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    I was wondering if it's normal if I do an install under KDE4 that it show up in KDE3? When I loaded KDE4 I went in and installed some of the games listed, logged out of 4 and into 3 and seen them there as well. Is that right? I mean it must be or at least no big deal because both are loading. But seems like I remember reading a post on here (but can't find it) that when I load KDE4 for the first time I should have a blank screen, no icons but mine had all of my normal desktop icons I had in 3. So was just wondering.


    Re: KDE3/KDE4

    KDE 4 doesn't use the "Desktop" folder by default (which means that if you take a distro with KDE 4 preinstalled you get an empty desktop), but it does convert the entries in your "Desktop" folder upon installation to plasma widget format (hence why installing KDE 4 over KDE 3 puts the stuff KDE 3 placed on your "desktop" folder as widgets in KDE 4 desktop).
    &quot;Some people says that if you play a Windoze Vista install DVD backwards you will hear demon voices commanding you to worship Satan&quot;. But that&#39;s nothing. If you play it forward it will install Windoze Vista.<br /><br />Mandriva 2008.1<br />FreeBSD 6.2


      Re: KDE3/KDE4

      So how do one tell kde4 not to make widgets of the content of ~/Desktop ?


        Re: KDE3/KDE4

        Originally posted by Ptero-4
        KDE 4 doesn't use the "Desktop" folder by default (which means that if you take a distro with KDE 4 preinstalled you get an empty desktop), but it does convert the entries in your "Desktop" folder upon installation to plasma widget format (hence why installing KDE 4 over KDE 3 puts the stuff KDE 3 placed on your "desktop" folder as widgets in KDE 4 desktop).
        I was wondering about that. I don't mind the change from a normal Desktop folder, but how do you use the Desktop now? That is, I use it as a quick way of creating a text file for pasting info from the web. Is there a way to use one of the two methods or is it strictly plasma widgets?


          Re: KDE3/KDE4

          The purpose of Plasma from what I understand is to change the way the desktop is used. The common usage, particularly among windows users, is a temporary file storage. Or better yet, an application launcher filled with icons for user installed applications.

          Plasma will allow for interaction with the computer on a much larger level. Rather than being confined to a menu or a window, the whole desktop will be available for user interaction.

          One of the ideas I am working on is a plasmoid (widget) that is a file cabinet. Looking very similar to an open file drawer with the alphabetically labelled folder tops showing. Clicking on any folder from A-Z will expand out revealing all the folders inside. Add a drag and drop interface for files... and you have a virtual filing cabinet that responds like the real life one next to your desk.

          This is possible with Plasma.

          Another idea (fresh while typing): an inbox similar to the one defined by David Allen (Getting Things Done). This would be a great place for temporary files such as Moon has mentioned for stuff pulled from the net.



            Re: KDE3/KDE4

            Since I still mainly use KDE3, it's annoying when all my icons from KDE3 shows up in KDE4.

            I like the new KDE4 desktop, but I want to use two separate Desktops. KDE4 actually created ~/Desktop4 but for some reason the content from my old KDE3 ~/Desktop is used in KDE4 anyway.

            And something else.. if I try to remove the icons (widgets) when using KDE4 it will always crash within a few minutes...

