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systemsettings-kde4: anyone have root access? Help!

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    systemsettings-kde4: anyone have root access? Help!

    Installed with the KDE4 live CD - 7.10 Gusty

    I can't seem to find much help with this. There is a post on ubuntu, but no resolution:

    :~$ kdesudo systemsettings-kde4

    QMutex::lock: Deadlock detected in thread -1236322624

    Password prompt pops up, accepts it, then I get this.

    Everything else works in kdesudo mode.

    Are there plans to implement "Administrator Mode" on this panel?

    Anything that requires root is greyed out.

    Is this normal so far? I know this is still experiential.

    I did several things apt-get update/upgraded, purged, reinstalled kde4.

    Re: systemsettings-kde4: anyone have root access? Help!

    Same problem here.

    Is there an alternative way of altering the KDE4 system settings?


      Re: systemsettings-kde4: anyone have root access? Help!

      Well at least you can start sysconfig-kde4. I HH mine doesn't start up where by in GG it does.


        Re: systemsettings-kde4: anyone have root access? Help!

        What's sysconfig-kde4?

        I don't have anything that's called sysconfig-kde4 in kubuntu 7.10 Gutsy Gibbon.


          Re: systemsettings-kde4: anyone have root access? Help!

          Sorry, this is what I meant: systemsettings-kde4. Mine is in german


            Re: systemsettings-kde4: anyone have root access? Help!

            Well known (?) bug

            Is this workaround ?
            Bug #184407 in meta-kde4 / Can't launch programs as root
            Can be launched in root mode by navigating to /usr/lib/.kde4/ and clicking "systemsettings-kde4" using the root mode of the file manager.

            Waiting 4.0.1:

            Topic: KDE 4 future releases
            Before you edit, BACKUP !

            Why there are dead links ?
            1. Thread: Please explain how to access old kubuntu forum posts
            2. Thread: Lost Information


              Re: systemsettings-kde4: anyone have root access? Help!

              Originally posted by marcj
              Same problem here.

              Is there an alternative way of altering the KDE4 system settings?
              I did find how to get root priv:

              Open file manager in root mode (it is in the menu), go to /usr/lib/kde4/bin and click "systemsettings"

              Or, install Krusader file manager (apt-get install krusader) and launch that in root mode (it installs a regular and a root mode shortcut icon in your menu), navigate to /usr/bin and type in the command box at the bottom of krusader and type systemsettings-kde4 (apparently this is just a bash script to activate systemsettings in /usr/lib/kde4/bin rather than the systemsettings for kde3 if you have that installed also)

              At any rate, these work.


                Re: systemsettings-kde4: anyone have root access? Help!

                In konsole:
                sudo passwd root
                Enter password for root
                Confirm password for root

                Change AllowRootLogin=false to AllowRootLogin=true in kdmrc.
                In konsole:
                sudo vi /usr/lib/kde4/etc/kde4/kdm/kdmrc

                There you have the solution.


                  Re: systemsettings-kde4: anyone have root access? Help!

                  I got around this by opening a konsole and typing: sudo kcontrol
                  This gave me root access to the control centre.


                    Re: systemsettings-kde4: anyone have root access? Help!

                    And there alas is the damned numlock issue in kde4 as well. It is also in that file that states "false" even though in systemsettings, I have it set to "true" BUT it would not turn on so I had to install numlockx and fix it that way. I manually changed this to "true" as well as changing the root issue.

