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Linux Foundation starts vaccine passport company

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    Linux Foundation starts vaccine passport company

    and make having one a requirement for going to their events

    Well, I wasn't going to go anyway

    Neither was I, but the points he makes are SPOT ON!

    Their Frequently Asked Questions section of the announcement adds this additional detail:
    Q: If I?ve already tested positive for COVID-19, do I still need to show proof of COVID-19 vaccination to attend in person?
    A: Yes, you will still need to show proof of COVID-19 vaccination to attend in-person.
    This answer is particularly insightful. Those who can show proof of COVID-19 antibodies should, obviously, be on the same (or better) footing as those who have obtained a vaccination ? at least based on all available data.
    Which means? these requirements are not about stopping or slowing the spread of COVID-19.
    The Jupyter Notebook code I used to generate the plot..
    1 of 3
     11/14/20, 6:33 PM
    <Figure size 432x288 with 0 Axes>
    plt.title("Total Deaths For Week Ending: "+maxweek)
    plt.plot.xlabel=('Week Ending')
    plt.plot.ylabel=('Total Deaths')
    plt.plot(df_allages["Week Ending"], df_allages["Total Deaths"],
    color='k', linestyle='--', marker='.', label='Total Deaths')
    plt.savefig("weekending_total_deaths.svg", format="svg")
    2 of 3
     11/14/20, 6:33 PM
    3 of 3
    <Figure size 432x288 with 0 Axes>
    11/14/20, 6:33 PM
    If it isn't about the virus then it is about control.
    A recent study posted in the Journal Of Infection discovered that. It's interesting to note that according to death certificates catalogs by the CDC, less than 1,000 kids and young adults between the ages of 5 and 24, which encompasses all of elementary, high school and college students, died of COVID-19 between January 1, of 2020 and June 16 of 2021. (BTW, it is a LOT easier to download the CSV file of the data and run it through Jupyter Notebook using pandas)

    Here is a plot I made of data up to May 1, 2021.
    One will have to zoom in considerably to see any deflection in the two bottom curves of the 5-14 and 15-24 age groups.
    Last edited by GreyGeek; Jun 23, 2021, 10:10 AM.
    "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
    – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


      GG, thanks for that analysis. Control is the name of the game...
      It's also hard on we older types...
      Kubuntu 24.11 64bit under Kernel 6.12.3, Hp Pavilion, 6MB ram. Stay away from all things Google...


        Yes, it's vaccines or nothing. Even India, which is suffering massively, is acting against the use of ivermectin even though vaccines aren't readily available and data is available for ivermectin's efficacy in prophylaxis and treatment.

        The MSM in India is all in for vaccines. But there's a flicker of hope: CATalyst | Ivermectin: Indian Bar Association Serve Legal Notice on WHO's Chief Scientist.

        (On a personal note, I managed to get my first AstraZeneca shot on April 3 and am allowed to get the next shot only after 84 days.)
        Kubuntu 20.04


          Originally posted by chimak111 View Post
          Yes, it's vaccines or nothing. Even India, which is suffering massively, is acting against the use of ivermectin even though vaccines aren't readily available and data is available for ivermectin's efficacy in prophylaxis and treatment.

          The MSM in India is all in for vaccines. But there's a flicker of hope: CATalyst | Ivermectin: Indian Bar Association Serve Legal Notice on WHO's Chief Scientist.

          (On a personal note, I managed to get my first AstraZeneca shot on April 3 and am allowed to get the next shot only after 84 days.)
          I hope you are not over 60.

          "or its nothing" is a choice forced on us by the PTB and the FDA for political reasons.

