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Impressions on Impish Indri 21.10

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    Impressions on Impish Indri 21.10

    Welcome to the next version of Kubuntu. You can get it at the normal download site

    When I tried installing it the first time it failed to write to my /sda. To overcome this hurdle, I needed to rename my dos partition as efi. After making this change, the installation went like a dream. I have started installing my favourite packages and no problems so far, even with the pre-released updates which gave about 285 extra packages

    So to those who enjoy the experience of participating in the development of a new distribution, a warm welcome again.
    Last edited by NoWorries; May 01, 2021, 10:47 PM.

    I hope that no one was led astray by my comment on changing dos to efi. My partition partition manager after the installation shows.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	Partition Manager.png
Views:	1
Size:	77.6 KB
ID:	645132

    I only have Kubuntu on this Laptop, so my /boot/efi partition is only 47MiB with 12% used.

    Currently the difference between 21.04 and 20.10 is KDE Frameworks Version which is now 5.82.0. I got this by adding the ppa using the following command:
    sudo add-apt-repository ppa:kubuntu-ppa/staging-frameworks
    My Kernel is 5.11.0-16-generic and KDE Plasma is 5.21.4. So I am quite satisfied with the current state in this very early stage of development. I am confident that the developers will be doing an excellent job at progressing Impish.


      That partition table has me scratching my head. The "extended" partition containing the other partitions implies MBR partitioning, but UEFI usually has GPT partitioning.

      Well, I knew about BIOS-GPT installs, but I just found out that UEFI-MBR is possible. Is that indeed what's there? Why not use GPT, as it's simpler and more robust?
      Regards, John Little


        My properties for the boot partition are:

        Click image for larger version

Name:	boot_partition.png
Views:	1
Size:	58.6 KB
ID:	645133

        The properties for my system partition are:

        Click image for larger version

Name:	system_partition.png
Views:	1
Size:	60.3 KB
ID:	645134

        As you can see there is no detail on the partitioning such a GPT or MBR. I am wondering how you get those details.


          look at the device properties, not the individual partition properties

          Click image for larger version

Name:	Screenshot_20210502_212949.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	51.4 KB
ID:	645135


            Thanks very much for your input on this. My device properties probably reflect the fact that my Laptop is 9 year old and the SSD that I added probably was MS formatted. The device properties are:

            Click image for larger version

Name:	Device_Properties.png
Views:	1
Size:	64.5 KB
ID:	645136

            So I have the partition table msdos! It looks like that if I need to fix this I would have to reformat my SSD and start all over again. Is it worth it?


              Cursor changes to column width mode while using Dolphin. Takes a few clicks randomly to restore to normal. Kubuntu 21.10 and up-to-date.

              Click image for larger version

Name:	cursor.jpeg
Views:	1
Size:	36.8 KB
ID:	645137


                Originally posted by cookiemuncher View Post
                Cursor changes to column width mode while using Dolphin. Takes a few clicks randomly to restore to normal. Kubuntu 21.10 and up-to-date.

                Not unexpected, and not really worth reporting on tbh. Far too early, with too many things changing, failing to build, and/or simply missing, with constant changes to all levels of Ubuntu and Plasma. often multiple times a day.
                21.10 is far from ready for actual testing.

                I don't see the point in even installing, imnsho, with many many years of running the pre-production stuff. No use, really, not even when they actually release the first true alpha.

       is worth looking at.


                  KDE frameworks 5.81 is only partialy in the release pocket, as the autopkgtest infra is slightly borked and backlogged. Could well be due to that.
                  On #kubuntu-devel & #kubuntu on - IRC Nick: RikMills - Launchpad ID: click


                    Originally posted by acheron View Post
                    KDE frameworks 5.81 is only partialy in the release pocket, as the autopkgtest infra is slightly borked and backlogged. Could well be due to that.
                    I am wondering if you meant 5.82 as I have that installed on my system and it is working very well for me.
                    I encountered one significant problem after I installed 5.82. I got a black screen after login! Alt+f2 allowed me to view and run packages. I tried a number of options such as purging nvidia from my system and that made things worse. So I installed nvidia packages again. It was only this morning that I decided to see if kubuntu-desktop was installed and it wasn't. So after installing kubuntu-desktop, all is now working brilliantly.

                    I, for one, certainly appreciate the progress being made even though I have to jump over a hurdle or two.


                      Originally posted by NoWorries View Post
                      I am wondering if you meant 5.82 as I have that installed on my system and it is working very well for me.
                      No, I mean 5.81 in the main archive. 5.82 is not released yet, with only a pre-released build in a PPA.
                      On #kubuntu-devel & #kubuntu on - IRC Nick: RikMills - Launchpad ID: click


                        We are now at the start of the 5 month countdown to the release of Impish Indri.

                        I have found that my starting countdown for Hippo was at 4 months! So this time, the release of the first downloadable iso file for Impish was definitely earlier and this caused higher expectations in those who wanted to test it.

                        For those who have succeeded with the installation and testing of Impish, you will a similar summary of System Information as shown in the table below.

                        5 Months to go
                        KDE Plasma Version 5.21.5
                        KDE Frameworks Version 5.82.0
                        QT Version 5.15.2
                        Kernel Version 5.11.0-18-generic
                        I must confess that I use Pre-released and Unsupported updates. I am also using the non-standard repositories:
                        Even with these repositories, the above System Information list is the same that I have on my 21.04 system. I expect that within a month from now there will be a significant difference.

                        In all areas that I use frequently, Impish works perfectly. I am very pleased with the performance of Impish and very grateful to the developers for the progress at this very early stage of development.


                          I found on Kontact Feed that Plasma 5.22 Beta is now available for those wanting to test it. The disclaimer states:

                          DISCLAIMER: This is beta software and is released for testing purposes. You are advised to NOT use Plasma 5.22 Beta in a production environment or as your daily desktop. If you do install Plasma 5.22 Beta, you must be prepared to encounter (and report to the creators) bugs that may interfere with your day-to-day use of your computer.

                          You can upgrade to Plasma 5.21.90 by adding the following command:
                          sudo add-apt-repository ppa:kubuntu-ppa/beta && sudo apt full-upgrade -y
                          You can see the report on the beta at:

                          I have installed it on both my 21.04 and 21.10 systems and it certainly works great for me and I will be interested to know if anyone tries this out - best of luck!


                            Plasma 5.22 Beta testing Day:
                            On #kubuntu-devel & #kubuntu on - IRC Nick: RikMills - Launchpad ID: click


                              This is a great idea! Am I to assume that the time-zone is that of the UK?

