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Pandemic ZOOM Kubu Win

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    Pandemic ZOOM Kubu Win

    I apologize, although many I am sure that there are those who do not care, that I have not been on the forums of late and my absence was exacerbated by the pandemic.

    I had started a thread maybe a year ago about how Kubu has shined in the whole thing but cannot find it and that is ok.

    So, a couple of comments.

    As I said in the previous thread Kubu continues to shine and has done even more so in terms of:

    a) dealing with a near constant barrage of ... shall we say... "required but unnecessary" viewings of mandated "types" of training. Almost all of these are government generated or hospital generated, but originated and mandated by the government "powerpoints" that are embedded in the colleges "training for teachers" part of the website.

    I really do not know why but for some reason, working at home, using Kubu I am able to wend my way through presentations that are FLATLY STATED will take several hours, as much as up to three, but that people can stop to take breaks.

    Well, there are multiple discussion threads about the things "breaking" "locking up", and what not and, although people cannot SAY it for fear of incurring the wrath of the powers that be, just do not work using their Windblowz machines at home.

    I have kept my mouth shut, surprising! huh!? , but, working from home using my Kubu machine I zip through the things in maybe... 45 minutes.

    So, Kubu is doing SOMETHING right!

    I average a student a week who is quarrantined, not because of exposure in the college, we have not had one recorded instance, but from a family member who was exposed etc.

    When I am ZOOMING at home, using the Kubu machine everything goes absolutely fine.

    But, when using the latest and greatest Win at the college, IN THE MIDDLE OF CLASS...a student WHO IS TO REMAIN OUT OF VIEW, for privacy reasons, of the seated students, the whole thing blows up because I get an e-mail, cannot not get them it is part of the system, and Microshaft just MUST GRAB CONTROL of everything and the e-mail pops up, overrides the ZOOM and my "powerpoint" presentation and displays the e-mall ALONGSIDE THE STUDENT's ZOOM(tm) IMAGE... in weird dual window setups.

    MS has taken control of everything, I cannot minimize this or that, I basically must turn off the projector to get control of the apps and get them in their correct order.

    This is not just me, it is other instructors also.

    I was... the who actually raised my head from duck down position and said... to riff on Oliver..."not MORE"... but ..."can't this be fixed?"

    I continue to be amazed at how college professors, who are teaching critical, high tech classes and have very nice degrees etc. just put up with Windblows.

    Anyway... the IT people finally said something like this.

    There are three browsers on the computers, Chrome(tm) which is being pushed by the administration, I.E. ( tm ) under a new name, and Firefox.

    I was told to open the e-mail in I.E. , open the .pdf of my presentations in Firefox, the college has dropped Adobe(tm) and the ZOOM in Chrome.

    I did not say anything because the older folks who actually liked me running Linux are gone and are replaced by die hard Windblows people.

    It seems to be that they are thinking that the situation will be kind of like a "container" and Windblows won't be able to blow up ZOOM.

    I tried it once in the chaos of bad weather and students stuck at home and requesting a ZOOM literally the hour before class started, having to deal with fully masked, gloved students , in a reduced number of students in a seated situation while ZOOMING using one of the hundreds of newly, desperately fast installed within weeks hundreds of "Logitec (tm ) cameras on teetering tripods on the back edge of a desk that now litter the classrooms of the college.

    If you saw that film about the weird silvery robot with big black eyes, forgot the name, that is what the classrooms now look like with the camera...

    BUT...we are fully open, although with class sizes reduced from 24 to 16 so that is, all in all, a good thing.

    It seemed to work, but, yet again, Microshaft had to stick its fingers into the pie and mess things up.

    I can do the same thing from home, I get e-mails through Kontact from the college and it very nicely just pops a notification, ZOOM works flawlessly, I have a presentation open in a window and the Logitech camera working very nicely.

    So, same setup except for the OS and Microshaft causes nothing but problems.


    KDE connect continues to shine when I have to do the dual password with an authentication number messaged to me from the college.

    I hand out text summaries of my presentations for the students that are scraped from Impress and occupy maybe two pages of physical paper if I so choose or two pages in Canvas(tm) for the students to print off themselves while the other profs are literally printing, or requiring the students to print, REAMS of the huge "handout" pages that are not alterable and provided by the textbook companies.

    The students complained so much that the college has automatically given them 500 sheets of paper credit on any photocopier/printer at the college to print the stuff of and that the students can stuff into their backpacks.

    A FEW students have actually wised up and purchased small laptops to carry and view the stuff, because guess what... although the textbook companies SAID that the students could use "any device, anywhere" they LIED and LIED and LIED... their proprietary stuff, which is kept on servers at the company cannot be viewed, for the most part, on a tablet.

    The "any device, any time" has disappeared from their descriptions when the students enter their portals.

    So, this was just an update to remind people that Kubu really does get the job done in many ways in what has turned out to be a very trying time for all.

    If anyone has any questions please ask.