          I detected a scam in May of last year. The CDC had posted a report stating that masks do NOT offer any protection against viruses. It was first published on Feb 23, 2020 but later moved. I found the new location using the Internet Archive. In the report, which evaluated all RCT's (Random Controlled Trials) from 1946 to July 27, 2018, the CDC stated:
          Face Masks
          In our systematic review, we identified 10 RCTs that reported estimates of the effectiveness of face masks in reducing laboratory-confirmed influenza virus infections in the community from literature published during 1946 to July 27, 2018. In pooled analysis, we found no significant reduction in influenza transmission with the use of face masks
          Even Dr Fauci said exactly the same thing when interviewed a couple weeks later by Dr John LaPook on 60 Minutes:

          Then, on July 17, 2020, in an "interview" with Zukerberg, Fauci explained why he changed his mind about masks, even though no published RCT's since July 2018 had been offered as proof. Many RTCs performed in other countries proved that masks didn't work.

          Trump had come out saying that masks weren't any good and that hydroxychloroquin would stop C19 based on the success of several clinics treating hundreds of C19 patients and losing none to the virus. The media went ballistic, claiming that Trump said to drink bleach. Then some medical experts claimed that Hydroxychloroquin was useless against C19 and was very dangerous. Strange, since HCQ was approved for medicinal use in 1955, 65 years ago, and in 2005 the NIH published a report showing that HCQ was an effective treatment for COV-1.
          The data of clinical studies from a large number of samples showed that the incidence of these adverse reactions of CQ/HCQ was low and generally mild or moderate ... As the efficacy of CQ/HCQ has been clinically certified, it is safer to use it under the strict control of indications and contraindications.
          It has side-effects for some users but not as bad as those claimed for a C19 infection. It is also used to treat rheumatoid arthritis and auto immune diseases. HCQ wasn't on Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) until the FDA "revoked" its authorization for C19. It is interesting to note that the FDA carefully avoided testing HCQ using the combination of drugs (HCQ, Erythromycin and Zinc) which had proven so effective in curing C19, revoking its use for C19 instead.

          Some politicians colluded with their medical officers to rig the mask vs no-mask debate. Kansas is just one example. The legislature left it up to the counties to impose or not the use of face masks. In that case the Kansas Chief Medical Officer used a date after the mask mandate was imposed because showing just that part of the graph made it appear that wearing masks were more effective at lowering C19 infections than not wearing masks.

          35 states imposed mask mandates, with subsequent restrictions, in 2020 and 2021. John Hopkins kept track of the new cases curves for all states. They used to put all 50 curves on one page but now you have to click on each state one at at time. If you mark the date on each map when the mandate for that state was imposed, and then notice the "flattening" of the curve, you will see NO influence by the mandate on the shape of the curve. Just another of the many proofs that masks do not work. Add to that the insanity of wearing TWO masks and the comedy is complete. Luckily, the two mask proposal didn't catch on, but the Karen's and Ken's jumped on it immediately. Some even began wearing plastic bubbles while shopping. (I couldn't find the video showing a person walking around in a home-built plastic cage).

          The purpose behind vaccines is to allow the body to develop anti-bodies against a pathogen without becoming sick with the pathogen. For the flu there are 19 H proteins and 8 N proteins, creating 152 combinations. 21 of those combos are in viruses that are not pathogens, so only 131 combinations of H & N can cause flu symptoms in humans. We used to give one H&N combo per shot per season. Now we give 4 combos in one shot. That means that in 33 years a person can be totally immunized against all the flu virus pathogens. IF flu shots didn't produce long lasting immunity there'd be no purpose in giving them. Ditto for Polio, Chicken Pox, Measles, Cholera, Smallpox, and a host off other pathogens for which we give vaccines. Not all vaccines are equally effective. Some require booster shots at 5 or 10 year intervals, like Rabies. But, if Bill Gates, who never earned a college degree in any field but is an expert in all, is to be believed, we will be getting COV shots every year. Never mind that Gates has invested heavily in the big pharmas the produce the vaccines.
          "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
          – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


            I'll not be getting the 'jab'. Too much is being reported about the adverse side effects (dead). I wonder what 'other' effects may be coming in the future?
            Reading about the efforts to disparage alternative medical treatments makes this look like a deliberate biological attack.
            The above is just my opinion, ie. I'm not a doctor and don't play one on TV...
            Thanks again for the analysis of the situation.
            Kubuntu 24.11 64bit under Kernel 6.12.3, Hp Pavilion, 6MB ram. Stay away from all things Google...


