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Firefox 75 - resizing the bulgy bar

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    Firefox 75 - resizing the bulgy bar

    Firefox 75 introduces some "improvements" one of which causes the address bar to swell up and partially obscure the surrounding area when the user does some things like clicking in the url bar or opening a new tab.

    There are some about:config hacks to reverse some of the "improvements" with the caveat that the hacks may get the axe down the road.

    Right now, I'm using the CSS provided here:

    I don't know how long they'll let users use that route.
    Last edited by chimak111; Apr 08, 2020, 10:30 PM.
    Kubuntu 20.04

    Setting "browser.urlbar.update1" to false (and the others as well) didn't work for me.
    "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
    – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


      I just updated, got FF 75. I don't dislike the bulgy bar at all, actually.
      I mean, what is the problem if it "partially obscures the surrounding area" when I click it? I'm not doing anything in the surrounding area, I'm doing them in the bar...


        Originally posted by GreyGeek View Post
        Setting "browser.urlbar.update1" to false (and the others as well) didn't work for me.
        Did you try a restart of the browser?

        Anyway, I took the CSS route.
        Kubuntu 20.04


          Originally posted by GreyGeek View Post
          Setting "browser.urlbar.update1" to false (and the others as well) didn't work for me.
          Originally posted by chimak111 View Post
          Did you try a restart of the browser?
          Worked for me on both Ubuntu and Kubuntu after restarting Firefox. I only needed to toggle the setting that was displayed first.


            Originally posted by Don B. Cilly View Post
            I just updated, got FF 75. I don't dislike the bulgy bar at all, actually.
            I mean, what is the problem if it "partially obscures the surrounding area" when I click it? I'm not doing anything in the surrounding area, I'm doing them in the bar...

            But I suppose it could be a problem if you have modified your Firefox from the default look.


              Originally posted by WaltS48 View Post

              But I suppose it could be a problem if you have modified your Firefox from the default look.
              Hmmm... I guess that's why users choose Firefox. And the bulge really enhances functionality. I wonder why it took so many years to incorporate such a valuable feature.
              Kubuntu 20.04


                And ...

                Remove browser.urlbar.update1 pref coming to you in Fx 77. Thanks Dao!
                Kubuntu 20.04


                  I use CustomCSSforFx (16,000 lines of CSS) to minimize firefox UI elements. Just done a git pull, lots of changes but nothing affecting me.

                  UI people seem to hate users messing with their designs, and my tweaks to get a reasonable interface keep getting broken. Keeping tabs in one piece (that is, below the navigation and bookmarks bars) has been a struggle over the years.

                  CustomCSSforFx had no trouble with firefox 75, I didn't notice.
                  Regards, John Little


                    Originally posted by jlittle View Post
                    I use CustomCSSforFx ...
                    Aris is a genius. Maybe he's already done some magic that takes care of things.

                    Yes, the early part of the changelog here has a lot to do with the megabar. And he's already trying to address v77 in which they'll kill off the about:config options.

                    (There was a time he got quite frustrated and wanted to move to some other browser.)

                    Anyway, I sincerely want to know how the "bulge" is materially or functionally beneficial to users. Was it a feature much requested by users?
                    Last edited by chimak111; Apr 12, 2020, 08:48 PM.
                    Kubuntu 20.04


                      Chimak111 wrote:
                      "address bar to swell up".

                      Well... I THINK that this is exactly what I would like to have happen when I am using the Kparadigmshift spin of Kubu... standing halfway across the room I can easily increase the size of the "text inside a document" etc but, the "tabs" are very small and the text is hard to read.

                      I've tried various ideas for "increasing the size of the text in the URL / tab" and had what can only be called "disasterous results".

                      So,. FF 75... I am typing this IN Firefox 72.0.1 and do not see the reported behaviour so I'll maybe have to see if i can upgrade FF...dunno...

                      But, THANK YOU for this post because it introduced a new term to me..."bulgy"... lol



                        well, I just installed FF75, using SNAP and I do not see any "bulgy bar" is there some way to enable it?


                          Nothing to do with Firefox but if you've enabled it in Desktop Effects, pressing Meta plus + will magnify the entire screen. And Meta plus - will bring it back to normal. There are a few settings for this feature as well.
                          Kubuntu 20.04


                            ill try that


                              lol just lol
                              HOW MANY YEARS have I done desktop effects, going all the way back to having to install multiple packages to get "compiz fusion" working to make the desktop into a cylinder! lol

                              just lol...

                              And I just plain FORGOT about that... it was enabled and it does indeed magnify the whole desktop.

                              But, still no bulgy bar...


