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    @Bings, does your password manager allow you to make a backup of the current set of passwords? They will be encrypted, I hope, but without the backup you are exposed to failure of the password manager.

    I avoid using any password managers because I don't trust them. I do keep a backup of my passwords on several USB drives.
    Kubuntu 24.04 64bit under Kernel 6.10.2, Hp Pavilion, 6MB ram. All Bow To The Great Google... cough, hack, gasp.


      Yeah, there is a password protected database file that you can backup as many time as you want. You can also have it so you have to match a specific file on the computer to it as a second factor. Can export to .csv if you want to remove the program side of it entirely.


        So that is the solution, but it requires that you actually make a backup... If not, then you're kind of SOL. I don't know if Protonmail will allow you to request a new password or not.
        Kubuntu 24.04 64bit under Kernel 6.10.2, Hp Pavilion, 6MB ram. All Bow To The Great Google... cough, hack, gasp.


          I've been a paid subscriber to Tutanota for years. Never had a problem.
          If you think Education is expensive, try ignorance.

          The difference between genius and stupidity is genius has limits.


            Originally posted by GreyGeek View Post
            Just a few minutes ago, while surfing YT, I came across this video. It makes my point succinctly. Especially notice the Internet tracking of browsing videos and sites like eBay, alibaba, aliexpress, otto, JD, Flipkart, Rakuten and other Amazon competitors, especially those overseas. All the guy did was buy 3 filters for his diesel and do some Internet browsing.
            Wow, I did not know that the US has become such a surveillance state, I mean, this is just what they reproach to China, and they are doing it big time themselves, how hypocrite can they be.
            Je suis Charlie, how many more people have to die for religions
            linux user #447706 on
            A good place to start:
            Topic: Top 20 Kubuntu FAQs & Answers


              Originally posted by TWPonKubuntu View Post
              So that is the solution, but it requires that you actually make a backup... If not, then you're kind of SOL. I don't know if Protonmail will allow you to request a new password or not.
              You can request a new password if you set up a backup e-mail, which I did not.


                Oops, that's a reason to have a few throw-away email accounts, just to catch a temporary password which you can then change once you're back into Protonmail.
                Last edited by TWPonKubuntu; Jan 10, 2021, 04:57 PM.
                Kubuntu 24.04 64bit under Kernel 6.10.2, Hp Pavilion, 6MB ram. All Bow To The Great Google... cough, hack, gasp.


                  Originally posted by mbohets View Post
                  Wow, I did not know that the US has become such a surveillance state, I mean, this is just what they reproach to China, and they are doing it big time themselves, how hypocrite can they be.
                  I'm 79. I can remember when America was truly free. Sadly, it is now only a ghost of its former self and it is about to disappear completely. 1984, which is almost here already, is about bloom in its entirety.

                  Google wrote China's "Social Credit Scoring" system. They've mentioned several times, just like Facebook, that they were going to track account holders to other web sites that they visit to see if they post "unapproved" messages, and delete their Google accounts if they did. Zukerberg (FB) and Jack Dorsey (Twitter owner) said the same thing.

                  If you don't agree with the Social Platform's owner's political opinions they'll deplatform you in an instant. In fact, Mozilla, FB, Apple, Google, TW, Instagram, Reddit and others are now screaming "we need more than deplatforming". Search that phrase for yourself. Techcrunch had an article about it.

                  What happened in DC over the weekend was categorized by the MNM and the Far Left as a "violent riot", but I didn't see the "rioters" shooting and killing police, or burning buildings to the ground, or setting police cars, private cars and buses ablaze, or destroying private property, or attacking and beating citizens with chains, baseball bats and other clubs, dousing urine on or pepper spraying bystanders, etc. However, one DC "rioter" did get shot by the Capital Police, an unarmed woman and veteran with four tours of duty and 14 years of service.

                  The same MNM described real riots as "mostly peaceful protests". Presidential VP Elect Harris told Colbert that the BLM & AntiFa riots should not stop, but should continue after the election. Over the last dozen years or so political correctness has gutted the 1st amendment and most of the others have been weakened. With the Democrats now in control of ALL FOUR branches of government you can expect a big overhaul of the Bill of Rights and the Constitution itself. At lest expect to see a modification of the "freedom of religion", the "free speech" and "freedom of the press" components of the 1st Amendment. Expect to see a move to nullify the 2nd Amendment, including stuffing the Supreme Court to get it done. Won't the Republicans and Independents oppose these acts? Biden says he'll "restore ethics" (this from a serial liar and plagiarizer) to both houses by changing their rules. IOW, the "loyal opposition" will just be spectators. That will be done by eliminating the filibuster and making votes a simple majority. That will work well in the Senate. Also, expect the electoral college to disappear and voting rights and labor laws to change drastically. Biden would roll back to the public health and environmental rules that the Obama administration had in place. He said he would rejoin the Paris climate accord by executive order, but he would aim to set higher standards.

                  The Washington Post lists some other things he has promised to do "Day 1":
                  He has pledged to send a bill to Congress repealing liability protections for gun manufacturers, and closing background-check loopholes.
                  He would send an immigration bill to Congress creating a pathway to citizenship for 11 million undocumented immigrants and retaining rights for “dreamers,” who were brought to the United States illegally as children.
                  He would move to eliminate tax cuts passed under Trump in 2017, affecting individuals as well as large corporations.
                  Considering the modern farming is nothing more than a way of using land to convert oil into food, if Biden carries through with his promise to shut down coal productions and reduce oil and gas production then we can count on being dependent on Arab oil again, with all the down sides that brings. Wind and solar doesn't have the energy density to power plows, planters, harvesters, drying equipment, trucks, semi's, trains or planes, which is how food gets to processors and then to markets. Most people think food grows on the supermarket shelves, and don't have a clue as to how to raise their own food, even if they have the land to do it. Most don't. They'll do what the Venezuelans did: kill and eat rodents, snakes, birds and fish until those animals are hard to find. Then they'll take what they can carry and walk to other countries. Where are Americans going to walk to? Canada? That country is getting worse than America is. Venezuela is a sad ending for a country which was the wealthiest in SA and was/is setting on the largest oil field in SA. The Venezuelans knew that they were voting for Marxism, and so did the Americans. Now they'll get their fill if it.

                  But, not to worry. The vast majority of Americans, even those with firearms, don't care, and won't do anything as long as the government can take from the haves and give to them, until there is no one left to take from, then the gov will force them to work on the farms and factories as wages they scoffed at when they were free. How do I know this? It's all happened before. China showed how it is done.
                  Last edited by GreyGeek; Jan 10, 2021, 04:04 PM.
                  "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
                  – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


                    Dang GG, that is too true. We live in interesting times...

                    I'm worried about how this will play out, over the next few years. I also worry about how soon we will hit the bottom of the cliff that we all, collectively, just fell over.

                    I'm archiving as much of my computer/Internet related hardware/software as I can, but that will not help me get through a social/society collapse. Everyone, get your backup/spares of all your software and hardware, including documentation for everything, preferably with hard copy physical books.

                    I'm also doing other things but those don't relate to this forum.

                    I hope that other members of this forum also see what you and I see, and that they are acting to address their future.
                    Kubuntu 24.04 64bit under Kernel 6.10.2, Hp Pavilion, 6MB ram. All Bow To The Great Google... cough, hack, gasp.

