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Win 10 collapsed during first lab days at college

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    Win 10 collapsed during first lab days at college

    This is not a 'rant" is is merely a statement about what happened.

    All of the laboratories and classrooms have had an "in the ceiling projector" and a " a few year old" computer hooked to it since the campus opened. This is true of other campii also.

    However, this last year the "towers" at my campus were replaced with a "touch screen H.P. monitor with built in computer processor".

    Everything has worked fine except for Windblows sometimes balking at running Powerpoint(tm) presentation made with the original version of the app or L.O. Presenter.

    But, the first day back we started getting Canvas(tm) messages from students that they were "quarantined" because of parental quarantine because the Canvas(tm) app e-mail was not available until the first day of class.

    That worked ok.

    However, THEN all the instructors with such students started setting up ZOOM(tm) for the students. The students were "ready to go" with hardware and internet access at home

    Since EVERYONE is masked at all times I had requested the use of a "throat mic" and was pleasantly surprised when one was provided! However, I do not need to use it.

    However, again, because I tend to be "out on the edge" of stuff computer-wise the IT people DID ME A FAVOR...and provided a SEPERATE and smaller monitor to display the ZOOM students so that my main monitor could display the presentation. I do not know how many other teachers had a separate monitor.

    Just a few days earlier the IT people had brought in a "web cam on a tripod" and a Jabra(tm) combo microphone and speaker, this was for ALL classrooms and labs.

    Well, Microshaft continuously rolls out the latest OS and all of the latest apps. Thus the integrated touch screen computer has the absolute latest and greates Win 10 on it. The desktop has the "right hand slid out" panel hidden but it is still there. The hardware monitor has FOUR ( 4 ) usb ports buried under the bottom of it.


    one usb has the keyboard, another usb has the mouse, another usb has the camera and the other usb has the Jabra(tm).

    When it was first set up it worked fine...I could move an app from one monitor to the other ...although...I did have to set up the other monitor as the "left" monitor is setup. That was ok. I showed a presentation and things worked fine.

    BUT... the second day was just a "bollux up" for many instructors.

    Win 10 just literally collapsed under the many processes involved in having Zoom(tm) on the extra monitor, processing the TWO streaming signals from the camera and the speaker, and also the Powerpoint(tm) app which MS considers to takes precedence over all other apps. AND the main monitor and Powerpoint(tm) and desktop being shared to the projector.

    When the first qurantined student logged in ZOOM(tm) literally moved from one monitor to the other and jammed Powerpoint(tm) of into the supposedly non existence "right panel",, Powerpoint(tm) would suddenly appear and disappear from one monitor to the other monitor.. ZOOM was supposed to be able to record but trying to record collapsed the app, whether that was a ZOOM(tm) or Windblows(tm). nobody could figure out.

    And it was happening in almost all classrooms and labs. It was just a MESS...

    Settings for ZOOM(tm) just "went away:" which was probably a ZOOM(tm) problem.

    The IT person recomended shutting everything down and unpugging the camera, speaker and extra monitor.

    After this was done then Win10 settled down and things worked fine.

    NOW THIS MAY HAVE BEEN a problem with the processing power of the integrated monitor/processor ... dunno...

    I have seldom criticized Windblows because of "bloat", but this, I think, was an example of "bloat" ...all of the "stuff" that Windblows has running and then when having to deal with four ACTIVE USBs.. TWO MONITORS AND ALSO "sharing" the main monitor with the overhead just couldn't handle it.

    I would be interested to hear comments from others who may have observed similar behaviour with "Win...whatever recent version". and a lot of processes, hardware calls etc.

    Last edited by woodsmoke; Sep 01, 2020, 08:23 PM.

    To compare fairly, would a Kubuntu-run computer have been able to do the same things without crashing? I don't know, just raising a point.


      Originally posted by oldgeek View Post
      To compare fairly, would a Kubuntu-run computer have been able to do the same things without crashing? I don't know, just raising a point.
      you ask a VERY good question...and i have asked it of myself several times in the last two days.

      I do not know...really... but if one goes back to Win98... it had no USB support, because it didn't need it, and MS then put out an update and Win98se that had a relatively good support for USB... supposedly MS has moved heaven and earth to move "away" from their practice of "putting updates" on the original OS and has now a completely "new" OS... so... dunno... does the totally "new" OS still have legacy things like USB support in it..dunno.

      And also there is the situation of Windblows only putting out a "basic" driver to get a peripheral running and then relying on the peripheral manufacturer to provide their "better" drivers..

      Here is the closest article I could find..

      but, good question!



        My KDE Plasma 5 20.04 has a USB mouse, stereo speakers, headphones, laser printer and active 8 port USB hub. On occasions I have, with all that stuff connected to USB, plugged in an external USB CDROM that requires two ports, a Watcom board and an Earthmate GPS receiver (powered by gpsd). I also have a an RTL-SDR USB receiver that I use for listening to transmissions from 500KHz to 1.7Ghz. Never had a problem ... yet. I've also been using an Arduino Mega 2560 Controller kit to pay around with. Then I read an article about using the RTL-SDR receiver to decode GPS signals. Using a dual band GPS patch antenna one can pick up, besides the American GPS system, the Russian GLONSS gps that allows +- 1cm accuracy with RTKlib. So, I downloaded GNSS-RTKLIB and compiled them, along with several other sources to create the biast voltage in the USB dongle. It took about 45 minutes to compile the eight rtl_* applications. My dual band patch antenna arrives tomorrow, then the fun starts.
        "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
        – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


          Originally posted by GreyGeek View Post
          My KDE Plasma 5 20.04 has a USB mouse, stereo speakers, headphones, laser printer and active 8 port USB hub. On occasions I have, with all that stuff connected to USB, plugged in an external USB CDROM that requires two ports, a Watcom board and an Earthmate GPS receiver (powered by gpsd). I also have a an RTL-SDR USB receiver that I use for listening to transmissions from 500KHz to 1.7Ghz. Never had a problem ... yet. I've also been using an Arduino Mega 2560 Controller kit to pay around with. Then I read an article about using the RTL-SDR receiver to decode GPS signals. Using a dual band GPS patch antenna one can pick up, besides the American GPS system, the Russian GLONSS gps that allows +- 1cm accuracy with RTKlib. So, I downloaded GNSS-RTKLIB and compiled them, along with several other sources to create the biast voltage in the USB dongle. It took about 45 minutes to compile the eight rtl_* applications.

          My dual band patch antenna arrives tomorrow, then the fun starts.
          Hi GG... that IS quite a lot of stuff attached to a Linux machine!

          But, just one little question... does your rig control the coffee maker also? just askin' for a friend.


