: kde4.04's in comparison Kubuntu remix vrs. OpenSuse 11 RC1

                Nice desktop

                Spring is being nice to us as well

                So I quess you are using HH with kde3/kde4 combo and not the remix (kde4 only version)
                HP Pavilion dv6 core i7 (Main)
                4 GB Ram
                Kubuntu 18.10


                  Re: kde4.04's in comparison Kubuntu remix vrs. OpenSuse 11 RC1

                  I do think Open Suse are patching their kde4 to add these things, basically backporting updates and features from SVN. The Kubuntu folks probably have far fewer people working on their stuff in general compared to the Novell guys , but Nixternal pretty much by himself is packaging up 4.1 as I type, which blows 4.04 out of the water


                    Re: kde4.04's in comparison Kubuntu remix vrs. OpenSuse 11 RC1

                    Originally posted by Fintan

                    So I quess you are using HH with kde3/kde4 combo and not the remix (kde4 only version)
                    Yes, that is correct.

                    But, what happens when you want to run something like Kpowersave, or Adept Manager, for which a KDE4 version does not yet exist? On mine, it pops up the KDE3 version and it works. What happens on the remix?


                      Re: kde4.04's in comparison Kubuntu remix vrs. OpenSuse 11 RC1

                      I agree with claydoh. Hope 4.1 rocks!

                      Anyway, my desktop is all KDE4 remix and the Alt-F2 works fine. Doesn't keep history, but functions. I'm running KDE4.0.4.

                      Dibl, on the remix there are still some KDE3 components to make up for the lack of what's in 4.0 to 4.0.4. Adpet Manager being one of the old. Don't know which others and can't tell until I get home tonight.


                        Re: kde4.04's in comparison Kubuntu remix vrs. OpenSuse 11 RC1

                        Anyway, my desktop is all KDE4 remix and the Alt-F2 works fine
                        kdesudo kate, konqueror, whatever still gives me "cannot find command".
                        kdesudo and kdesudo-kde4 are both installed.

                        I guess you are right on both
                        Patience for kde4.1
                        HP Pavilion dv6 core i7 (Main)
                        4 GB Ram
                        Kubuntu 18.10


                          Re: kde4.04's in comparison Kubuntu remix vrs. OpenSuse 11 RC1

                          Yes I have that issue when trying to run things as root. I have to specify the path to the prog when running as root, which I'd post here, but I actually have it in a text file because I knew I wouldn't remember it. Once home I will get that. Hope they fix that with 4.1.

                          EDIT: Never mind. You were a part of that thread. Sorry. Here it is anyway though:


                            Re: kde4.04's in comparison Kubuntu remix vrs. OpenSuse 11 RC1

                            Yes, I remeber but I don't like having to type the path (kdesudo /usr/lib/kde4/bin/kate) every time as the commands are not saved.

                            So, afaiac it doesn't work correctly yet
                            HP Pavilion dv6 core i7 (Main)
                            4 GB Ram
                            Kubuntu 18.10

