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[SOLVED] Black screen after update to KDE 4.0.2, Gutsy Gibbon

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    [SOLVED] Black screen after update to KDE 4.0.2, Gutsy Gibbon

    I saw 4.0.2 released today and upgraded. Logged in to a black screen with a cursor, I can hear Skype starting up, other KDE sounds. At first I thought this was due to desktop effects being enabled, so I logged into KDE 3 and turned them off. Now the black screen is gone, but that's no good because I have the default Kubuntu splash instead of it now.

    This is on Gutsy Gibbon, with Nvidia graphics (proprietary driver). Everything (including desktop effects) worked fine in 4.0.1

    Re: Black screen after update to KDE 4.0.2, Gutsy Gibbon

    Alt-F1 on the black screen, to get to the CLI/tty, where you can log.

    Not sure what is wrong there -- try
    sudo /etc/init.d/kdm start
    and see what the error message says.


      Re: Black screen after update to KDE 4.0.2, Gutsy Gibbon

      Well, actually, KDM is running, and I do login to KDE4, but the screen shows nothing. Maybe plasma doesn't start? How can I start it from the command line? Will
      DISPLAY=:0.0 /usr/lib/kde4/bin/plasma


        Re: Black screen after update to KDE 4.0.2, Gutsy Gibbon

        I dunno about that command -- I've never used it. :P

        However, I'm still suspicious of a KDM-related problem. If you can Ctrl-Alt-F1 to the tty console, log in, then execute first

        sudo /etc/init.d/kdm stop
        and then

        sudo /etc/init.d/kdm start
        I'm hoping you will see some error output. But maybe not, if KDM actually is starting correctly.


          Re: Black screen after update to KDE 4.0.2, Gutsy Gibbon

          I've tried starting kdm manually, it doesn't give any errors. It's working fine - I see the greeter, I can select sessions and etc.

          P.S. My KDM is from KDE3


            Re: Black screen after update to KDE 4.0.2, Gutsy Gibbon

            hmmmm. I think I'm getting nervous -- I haven't rebooted my system since yesterday, and there were a lot of updates overnight. Maybe I'm gonna see that same problem the next time I restart. :P


              Re: Black screen after update to KDE 4.0.2, Gutsy Gibbon

              Usually if you can hear that KDM is loading in and all, it could be a resolution/frequency issue. I've had that before with my system and in order to correct the issues I had to Crl Alt + to change my resolution. Now what lead me to that was the fact my monitor at least told me that it couldn't handle the resolution being sent to it by the computer, but I'd still would try it.


                Re: Black screen after update to KDE 4.0.2, Gutsy Gibbon

                I have solved the problem. My assumption that plasma wasn't loading was true. I tried loading it from the CLI and it spit out errors. It appears that the Kget applet was crashing plasma, so I removed it from plasma-appletsrc and voila. Adding it back results in a crash. Bug anyone?

                plasma: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/kde4/lib/kde4/ undefined symbol: _ZN6Plasma6Layout9setMarginENS0_10MarginEdgeEd


                  Re: [SOLVED] Black screen after update to KDE 4.0.2, Gutsy Gibbon

                  Possibly. I'd go and report it. The worst that could happen is they tell you it is a duplicate. The best that can cause is give them more cases to bump it up in priority.

