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Noble lies

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    Noble lies

    Worth a read especially by those who believe what they're told by "trustworthy" sources. And quite relevant in the "war" on misinformation and disinformation.
    Kubuntu 20.04

    I've already posted on this topic in other threads, but I must say that the Slate article is surprisingly candid, considering its political orientation.

    The push to get kids under 17 to wear masks in school this fall, and to them get vaccinated despite the increased risk of myocarditis to young people. especially in boys, is mystifying. Fauci says that asymptomatic carriers are not super spreaders. The kids under 17 have been and are asymptomatic carriers, most of whom by now have developed an immunity to Covid.. For the age group 0 to 17, for the period between Jan 2020 to July 26, 2021, the CDC reports that the total number of children in that age group that died of covid is 340. That's for the entire 18 months. The total deaths from all causes for that age group during those 18 months is 51,213. What ever is killing kids that age, it is obvious that Covid isn't even a bump. The link to the CDC data about the deaths has a graph below it where one can compare deaths in various age groups at various times. Just move your mouse over the graph and a popup for each day will appear giving the count for each group for that day.

    The 0-17 age group line is in the "grass", i.e., almost distinguishable from noise or error bars (which they don't show) in other groups.

    What amazes me the most is that IF the masks were as effective as some claim despite 73 years of research to the contrary, then the most powerful and industrial nation on the earth cannot, even after 18 months, manufacture enough N95 masks to protect the population. It is, after all, just blown polyethylene or polypropylene glued to a stiff cloth front. Most people appear to be wearing fancy cotton masks or the Chinese KN95, to which the FDA gave an EUA (Emergency Use Authorization).

    However, MOST KN95 and N95 masks now available to the general public are not really "respirator" masks. The first and most obvious clue is that they use ear loops, not two bands that go around the head, forcing all the edges of the mask firmly against the face to make an air tight seal. Masks using ear loops generally cannot maintain a seal around the entire nose and mouth. Air takes the path of least resistance and that is usually through gaps between the mask and the eyes, and gaps on the both sides of the mask. Without a full facial seal one is wasting their time wearing a mask with such a poor fit, even if it could filter a 0.6 micron viral particle when it designed to filter only 95% of 2.5 micron smog particles. Mask wearers are also wasting their time if they don't put the mask over their nose. I can't count the number of people I see wearing the mask under their noses. I saw two amusing videos. One was of a person walking around Walmart in a plastic pipe cage which boxed her in from the floor to over her head, and the cage supported a plastic wrap. In England, a man was walking around with a plastic, rectangular "fish bowl" over his head, which included sod containing green plants through which he was breathing.

    The CDC has a web page describing how to spot the fake masks.

    Thanks for the link. The article was very informative.
    Last edited by GreyGeek; Jul 28, 2021, 03:16 PM.
    "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
    – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.

