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GNOME Dev on the cost of preferences

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    GNOME Dev on the cost of preferences
    which points to
    which has this
    Kubuntu 20.04

    Expletive deleted.
    Regards, John Little


      And that's why I prefer KDE, with Cinnamon coming in close second...
      Constant change is here to stay!


        I couldn't get through the drooling ego statements in the first link.

        Gnome isn't even pleasing to the eye.
        The next brick house on the left
        Intel i7 11th Gen | 16GB | 1TB | KDE Plasma 5.27.11​| Kubuntu 24.04 | 6.8.0-31-generic


          So according to this KDE produces a bad desktop. Maybe Gnome wants to be the only desktop. Sorry, but I PREFER KDE:


            Part of what makes Linux appealing to me (even now, some 13 years on from first discovering it) is that it gives ME control. The fact (that) I get to choose how my desktop behaves on my hardware is, even today in 2021, mind-blowingly awesome.
            And that is why I have used KDE since KDE 1.0 Beta in September of 1998.
            On my Dolphin my right mouse context has at least 50 "preferences" that I've installed. As widgets they are easy to download and install right from Dolphin itself.
            "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
            – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


              Being able to choose whether to use GNOME or not is the best preference of them all.


                lets play a Devil's advocate, in a way.

                The concepts do bring up some valid points, though of course some things are taken to extremes

                Current iterations of Gnome 'simplifying' things
                KDE up to KDE 4 having options upon options upon options, many of these hacks and workarounds.

                I loooorrrvve KDE, and also myself have used it every day since the KDE 1 days, but man o man, no ones seems to remember how gosh durned buggy and crash happy it very often was. I am not talking about theming and appearance, both KDE and Gnome can have issues with janky themes, extensions, whatever.

                There were always normal, every day actions that would cause KDE to simply go Poof!
                I personally don't recall ever having a Gnome desktop (or Unity for that matter) ever just crash., Granted, I lack the years of regular usage on either of these.

                But,, my point is, if I even have one , is that there are tradeoffs. Not everyone is willing to put up with the jankiness that can happen when customizing Plasma, particularly crap random styles, Kvantum messiness, and Latte Dock's (potentially) overly complex configuration.
                I can't stand Gnome, and can;'t actually describe why, and am more than willing and patient to put up with some goofiness. These days, this is mostly at a minimum, until I muck with things. I am looking at YOU Latte!! Baaad Latte!


                  That was a nice post, Claydoh!

                  Since I first adopted Kubuntu as 9.04 alpha in Jan of 2009, I've rarely had problems with Kubuntu that I didn't create my self. For the most part, I stick with the vanilla install and settings ... change the font size for my tired old eyes, and stay with Breeze as my theme. Keeping with the stock settings does two things: makes it easier for me to remember, which is an increasing problem at 80, and .... I forgot what the second thing was.
                  "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
                  – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


                    Originally posted by GreyGeek View Post
                    On my Dolphin my right mouse context has at least 50 "preferences" ...
                    That might be seen as cruelty to dolphins

                    I have a few, mostly service menu items and specific to certain filetypes.

                    As for GNOME applications, I like Mousepad and Meld.
                    Kubuntu 20.04


                      Latte Dock is a monster! I can't get my head around it at all, it has far too many settings just for a Dock. If I were to install and use one it would be Plank. It has enough options to make it useable!
                      Constant change is here to stay!


                        "Plank" I just had a mental image of drawing some icons on a bit of wood and leaning it against the bottom of the monitor.


                          Originally posted by claydoh View Post
                          ....... I am looking at YOU Latte!! Baaad Latte!
                          LOL, I think the same thing!


                            I'd rather have a Plank than a Latte! All that milk would have me sick for days! ��

                            Constant change is here to stay!


                              Just my 2 cents... I've never had any issues with Latte dock. And I do find it to be a nice complement to the task manager.
                              What tends to misbehave on this machine (Dell Latitude E7440, with Neon 20.04/5.22.3), which is a naturally misbehaving piece of hardware in itself, is, mainly, plasmashell.
                              Every... couple of days or so, on average, it will go bonkers. Lose wallpapers and widgets, forget things...

                              Now, thanks to Claydoh, I learned about the plasmashell --replace command. I set Alt-F5 as a shortcut for it (it was free).
                              Now, whenever Plasma starts blowing raspberries at me, I Alt-F5 and blow them right back :-)

                              That said, I wouldn't change KDE for anything.
                              I've done my share of distro-hopping. Tried almost all of them. Nothing (even vaguely) compares. For my tastes obviously.

                              The only other thing I've found (on this machine, and pretty seldom) to go haywire, is Firefox. Reboot will fix that. Plasmashell, reboot usually won't, Alt-F5 (a lot quicker too) will.

