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matzo matzah SAVE default

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    matzo matzah SAVE default

    This is a post that is intended to SPARK DEBATE... intense or not

    MANY of the various distrubitions try to distinguis themselves from "other" distributions by a variety of things... appearance, ease of install, yada yada...

    BUT... they ALL, until they "mature", tend to stick with the "basic paradigm" of the "flavour" of the "base" flavour of Ubuntu or whatever.




    LINUX DEFAULTS TO SAVING pictures here and documents there an .iso images here or there depending upon THE QUIRKS of the person(s) who want to make a new distro and become HE/SHE person of the Universe!

    So, this person would like to start a discussion, WHICH MAY BE MOOT...

    about whether...or not...

    "there might be an option on the first install of a Kubuntu ) KDE whatever) as to...hey..."just save all of the new stuff "here".or enable the normal way of saving pictures in pictures or documents in documents ...or WHAT...EVERRRRRR...


    an option to "save to USB" ... or "save to external HD" or...

    someplace OTHER than the physical drive upon which the distro is placed...

    IT WOULD BE AN EXTRA STEP AND IMPLY THAT THE USER IS SOPHISTICATED ENOUGH to actually PLAN AHEAD... to ALWAYS have an external "storage space" in place...

    wood just a question for discussion smoke
    Last edited by woodsmoke; Oct 18, 2019, 06:30 PM.

    Plasma, and Kubuntu, has historically chosen NOT to have first run pop-up thingies.
    Anyway, the download save location is set in the browser, not in the Desktop, so you have to make one of these for each and every browser in the repos.

    fwiw, the "Linux is about choices" is a bit of a misnomer. Linux is about freedom. You have the freedom to use something, or something else. You have the freedom to modify the source code to your needs, or not. A distro has the freedom to choose what it includes as a default, and the user has the freedom to use a different default, or even a different distro . It is not necessarily about giving users every option or button or feature that they want (Gnome, anyone?) An open source project is not obligated to provide what every user demands or wishes every time, though most of them at least listen discussing ideas if useful proposals with good use-case scenarios are laid out.

    I'll tell you you would very likely have a huge backlash over having a 'bloated useless blah blah' first-run dialog on the desktop side.


      ? I always get asked where to save a file to , at least in firefox , yes "Downloads" is the default it goes to BUT if you just navagate to a diferent location in the "save as" dialog , it goes their .

      if I'm geting or sending a file to/from another computer in the house I'm already in Dolphin in split pain mode and just drag and drop to where I want .
      yes some programs have their own default save location but usually that can be set/changed in the programs settings .

      i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
      16GB RAM
      Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores


        thank you for the reply.
        And you are correct Linux IS about Freedom I should have qualified my writing maybe with "choices in terms of OS style, etc'.
        and nope, been there done that on the flame wars about "bloated" . lol One example being SuperOS and the like.


          Ummm... WOAH...

          "split pane mode" BETWEEN COMPUTERS!!! WOAH!! Would you care to ELUCIDATE on that a little!?

          I, "generally" have two computers running a "lot" of the time, a work computer and the large screen t.v Kparadigm shift, and I would greatly appreciate a 'how to". maybe? on that.

          MAYBE start a sticky thread. just a thought.



            Originally posted by woodsmoke View Post
            Ummm... WOAH...

            "split pane mode" BETWEEN COMPUTERS!!! WOAH!! Would you care to ELUCIDATE on that a little!?

            I, "generally" have two computers running a "lot" of the time, a work computer and the large screen t.v Kparadigm shift, and I would greatly appreciate a 'how to". maybe? on that.

            MAYBE start a sticky thread. just a thought.

            set up SSH or samba, etc on remote system, then in Dolphin's Network section, ... click "add network folder". You can add the created folder to your sidebar. Just open it in a split window., No need for a how to, really.

            This goes back to at least the KDE 3 days, if not to KDE 2, in Konqueror. I used it to make a connection to my web host via FTP way back when I was a Linux noob.


              Originally posted by claydoh View Post
              set up SSH or samba, etc on remote system, then in Dolphin's Network section, ... click "add network folder". You can add the created folder to your sidebar. Just open it in a split window., No need for a how to, really.

              This goes back to at least the KDE 3 days, if not to KDE 2, in Konqueror. I used it to make a connection to my web host via FTP way back when I was a Linux noob.
              ya the way I do a quick and easy one is with SSH , that is on 2 or more linux boxes

              and @woodsmoke my setup is quite similar , my laptop is my work/play station and a VIZIO 38" flatscreen TV the monitor for an oldish DELL desktop that sits in the corner.

              the desktop is connected to the TV through an HDMI line in the "side" input of the TV so if the wife wants internet (netflix amazon bla bla bla ) she just switches the TV to the "side" input and uses a small wireless keyboard with track pad to control the desktop.

              now lets say I just acquired on my work station some file's I want to see on the TV , I just open Dolphin and go to "network" and my saved connection to the desktop is their , I click it , it asks for my password on the desktop , and my home directory on the desktop is opened .
              Now it's just a mater of going split screen and navigating to the files I want and dragging them over to the desktop's connection .

              now this is with SSH and so will be using SFTP and as such the files will get copied to the desktop from the work station.

              A better way is to have NFS on the boxes as it's a "network file system" and as such it dose not copy the files over but treats them as part of the mounted filesystems so you get "native" access to them as if they were on the same computer.

              the SSH way is pretty simple , just install the SSH server and client on both boxes then open Dolphin and go to the "network" selection in the places panel and then "add network folder" then select the "type" ssh , you will get a setup dialog where you put in a "name" for the connection the "user" (on the box your connecting to) the "server" to connect to (this will be the IP address of the box your connecting to on your LAN 192.168.x.x ) the "port" (default is 22) and the "folder" to connect to (as /home/<the user you put in> ((or that's how I do it))

              For NFS , look up a good howto it's more involved than I can get hear off the top of my head , BUT is just great once setup correctly ( I have used it )

              i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
              16GB RAM
              Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores


                claydoh and vinnie!

                Thank you! I never even thought of doing that!

                I would like to very gently suggest that this thread be made a sticky for new people who show up. Maybe a more descriptive title...hmmm I'll see if i can change it. Thanks again!


