This has nothing to do with Linux or maybe it does...dunno...
But, I have taken a LOT of history courses starting in high school and throughout my undergrad.. finally kind of finishing with "History of the Renaissance and Reformation" course...and NONE of it really "spoke" to me as describing a way of actually...don't know how to say it... really "explaining why" this or that has happened except for a long litany of kings killing other kings or church people killing kings or vice versa.
Until I read Toynbee when I was in the Navy.. NO...NOT the full 16 volume set which is 15 volumes of actual DATA... but the first summary book.
He was on the front cover of, I think, TIME magazine and the article described his thesis and finished by saying something like...
"He comes in and out of vogue, mostly out of vogue, because IF WHAT HE PROPOSES IS CORRECT ...then ALL of the other "historical analysis / theory / etc. of academia for a century is automatically so much dead weight and can be use as door stops.".
I, personally found his ideas refreshing and have mentioned him in my lectures on "populations" for ...dunno... twenty years... Today, I have a couple of slides in my presentation with the image from time included. the students are, of course, bored but...hey, even though they are getting "technical" education, they are also SUPPOSED to be getting at least SOME "liberal arts education".
Well, THIS guy... really does have a thought provoking idea...and I curiously find reference to it in TWO EXTERNAL OCCURRENCES...that i viewed on t.v. then and now.
When Trump took office CNN or some other schlock news group went to Afghanistan and filmed TEENAGE GIRLS in a Madras... they were all dressed in white and had only one textbook, the KORAN and were all trained to repeat 'in unison" ONE THING...and I will attempt a quote:
"We, ( Muslims ) INVENTED your sciences and you give us NO CREDIT".
Well, they are correct... but miss one thing...they invented the sciences but then completely DROPPED any development...
Another statement...
GENERICALLY ...just what has been the "mantra" of the "environentalists" for decades? That Western Civilization is "destroying the world"...
GENERICALLY... ANTIFA and BLM and others of the ilk chant stuff TO A TOM - TOM drum that "white folks"...( read western civilization ) , also "business"...read westerncivilization ) etc...need to be "got rid of" after they get rid of the "police"...
The above stated groups are referred to by some as "anarchists"...but that classification does not REALLY provide a solution...amicable to BOTH sides... other than "lock 'em up" or "kill whitey"...
The thesis of this book ..."might"...provide a new perspectve... that of "vertical familial grouping" as opposed to "lateral / organizational grouping". dunno...just a thought..
There are parts of the article that really DO... reference what these people SAY that they "hate"... "western civilization"... and ...generally, are of a "different societal structure"...
LATE BREAKING NEWS...the 8 members of the "New Afrikan Black Panther Part that were arrested for rioting in NYC ... are NOT BLACK OR POOR...they are ALL..."rich white kids"... again... what brought them together...?
I'm not saying anything AGAINST ANTIFA or BLM or any of that what I AM saying is that the thesis of the man really does...kind of "predict" the statements that we hear daily or heard "once on CNN" a few years ago..
Soooo the article is about a new refreshing look at WHY... and then...later..."how"...western civilization MIGHT be the constructed the way that it is...
And if it is correct then COULD ...itt FINALLY might give a "perspective" as to how "we in the west"...
BUT ALSO...how "we in the east"
might finally have a point of common discussion as to how to "resolve' ...maybe... the "differences" between seemingly disparate world views of various peoples...
To state it baldly...recognition of this "might" be a way for "the west" to understand the cultural mindset of "the east" AND VICE VERSA..
One wonders if there is an "equivalency" in say... the Muhammed's approach to "building a religion" to the Catholics..."building a religion"...
and IF there is...how do EITHER..."mindsets" really relate to the modern "industrial complex" that dominates "western' civilization and SEEMINGLY...is beginning to dominate "eastern" civilization.
His thesis, which he backed up with 15 books of data can be kind of baldly stated as:
Societies "develop" or "do not develop" because of either "too much pressure" or "too little pressure" on them from "outside forces" such as "attacks by other groups" or by "environment".
Several very extreme examples.
Eskimos "did not develop" because they live in such an EXTREME environment.
Polynesions "did not develop" because they live in such a BENIGN environment.
The Chinese 'started to develop because they had several highly variedd environments which placed MODERATE environmental pressure on the society and they had MODERATE pressure from outside groups attacking them. but then the "Great Wall" was built and there was NO PRESSURE from outside groups attacking them and they "refined themselves but then stagnated".
The Europeans had MODERATE climate pressures and "about equal" attacks against each other which could be called MODERATE and thus developed more than the Chinese.
The U.S. had MODERATE and variable climate with very "light" attack pressure from the Native Indians and after defeating the British no "attack pressure" and so could "develop ideally".