              Got the shot. I'm alive, as is my family and every friend I know who has had the shot. I've not grown any strange appendages, nor have I turned magnetic. It's a vaccine, and it has very high efficacy. And it's a much better option than dying from the damn virus, like 600,000 other Americans have. That's 600,000 over and above the usual death rate.

              It is your choice, and there's no argument from me about that. People can legitimately talk about risk, or civic responsibility, or almost anything else. Please realize that those who have gotten the vaccine also made a choice, and that choice does not put anyone else at risk.
              The next brick house on the left
              Intel i7 11th Gen | 16GB | 1TB | KDE Plasma 5.27.11​| Kubuntu 24.04 | 6.8.0-31-generic


                jglen, ditto your entire post #7. Wear the damn mask, get the damn shot, THEN we can discuss it until the sun runs out of energy. Meanwhile, most of us will be fairy safe; safer than we would have been w/o those measures. You get worn out after awhile with all this stuff/s%&t, everyone looking for a cause and/or conspiracy theory to latch on to. We are victims of mass ignorance in the USA now, not just wrt to COVID. Anyway, I caught a key part of your argument: make choices that do not put anyone else at risk. Tell that to the Delta spreaders. It will be more than Delta, sooner than later if we keep that virus on the rampant run. We can only hope a variant doesn't pop off that evades us.
                An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski


                  Test, at least 6 characters
                  An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski


                    Test, at least 6 characters
                    I still can't post without getting an error message:
                    The following errors occurred with your submission

                    1. Database Error

                      And after it does post, the What's new button doesn't work for me, not in Firefox, not in Chromium, 8.04.

                    An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski


                      It's possible, for some people to double-mask, to get the vaccine, and still have an open mind
                      Kubuntu 20.04


                        Something is really busted around here! I see Snowhog listed here, above, at 7:21 am, BUT his post is empty/not there -- it's blank.

                        I posted previously, yesterday, but kept getting error messages.

                        I can't see the new posts in this thread by pressing What's New.

                        Chimak posted, post #11, earlier, but I could not get that by pressing What's New. NOW, several hours later, I CAN see his post under What's New, BUT I still do not see MY previous posts under what's new.

                        I'll post this, but it will first cycle through error message, and I have to wait awhile to see that it actually did post.
                        Here goes ...
                        An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski


                          The evidence is overwhelming that the masks do NOT protect either from inhalation or exhalation of a virus, and that conclusion is from the CDC's own published data before C19 became a political football. There is also overwhelming evidence that the number of cases has been grossly exaggerated by running PCR tests with Ct values (Cycle Thresholds ... the number of times the process is repeated until the the fluorescent dye become visible) that get too high. All that running a PCR test with a Ct greater than 25 proves is that the person being tested has a very low viral load, if at all, since the PCR test also triggers on C19 fragments, which could have arisen from the person having acquired C19 and developed immunity to it, as most people under 25 do. There is also overwhelming evidence that the manner of filling out death certificates was modified to force doctors to make death due to ccvid the #1 cause if covid was detected pre or postmortem. Add to that the CDC's new criteria, posted on April 5, 2020 for determining who has covid guaranteed that the number of covid cases would be inflated, perhaps wildly in some areas. Covid nearly wiped out the flu. So many cases of flu were being reported as covid that flu counts were near zero. Then, after that fact was noticed and reported, the number of flu cases miraculously jumped to 11,000. Amazing, since flu case numbers have been generated by the CDC using a computer algorithm since 2009, when they stopped counting actual flu cases.