    Last edited by woodsmoke; Feb 11, 2021, 06:31 PM. Reason: changed the first word "tablet" to "laptop" do not know why I entered the wrong word

    Glad to see you back on the forum @woodsmoke.
    Thanks for your analysis in this thread.
    I'm also so glad I'm no longer in academia. Don't miss it, even a teeny, tiny bit.
    Last edited by TWPonKubuntu; Feb 11, 2021, 02:26 PM.
    Kubuntu 24.04 64bit under Kernel 6.10.2, Hp Pavilion, 6MB ram. All Bow To The Great Google... cough, hack, gasp.


      Thanks for the update Woody! Glad to see that you are still kicking!

      I cite a link from the CDC webpage and refer viewers to Table 1.
      It is a graph showing death certificate counts of Covid, Pneumonia and Influenza victims. I capture part of it here:

      Notice that from Jan 1, 2020 to Feb 10, 2021, the TOTAL number of Covid deaths in the age groups 5 to 24 is 695 out of a total of 83,681,673 kids, HS and college students. That's not a typo. Most kids, if they contract Covid, are asymptomatic and recover without noticing it. It takes a PCR test to reveal IF they have the antigen or not.

      Now compare that with those who are 65 and over, and usually have "co-morbidities".

      A total of 443,107 deaths have covid on their death certificate, regardless of if they died of other causes, like vehicle accidents, etc.
      Of that total most are in the 85+ age group. 123,412 are in my age group, and 94,964 are between 65 and 74. That's a total of 359,956 or 81.2% of the total number of deaths. About 39% occurred in nursing homes and could have been prevented.
      Also note that those 359,956 deaths were from a total population of 54,058,263 people, or only 0.67%. Even if you are old, if you don't have co-morbidies then you mostly likely won't die from Covid if you catch it.

      Given what the CDC first claimed about masks, and Dr Fauci too, AND, Dr Fauci's statement about asymptomatic carriers, their changes of position without supporting Randomly Controlled Trials is disingenuous. Their changes of position is totally politically driven. I've read of it before. Lysenkoism in the old USSR. It put biological research in the USSR 40 years behind other countries.
      Last edited by GreyGeek; Feb 11, 2021, 02:19 PM.
      "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
      – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


        @GG, the CDC seems to be willing to change its "advice" on the proverbial dime. They probably have whiplash from all these changes.

        Like you, I'm in the higher age brackets and theoretically we are at a higher risk. I also note that influenza is being ignored since COVID arrived. I suspect that deaths from the flu are being counted as due to COVID.

        Don't trust the CDC statistics (third category of lies).
        Kubuntu 24.04 64bit under Kernel 6.10.2, Hp Pavilion, 6MB ram. All Bow To The Great Google... cough, hack, gasp.


          @TWPK, it appears that Covid cured the flu because flu cases were way down. The following graph is from the CDC website. Notice that the 20-21 flu season begins at week 40 of 2020 and ends at week 5 of 2021. Also notice how low it is compared to previous seasons, which gives rise to people, mockingly, saying that Covid cured the flu.

          Besides, the CDC says they stopped counting and reporting actual flu cases in 2009 and only estimate the count since then:

          Edit: The CDC gives this link to explain how they estimate flu cases:
          Last edited by GreyGeek; Feb 11, 2021, 05:38 PM.
          "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
          – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


            Only "appears" to cure. One more instance of misguiding the public. Presented as reason to enforce the lockdown and control of the population.

            This is why I build my library of software/hardware and books... I also archive 32bit software because I have such hardware in storage.

            Faraday cages are our friend...
            Kubuntu 24.04 64bit under Kernel 6.10.2, Hp Pavilion, 6MB ram. All Bow To The Great Google... cough, hack, gasp.


              Indeed they are!
              "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
              – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


                Hi folks!

                Thank you for the very nice comments and I noted with interest the information provided.

                I also noted two terms: Faraday Cages and Lysenkoism.

                As a comment the science books, especially biology USED TO ACTIVELY DISCUSS Lysenkoism and how it did, indeed set Russian science back decades, especially genetics.

                Now? It has DISAPPEARED from the textbooks, maybe... fifteen years ago?

                I still teach it with an image of Kruschev and Lysenko standing in a THAT Rye field! lol

                As to a Faraday Cage I was privileged to be chosen on a deep reach by AT&T, along with 9 others to go to a presentation in St. Louis where they were going to burn a diamond with a laser! An unheard of thing back in the late 70s and the whole setup was in a Faraday Cage! I did not have the knowledge or sense to actually ask WHY, but there it was.

                We were also shown how to actually construct a solar cell and given all of the materials to make several, all we needed was, literally, a "forge" at the school. Ours was in the shop, of course, and the Principal excused my students for a whole morning, as long as they "wrote and essay" or some other such for other teachers to have the shop teacher heat all of it in the forge. It was quite a deal. We had a kit for.. I think six of the things and one actually worked!

                Hey, thanks for the comments, again, and also for a nice trip down two memory lanes!


