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Digital Sundials and ...

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    Christmas in July, Wikipedia has a page on it.
    Calendar-wise, it's obviously quite wrong, as if it were "specular", it would be on June 25th, whereas it is usually on July 25th.
    But then, it's mainly based on... silliness, so hey.

    Atheists and agnostics... obviously they can count the years from whatever date they choose.
    Which would you choose? The foundation of Rome was rather important to history (outside China ;·), but you could choose...
    Obviously, it's a rather useless exercise, but if you have some moral/philosophical issues with Christianity, which I do, it can be a silly way of stating your independence of thought.
    Because even the Chinese use the Gregorian calendar and count years from the birth of Christ, because they're practically-minded and CBS :·)

    The winter solstice though... the northern hemisphere is where roughly 88% of the world's population is... maybe we should count months from that.
    Just call Dec. 21 Jan 1.
    It would synchronise the calendar and the seasons astronomically. Not a bad thing.

    I would just like to thank the admins for moving the thread to a more sensible place, as we could not really have continued where it was, and I'm enjoying it :·)


      Originally posted by jlittle View Post
      IIUC, nowhere in Australia (where people actually live) has winter. Think southern California, but with much, much bigger deserts.

      Maybe Tasmania? Melbourne can get cold and miserable, but sleet, not snow, and can be 100° F a few days later.
      My wife lives in Braidwood NSW, elevation approx 660m and about an hour out of Canberra. They seem to get snow semi-regularly. It dos not stick around, though.

      It snows there more often than it does here in Savannah, Georgia. I miss it. I have had snow once since I moved down here from Maine in 2012

