Since upgrading to Hardy Heron RC on release day I've had various problems with fonts and RT2500 drivers, the driver problem I solved myself and this thread is about the one concerning the fonts.
In Gutsy Gibbon my fonts were all fine, everything looked pretty and even though some Chinese characters (which I have installed just so that I won't have to see those damn squares) didn't show I was quite happy with my install; then along came the Hardy Heron with his rouge ways and pushed the Gibbon aside, showing who was release candidate.
Enough with the bad wordplays... sorry.
As I was saying, when I installed the Hardy Heron RC all my fonts became all pixely and stuff. After having searched the intrawebs and asked everyone in sight for about a day I solved that with my brand new /etc/fonts/local.conf.
As of now only one problem still remain: Konqueror uses Chinese fonts on a Japanese page I use frequently (where it is quite important I get it right as I'm still learning and I use it for study) and Konversation show everything in Chinese fonts (which is quite confusing when chatting in Japanese). Obviously the thing Konversation is having is problems with prioritizing.
Oh, my KDE fonts are set to Sans Serif by the way; most of them. I don't know which Sans Serif, but it says Sans Serif in the KDE settings panel.
I know one solution on the Konversation issue would be to create my own font family Sans Serif as I haven't defined that one myself, but after a day of experimenting with that I might say I'm no good with that as all the fonts I find doing Japanese are horrifyingly ugly with English and Swedish.
As for the home page not working properly, I can only quote the CSS (note that that's a link!):
#cardholder #card #kanjibig p { margin:0; padding:0; font:100pt 'Hiragino Mincho Pro','ヒラギノ明朝 Pro W3','MS 明朝','MS P明朝', serif; }
Let me translate that...
Hiragino Mincho Pro (I don't have this, it's properitary)
ヒラギノ明朝 Pro W3 (this is the same as above, transliterated)
MS 明朝 (This says 'MS Minchou', fc-list shows that they are equal: MS Mincho,MS 明朝:style=Regular... obviously I have this as it's in fc-list)
MS P明朝 (I don't have this one, but it's MS P Minchou anyway)
serif (this is a font family, I'm not sure where it's defined on my system)
According to the CSS it should show in MS Mincho which wolud display the character right, but apparently it displays it with Times New Roman (which has Chinese characters!? I too was surprised, but it appears to have). I have an attachment showing some of the differences, the image shows two characters, one for 'black ink' and one for a kind of greeting, whereas the greeting is there only to show where some confusion can be made...
All help appreciated!
In Gutsy Gibbon my fonts were all fine, everything looked pretty and even though some Chinese characters (which I have installed just so that I won't have to see those damn squares) didn't show I was quite happy with my install; then along came the Hardy Heron with his rouge ways and pushed the Gibbon aside, showing who was release candidate.
Enough with the bad wordplays... sorry.
As I was saying, when I installed the Hardy Heron RC all my fonts became all pixely and stuff. After having searched the intrawebs and asked everyone in sight for about a day I solved that with my brand new /etc/fonts/local.conf.
As of now only one problem still remain: Konqueror uses Chinese fonts on a Japanese page I use frequently (where it is quite important I get it right as I'm still learning and I use it for study) and Konversation show everything in Chinese fonts (which is quite confusing when chatting in Japanese). Obviously the thing Konversation is having is problems with prioritizing.
Oh, my KDE fonts are set to Sans Serif by the way; most of them. I don't know which Sans Serif, but it says Sans Serif in the KDE settings panel.
I know one solution on the Konversation issue would be to create my own font family Sans Serif as I haven't defined that one myself, but after a day of experimenting with that I might say I'm no good with that as all the fonts I find doing Japanese are horrifyingly ugly with English and Swedish.
As for the home page not working properly, I can only quote the CSS (note that that's a link!):
#cardholder #card #kanjibig p { margin:0; padding:0; font:100pt 'Hiragino Mincho Pro','ヒラギノ明朝 Pro W3','MS 明朝','MS P明朝', serif; }
Let me translate that...
Hiragino Mincho Pro (I don't have this, it's properitary)
ヒラギノ明朝 Pro W3 (this is the same as above, transliterated)
MS 明朝 (This says 'MS Minchou', fc-list shows that they are equal: MS Mincho,MS 明朝:style=Regular... obviously I have this as it's in fc-list)
MS P明朝 (I don't have this one, but it's MS P Minchou anyway)
serif (this is a font family, I'm not sure where it's defined on my system)
According to the CSS it should show in MS Mincho which wolud display the character right, but apparently it displays it with Times New Roman (which has Chinese characters!? I too was surprised, but it appears to have). I have an attachment showing some of the differences, the image shows two characters, one for 'black ink' and one for a kind of greeting, whereas the greeting is there only to show where some confusion can be made...
All help appreciated!