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KDE 4 Login Manager Broken?

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    Re: KDE 4 Login Manager Broken?

    yeah, scanning is broken in HH due to some as of yet unresolved hal/udev/PolicyKit issues


      Re: KDE 4 Login Manager Broken?

      Wish they would also find a way to support the Visioneer Stobe Pro. Has always been a great performer for me. Hate to ditch it.


        Re: KDE 4 Login Manager Broken?

        Ok, so I tried the 'kdesudo kcontrol' command from Alt+F2, and it prompts me for the kdesudo password (which I'm assuming is the same as my root password) which I gave it, then the password prompt disappears and nothing happens.

        Also, I somehow switched my user account to the root group, which I thought might be affecting my ability to open applications with root privileges ??

        Also, I noticed that KDE4 has the user account settings dialog within the Login Manager area that I am try to access, so I'm in a paradox of needing to change my user permissions to allow myself to access the area where I can change those permissions (as well as KDM settings). Talk about a mind trip...


          Re: KDE 4 Login Manager Broken?

          Alright, I seem to have gotten things under control.

          For the benefit of anybody in a similar situation I will explain in brief detail the steps I took to solve my problem...

          - Booted in recovery mode;
          - From within recovery console (as root) did 'startx' to get into ubuntu desktop
          - Ran 'System Settings' which brought up KDE4 System Settings, in which I was able to finally access the KDE4 Login Manager in all its glory.
          - Made desired changes; Applied and quit setting dialog.
          - To fix group association for my user account I opened up Dolphin, navigated to '/usr/bin' and ran the KDE3 System Settings, from which I selected User Management, and made the necessary changes.
          - Applied settings, quit, and rebooted normally.
          - Everything seems to be working fine now.

          Whew! What a mouthful...

          Anyway, thanks for the suggestions.

          - Michael

