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KDE won't start following update

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    KDE won't start following update

    Hi, I have been using Kubuntu Gutsy Gibbon and running Kubuntu for a year with no real issues that couldn't be fixed.

    After today's updates, my computer indicated I had to reboot to complete the update which I thought strange being the first time I ever had to do so after an update.

    Now I get the KDE login screen and the first two icons light up but not the printer or the rest; just up to the gears and it takes me back to the login screen. Sometimes it says it can't start KDE, check installation.

    Using a terminal I uninstalled the last program I installed: istanbul which didn't work, and reconfigured xserver-xorg which as I suspected didn't work either.

    Does anyone know what went wrong or what I can do to get this thing working again? I really don't want to reinstall again and/or loose my data. This is one of the reasons I got rid of Windows in the first place...

    Re: KDE won't start following update

    Hi there.

    Confirmed. Your problem was caused by the following updates being rolled without any sort of testing apparently, because it does, in fact, break kde.

    The packages that came out are "language-pack-kde-en" and "language-pack-kde-en-base". Installing them causes ksmserver to fail, which in turn causes the rest to fail. Right on. ksmservers actual error message is...

    kdecore (KLocale): WARNING: Definition of PluralForm is none of NoPlural/TwoForms/French/OneTwoRest/Russian/Polish/Slovenian/Lithuanian/Czech/Slovak/Arabic/Balcan/Macedonian/Gaeilge/Maltese: Definition of PluralForm - to be set by the translator of kdelibs.po

    I'm not sure how to fix it yet, this translation stuff is outside of my linux knowledge, but its pretty sad that we have to deal with this in the first place. The only reason I'm here to tell you this is because I ran the update on my laptop before my desktop I ran the rest of the updates, except for those two this morning, and its working just fine.

    These kind of problems are really frustrating.


      Re: KDE won't start following update

      Thx for letting me least it's not unique, so I'll assume there'll be a fix for it. If you find out what needs to be done to fix the problem, plz keep me posted here. I'd appreciate it, just in case I don't find out elsewhere...

      That's got to bite linux users, especially those who are new. Do you know if this only afects kubuntu uses, or if updates for other platforms are having this difficulty as well?


        Re: KDE won't start following update

        Thank god its not just me. Same issue .... hopefully there will be a resoloution soon.


          Re: KDE won't start following update

          Ok... Being a new user, and wow its great to have someone who's quite familiar with kde and ubuntu, I was able to get this from a bud which enabled me to log into as normal....

          Thanks Roderick!!!! He suggested removing the pkg that caused the error...Doing this;

          sudo apt-get remove language-pack-kde-en language-pack-kde-en-base

          And now all is right with the world and I'm able to use my comp!!!!!


            Re: KDE won't start following update

            Glad to be of service....

            Yep, I had a similar issue a couple of weeks ago with Hardy Heron testing.

            I do not believe the kde language packs are strictly necessary, and removing them certainly does not cause any major headache.

            Somewhere down the road, it may be necessary to re-add them, but for now you should be able to live without them (as you have language-pack-en and language-pack-en-base which takes care of most requirements).


              Re: KDE won't start following update

              Yeah, on the ubuntu forums, I got this temp fix to downgrade to the old language is the message:

              Re: language-pack-kde-en* update breaks kde


              Here is a temporary fix This downgrades to the working versions... so it'll complain that there are updates available, but at least your system works until a real fix gets in the works. Awful that this happened in the first place though.

              sudo apt-get install language-pack-kde-en=1:7.10+20071120 language-pack-kde-en-base=1:7.10+20071012

              Don't know why I didn't think of this earlier, but there it is :P

              Thanks to everyone here who's good to have my machine running again!


                Re: KDE won't start following update

                Adept is still providing the same update with the same date. Why haven't they made a replacement yet?


                  Re: KDE won't start following update

                  I got the language translation update through adept today and resulted in the same problem reported above. I removed the packages and everything is working now. Thanks guys for this post!


                    Re: KDE won't start following update

                    Good Morning all. I had the same problem. Glad I checked here first. I'll try that downgrade ASAP when I get home tonight. I really didn't want to re-install if I could help it...

                    So awesome to find the answer before posting the question.
                    Only with Linux...



                      Re: KDE won't start following update

                      Thanks for the help. The solution was referenced on the Canadian Ubuntu mail list and saved me from re-installing.
                      Linux user #387890

