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In this time of fear, make the call.

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    In this time of fear, make the call.

    Today, I called a bunch of people I care about just to see if they were OK. Karma kicked in and I received a few similar calls and texts from people I wouldn't have expected. In this time of fear, uncertainty, and real danger for some, this may be the most important thing out there.

    We all either will or will not catch the virus. Most of us will be fine, some will not. Do not let this time pass without that call or text. You may not get the chance again.

    To that end, I wish all of you who visit here, whether once or tens of thousands of times, safety and survival for you and those who you care about. Stay safe.

    Please Read Me

    The company that owns my apartment complex, and a fairly large number of others here, seems to have been trying to get in contact with each and every tennant, just in case and to make sure they have good contact and emergency info. Thats a big undertaking, for the size of their office. Kudos to those thinking about others in this way, for sure.


      Well said, oshunluver!
      My wife and I have been making some calls, checking on folks.
      A lot of kids who have been away at school have all come home because their school closed and/or their jobs were furloughed.

      My grandson who is a Sr in HS this year and will be playing baseball at Central College in Pella, IA next year, was notified that his HS is closing till April 1st. They called it an extension of spring vacation, which was initially just one week but was extended another week, until they finally said April 1st. More than likely I suspect they will cancel the rest of the school year. His weight training sessions were canceled and so was the summer baseball schedule, so his skill level will take a hit. With the virus shutting down jobs all over he and other HS kids won't be able to find summer work.

      My daughter told me that Tyler had enough credits to graduate last December, so the shutdown isn't affecting him. He was taking a second semester of Spanish and Calc III, and Physics. He's a good student. His GPA is 3.8 and he doesn't need a teacher to hold his hand while he learns.
      Last edited by GreyGeek; Mar 23, 2020, 08:17 PM.
      "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
      – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


        wise thoughts all.