This has nothing to do with Linux or maybe it does...dunno...
But, I have taken a LOT of history courses starting in high school and throughout my undergrad.. finally kind of finishing with "History of the Renaissance and Reformation" course...and NONE of it really "spoke" to me as describing a way of actually...don't know how to say it... really "explaining why" this or that has happened except for a long litany of kings killing other kings or church people killing kings or vice versa.
Until I read Toynbee when I was in the Navy.. NO...NOT the full 16 volume set which is 15 volumes of actual DATA... but the first summary book.
He was on the front cover of, I think, TIME magazine and the article described his thesis and finished by saying something like...
"He comes in and out of vogue, mostly out of vogue, because IF WHAT HE PROPOSES IS CORRECT ...then ALL of the other "historical analysis / theory / etc. of academia for a century is automatically so much dead weight and can be use as door stops.".
I, personally found his ideas refreshing and have mentioned him in my lectures on "populations" for ...dunno... twenty years... Today, I have a couple of slides in my presentation with the image from time included. the students are, of course, bored but...hey, even though they are getting "technical" education, they are also SUPPOSED to be getting at least SOME "liberal arts education".
Well, THIS guy... really does have a thought provoking idea...and I curiously find reference to it in TWO EXTERNAL OCCURRENCES...that i viewed on t.v. then and now.
When Trump took office CNN or some other schlock news group went to Afghanistan and filmed TEENAGE GIRLS in a Madras... they were all dressed in white and had only one textbook, the KORAN and were all trained to repeat 'in unison" ONE THING...and I will attempt a quote:
"We, ( Muslims ) INVENTED your sciences and you give us NO CREDIT".
Well, they are correct... but miss one thing...they invented the sciences but then completely DROPPED any development...
Another statement...
GENERICALLY ...just what has been the "mantra" of the "environentalists" for decades? That Western Civilization is "destroying the world"...
GENERICALLY... ANTIFA and BLM and others of the ilk chant stuff TO A TOM - TOM drum that "white folks"...( read western civilization ) , also "business"...read westerncivilization ) etc...need to be "got rid of" after they get rid of the "police"...
The above stated groups are referred to by some as "anarchists"...but that classification does not REALLY provide a solution...amicable to BOTH sides... other than "lock 'em up" or "kill whitey"...
The thesis of this book ..."might"...provide a new perspectve... that of "vertical familial grouping" as opposed to "lateral / organizational grouping". dunno...just a thought..
There are parts of the article that really DO... reference what these people SAY that they "hate"... "western civilization"... and ...generally, are of a "different societal structure"...
LATE BREAKING NEWS...the 8 members of the "New Afrikan Black Panther Part that were arrested for rioting in NYC ... are NOT BLACK OR POOR...they are ALL..."rich white kids"... again... what brought them together...?
I'm not saying anything AGAINST ANTIFA or BLM or any of that what I AM saying is that the thesis of the man really does...kind of "predict" the statements that we hear daily or heard "once on CNN" a few years ago..
Soooo the article is about a new refreshing look at WHY... and then...later..."how"...western civilization MIGHT be the constructed the way that it is...
And if it is correct then COULD ...itt FINALLY might give a "perspective" as to how "we in the west"...
BUT ALSO...how "we in the east"
might finally have a point of common discussion as to how to "resolve' ...maybe... the "differences" between seemingly disparate world views of various peoples...
To state it baldly...recognition of this "might" be a way for "the west" to understand the cultural mindset of "the east" AND VICE VERSA..
One wonders if there is an "equivalency" in say... the Muhammed's approach to "building a religion" to the Catholics..."building a religion"...
and IF there is...how do EITHER..."mindsets" really relate to the modern "industrial complex" that dominates "western' civilization and SEEMINGLY...is beginning to dominate "eastern" civilization.
His thesis, which he backed up with 15 books of data can be kind of baldly stated as:
Societies "develop" or "do not develop" because of either "too much pressure" or "too little pressure" on them from "outside forces" such as "attacks by other groups" or by "environment".
Several very extreme examples.
Eskimos "did not develop" because they live in such an EXTREME environment.
Polynesions "did not develop" because they live in such a BENIGN environment.
The Chinese 'started to develop because they had several highly variedd environments which placed MODERATE environmental pressure on the society and they had MODERATE pressure from outside groups attacking them. but then the "Great Wall" was built and there was NO PRESSURE from outside groups attacking them and they "refined themselves but then stagnated".
The Europeans had MODERATE climate pressures and "about equal" attacks against each other which could be called MODERATE and thus developed more than the Chinese.
The U.S. had MODERATE and variable climate with very "light" attack pressure from the Native Indians and after defeating the British no "attack pressure" and so could "develop ideally".