First of all sorry if this is in the wrong section 
Names nathan and im from UK, i installed kubuntu 6.10 today and to tell you the truth, i aint a clue what im doing
All iv ever used is windows, and just jump over to a total differant o/s is a really eye opener..
im now duel booting between 3 o/s soon to be 4 come tomorrow, but as i aint used a linux based program before, i dont know what programs can be used... do i need a antivirus program, and how do i tell how much hard-drive space is left
its nice and simple to use, i suppose when i get to know what everythings called it wont be so confusing
so far all iv gone today is use internet and msn...
but apart from that, if i can help out alittle bit, in anyway let me know....

Names nathan and im from UK, i installed kubuntu 6.10 today and to tell you the truth, i aint a clue what im doing

im now duel booting between 3 o/s soon to be 4 come tomorrow, but as i aint used a linux based program before, i dont know what programs can be used... do i need a antivirus program, and how do i tell how much hard-drive space is left

its nice and simple to use, i suppose when i get to know what everythings called it wont be so confusing

so far all iv gone today is use internet and msn...
but apart from that, if i can help out alittle bit, in anyway let me know....