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youtube-dl and the future

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    youtube-dl and the future

    $ youtube-dl --version
    Is youtube-dl dead?

    Soo ... time to try yt-dlp?
    Kubuntu 20.04

    No, it was hit with a DMCA take down, which GitHub helped them fight off last November.
    but the developers have been back at work since last November. And the most recent commit is July 1, 2021. That isn't that long ago when considering the summer is classic vacation time and people are doing everything they can to get out after a long covid lockdown.
    Today we reinstated youtube-dl, a popular project on GitHub, after we received additional information about the project that enabled us to reverse a Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) takedown.

    Most takedown notices we receive allege copyright infringement?that someone used their copyrighted work (often software code) in a way that infringes their rights. But as many people noticed, the youtube-dl takedown notice fell into a more unusual category: anticircumvention?an allegation that the code was designed to circumvent technical measures that control access or copying of copyrighted material, in violation of Section 1201 of the DMCA.
    But, choice is always nice. If yt-dlp rings your bell have at it!
    "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
    – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


      Yes, we have a thread on the takedown here. Anyway, I've downloaded yt-dlp (without sudo) and put it into ~/bin. The commands I used with youtube-dl are valid in yt-dlp.

      Re. the commit of July 1, 2021, there hasn't been a release since which incorporates it. The last release, even for others on github, is 2021.06.06
      Last edited by chimak111; Aug 29, 2021, 08:04 PM.
      Kubuntu 20.04


        There's mention of Google acting against third-party downloaders. See the later posts here.
        Kubuntu 20.04


          I gave up on downloading YT videos a long time ago. I just used them for my own pleasure, like re-watching my favorite ballet dancers taking class, or the inimitable Freddie Mercury working his magic, etc. I wasn't selling them or sharing them or anything naughty at all. I assumed all avenues of downloading them had been removed years ago, so I hadn't even bothered looking into it for several years now.
          Xenix/UNIX user since 1985 | Linux user since 1991 | Was registered Linux user #163544


            FF has a downloader that works but one must try it two or three times in a row, and sometimes it requires reloading the tab. I use it for science related content but YT is trying to monetize anything and everything.
            Years ago the consensus here at the forum, when I brought it up, was that "geofenching" would never work and there would always be a way around it, it seems that YT just changes the algorighm regularly to make the latest version of the fence a musing target. Amazing what can be done by throwing bucketloads of cash at a situation.


              I've been using yt-dlp for a few weeks now, and it's great. Fast and works just like youtube-dl, only better. Not getting throttling - so far
              The next brick house on the left
              Intel i7 11th Gen | 16GB | 1TB | KDE Plasma 5.27.11​| Kubuntu 24.04 | 6.8.0-31-generic

