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Plasma frozen...requesting help major ASAP pronto!!!

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    Plasma frozen...requesting help major ASAP pronto!!!

    I've already filed a bug report about this issue, but the bug dudes haven't yet been able to find the cause:

    Plasma (+/- Xorg) will freeze on me occasionally, especially when running Firefox...this has just happened to me on my laptop and I'm writing now from a desktop PC with it (laptop) beside me. I was able to switch to one of the consoles, where I may now work on it via CLI.

    It is still running, and - not currently very good at troubleshooting difficult software bugs - I was hoping some of you could help me determine the root of this issue; here's what I've done so far:

    - "top" revealed 3 application using >= 50% CPU (my laptop has a Core2 Duo processor) - plasma, Xorg, and VirtualBox

    - I decided to kill plasma and try restarting it so my work wouldn't be lost:
    ~$ ps axo comm,pid | grep plasma
    plasma	12488
    ~$ kill 12488
    ~$ /usr/lib/kde4/bin/plasma
    	<unknown program name> (30367)/: Cannot connect to the X server
    	plasma(30368): KUniqueApplication: Cannot find the D-Bus session server
    	plasma(30367): KUniqueApplication: Pipe closed unexpectedly.
    - I decided to check whether Xorg and D-Bus were still running:
    ~$ ps axo comm,pid,pcpu,pmem | grep Xorg
    Xorg	12289	7.0	9.0
    ~$ ps axo comm,pid,pcpu,pmem | grep dbus
    dbus-daemon	5352	0.1	0.0
    dbus-launch	12460	0.0	0.0
    dbus-daemon	12461	0.0	0.0
    - I was running Vista in VirtualBox so I could complete a VB homework assignment with VisualStudio, and wanted to "gracefully" shut it down via CLI because I've heard horror stories about Window$ VM's becoming extremely unstable after the VM is suddenly killed:
    ~$ VirtualBox --help
    Qt WARNING: VirtualBox: cannot connect to X server
    And that's as far as I've gotten; can somebody please help me troubleshoot this issue so it can be resolved, PLEASE?
    Asus G1S-X3:
    Intel Core2 Duo T7500, Nvidia GeForce 8600M GT, 4Gb PC2-5300, 320Gb Hitachi 7k320, Linux ( )

    Re: Plasma frozen...requesting help major ASAP pronto!!!

    Yep -- plasma again. My Kubuntu Hardy Heron + KDE4 system has been running trouble-free for 4.5 days, but I got up this morning to find (a) the screen not blanked by the power saver and (b) plasma hogging the CPU. Here's the top of top:

     6945 dibl   20 0 1612m 1.2g 26m R 95 30.2 2230:34 plasma
    27602 dibl   20 0 75176 29m 9268 S  5 0.7 0:23.45 npviewer.bin
     6630 root   20 0 291m 99m 9m S  4 2.5 166:34.66 Xorg
     7029 dibl   20 0 299m 47m 18m S  3 1.2 65:08.32 compiz.real
    12549 dibl   20 0 509m 62m 33m S  3 1.6 26:31.02 amarokapp
     7165 dibl   20 0 1573m 193m 18m S  2 4.9 151:23.45 java
     6975 dibl   20 0 176m 48m 8624 S  1 1.2 63:23.07 gkrellm
     6941 dibl   20 0 376m 32m 12m S  0 0.8 4:30.29 knotify4
      1 root   20 0 4016 888 600 S  0 0.0 0:00.60 init
      2 root   15 -5  0  0  0 S  0 0.0 0:00.00 kthreadd
    Guess I'll reboot it -- that fixed it last time, but it seems to sneak up its resource usage over a period of days.


      Re: Plasma frozen...requesting help major ASAP pronto!!!

      I had that problem as well after leaving my system locked while at work. Killed Plasma and made things worse. I've also noticed that after that and doing a Ctrl-Alt-BckSpc, for some reason, KWIN doing something similar. Had to completely reboot to get back up. Glad that I'm not the only one on that one!


        Re: Plasma frozen...requesting help major ASAP pronto!!!

        Rebooting the system fixed it (again). I dunno if simply restarting the X server would do the trick. I might try that next time.

