Originally posted by Beerislife
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I'd recommend UbuntuDDE for your wife. A DE can't get any simpler than that to use, IMO. And, it is lightning fast, stable and beautiful. It will do everything she probably wants to do without problems. Install TimeShift and a 2nd HD or SSD and use that HD or SSD as the destination for the backup copies. Set TimeShift to make automatic backups, keeping only the last two or three only, so that you don't have to worry about her losing anything. The UDDE "Control" panel is as simple as it gets, very plain and easy to understand, but very effective. It is not hard to figure out and won't give her any troubles.
Yesterday, for grins and giggles, I decided to see what would happen if I installed the plasma-desktop onto UDDE. The installation was problem free and 311 packages were installed. I logged out, expecting to see a dropdown combo button on the login page allowing me to choose between Deepin and Plasma. No such button was present.
So, I ran the KDE Systemsettings program and on the user account page I did find such a button and set it to plasma. When I logged out there was NO DE option available on the login page. I tried rebooting as well.
However, Deepin was built using the Qt5 API so all of the Plasma packages were compatible. When I did "sudo apt purge plasma-desktop" only 87 packages were removed. In the Terminal I did "sudo apt autoremove" and another 150 or so disconnected packages were uninstalled. Several KDE apps were left behind but the ones I've tried work fine. Dolphin, KWrite, kpat and others. None of these gymnastics changed the systemd files in any way.
She'll love that hummingbird!