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Neon 5.16 - unstable

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    Neon 5.16 - unstable

    So, mainly because of clock issues, I got my ten electrons and went totally unstable.
    In fact, I'm so unstable that people cross the street when they see me coming... er... not really.
    And come to think of it, neon and unstable are slightly contradictory, aren't they, as few things in nature are as stable as neon...

    ... and no, it's not really that unstable at all.
    Sure, OpenGL goes bonkers every now and then, and things like sticky notes exhibit most annoying behaviours, but on the whole it's pretty much an 18.04 with a good-looking clock :·)
    I even got a cloud subscription for xplanletFX so it looks almost as good as 14.04.

    What bugged me a bit was, it was updating pretty much constantly.
    It took me a little while do discover that disabling notifications in the system settings didn't work, but disabling them in the panel settings did.
    So I'm quite unstably happy.

    Well , you *are* on the cutting-edge, constantly updated, there-will-be-bugs track, relatively speaking. They have done a good job at taking pre-release code, even pre-pre-release, and building Plasma packages that are trsted enough by the automated system to be usable. The broken stuff usually doesn't make it out the door.

    5.16 will be released soon enough that your constant updating should end once you move to the stable packages.


      Well, I can tell my kids I'm bleedin' edge...

      Originally posted by claydoh View Post
      5.16 will be released soon enough that your constant updating should end once you move to the stable packages.
      Not soon enough for me
      And yes, I would like to move on to them, even though, as I've said, I'm quite happy for the moment.