                          But, wear the mask if you want to. Just don't demand that others also wear it. "But .... if everyone doesn't wear it the masks won't help!" They don't help regardless, but ask yourself another question "How can masks block viruses when the best available, a Chinese made KN95 (which was given only an EAU by the FDA), does not always seal around the mouth and nose?". ONLY a VENTILATOR seals 100% and those are only available in hospital settings. When most people wear their masks there are gaps on both cheeks allowing breath or air to pass in and out without passing through the filter material. There are also gaps beneath each eye which also allow passage of unfiltered breath or air. So, even wearing a mask, most people are NOT protected from covid.

                          But, for the sake of discussion (and avoiding invoking the term "conspiracy theorist as an attempt to cut off discussion) lets assume that everyone wears their mask sealed all the way around. 100% protection, right? Wrong. Multiple RCT studies have shown that even the N95 mask allows 8% of viral particles to pass through in either direction. IF I gave you a bullet proof vest but told you it stopped only 8 out of 10 bullets fired at you how safe would you feel? Why would you feel any safer wearing a mask that is no better?

                          And, as I pointed out before, if one took the time to examine when the 35 states that imposed mask mandates and the effect those mandates had on the daily new cases one could easily see that the effect of the mandates were zero. I took the time and examined the data for all 35 states. Mask mandates were imposed when the daily new cases were flat, were climbing, reached a peak, were decending and were flat again. In no situation could an unbiased observer identify a point on those curves and say when, exactly or approximately, the mandate was imposed. States which didn't impose mask mandates had nearly identical curves to those that did.

                          Basically, covid is declining because of increasing herd immunity, which began having its affect even before vaccines became widely available.

                          However, if the objective is control, then a new fear must be promoted in order to justify further suspension of rights & freedoms and increases in gov controls. Such a fear is already being promoted: "Delta Covid". By behaving hysterically you've asked for it.

                          PS: This isn't my first pandemic rodeo. In 1957-58, when I was a junior in HS, a flu pandemic killed 116,000 out of 174 million Americans. That's about equal to 232,000 today. What did we do back then? Nothing? We didn't throw millions out of work, shut down businesses and impose mask mandates and social isolation rules. If someone felt sick they went to the doctor or the hospital. Everyone else went to school or work. We got on with our lives. It took scientists at the time about 4 months to make a vaccine for that strain. In the fall, when the "2nd wave" hit, it was small and few people bothered to get the shot. The next season a new strain hit. Life goes on. And yes, Covid will be with us forever. Get over it.
                          Last edited by GreyGeek; Jun 23, 2021, 11:47 AM.
                          "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
                          – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


                            GG, a mask by itself doesn't do much. Social distancing by itself doesn't do much. Doing everything that you can to protect yourself and others does work, to some extent.

                            I'm not telling you how to live your life, or anyone else, but a little care and concern for others and for yourself goes a long way to stop this COVID-19. It's become way too politicized on all sides, and people are still dying, so political correctness however any individual may define it does absolutely nothing.

                            I got the shot because it makes sense, to me, to protect myself and at least try a bit of civic responsibility. I. for one, am extremely thankful that a lot of scientists, researchers, technicians, medical professionals, and even public servants did all they could to produce safe and effective vaccines. Yes, it was done quickly - and unprecedentedly so - and with a lot of outside the box thinking.

                            There will be many who will disagree whether with facts, opinions, or even conspiracies. But doing what we can is sometimes the best thing.
                            The next brick house on the left
                            Intel i7 11th Gen | 16GB | 1TB | KDE Plasma 5.27.11​| Kubuntu 24.04 | 6.8.0-31-generic


                              Interesting that the last flu season, incidence fell by 90%, usually attributed to mask-wearing. An article in Discover (this month) came out clearly in favor of the benefits of masks. I wear one, you wear one, we stand 6 feet apart, you wash your hands, I wash mine ... the probabilities of transmission-to-active-infection decline at each notch. Isn't it common sense? It's a virus, it's not cancer caused by cigarette smoking.
                              An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski

