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Speech Recognition Software for Linux

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    Speech Recognition Software for Linux

    Okay, the other day I was reading a Linux magazine (don't remember which one), and there was an article discussing speech recognition software for Linux. The name of the program had "C" and "Voice" in the name. I didn't buy the magazine since I had other things to buy and I thought that I could find the program via google. However, I've not had any luck. Does anyone know what the program might be and where I can find it?

    Oh, I should point out that this wasn't a "simple" text-to-speech program like ViaVoice, but it allowed you to control applications.

    Re: Speech Recognition Software for Linux

    Hey Tuckerfan,
    Could this link possibly be it?

    I googled around and came up with this.
    Larry H


      Re: Speech Recognition Software for Linux

      That's it exactly! Thanks so much! Now I just gotta figure out how to get it up and running.


        Re: Speech Recognition Software for Linux

        I am bringing this backup because this is a subject very dear to my heart. I am posting this from Windows XP at the moment, because I am using Dragon NaturallySpeaking. As my cerebral palsy gets worse and worse, I find my dependence on this exceptionally excellent voice recognition software to be growing and growing. I first started dabbling in Linux more than five years ago, and have always been waiting and hoping for voice recognition software that would it least comes somewhere near to the level of excellence offered by Dragon, which is unquestionably the very best in its field. Sadly this is one area of software development where Linux is lagging way behind. Every Linux forum I join, I ask about speech recognition, and always get referred to the same Web pages, most of which have not been updated in years, and many of which point to dead links, like most of the links on the page referred to earlier in this thread. I hope that someone somewhere will take notice of the growing popularity and widespread use of Linux, and develop speech recognition software that lets those of us who want to throw away our Windows altogether. For me though, that can't happen until there is a reliable dragon quality speech recognition software package for Linux. Let's hope we don't have to wait too long.
        Victoria concordia crescit<br />ओ पालन्हारे ... तुम्रे बिन हम्र कौनोन नहीं


          Re: Speech Recognition Software for Linux

          Please take a look at this page at the Linux App Finder web site. You may find something useful. I have to agree though that "Naturally Speaking" is terrific and I don't say that just because I know some of the guys who wrote the original.

