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Firefox bug disables all addons

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    Firefox bug disables all addons

    Thanks for that, mozilla.

    Yes. it did that to me. Went all yellow and red.
    "Find a replacement" didn't find any, installing new addons gave "Download failed - Try again"... etc.

    I almost called the Flakes... * but it fixed itself within an hour or so.

    * Well my browser went crazy
    Yesterday afternoon
    The tech guy he said "Your PC's out of tune"
    This great information cost me half a week's pay
    And the computer blew up later on the next day...
    Hey hey hey, blew up the next day...

    --- Frank Zappa (well, almost)


      The solution in the article works, in that you can re-install your addons.


        Well, I didn't have to, it fixed itself


          Firefox is at it again.

          Like thieves in the night, the A-Holes at FF came in to your computer and changed it so your add-ons no longer work.
          There's supposed to be "a fix" coming and oh by the way did you want to update?


            They fixed it. Here's what worked for me:
            For me it was fixed after about three minutes, but it may take some more time.
            Elsewhere on some mozilla-site I've read you absolutely shouldn't update or reinstall your extensions.

            Had nothing to do with an update, but with an expired certificate. Really completely unbelievable they could make such an incredible stupid mistake.

            Little bit more:
            The fix doesn't seem to work for everybody:

            For people using Tor: this bug also made Tor unsafe (NoScript etc. disabled):
            Last edited by Goeroeboeroe; May 04, 2019, 01:57 PM. Reason: More info and (of course) typo


              Has not worked for me.


                I dodged this by not having FF as my main browser and I seldom start it up. I'll wait awhile before I allow the Kubuntu update to push the "fixed" version to my HD.
                Kubuntu 24.11 64bit under Kernel 6.12.3, Hp Pavilion, 6MB ram. Stay away from all things Google...


                  Originally posted by GregM View Post
                  Has not worked for me.
                  It doesn't seem to work for a lot of people. Mozilla is asking people that complain to help, so they probably have no idea why it doesn't work for everybody. I guess the best thing to do is watching those two thread in my former post.
                  I'm lucky, for me it worked. And a lot of people, a LOT of people say they stop using Firefox. I guess there's a big party at the moment at Google's headquarter.


                    Originally posted by Don B. Cilly View Post
                    Yes. it did that to me. Went all yellow and red.
                    "Find a replacement" didn't find any, installing new addons gave "Download failed - Try again"... etc.

                    I almost called the Flakes... * but it fixed itself within an hour or so.

                    * Well my browser went crazy
                    Yesterday afternoon
                    The tech guy he said "Your PC's out of tune"
                    This great information cost me half a week's pay
                    And the computer blew up later on the next day...
                    Hey hey hey, blew up the next day...

                    --- Frank Zappa (well, almost)
                    My wife's in the kitchen frosting a cake with a paper knife.
                    If you think Education is expensive, try ignorance.

                    The difference between genius and stupidity is genius has limits.


                      The hotfix via Normandy works. Check about:studies for hotfix-reset-xpi-verification-timestamp-1548973 to confirm that your browser has received the fix.
                      Kubuntu 20.04


                        I don't think everybody knows what 'Normandy' is.
                        The fix Firefox is spreading is only working if you have 'studies' enabled. If you have this disabled you should do the following:
                        Go to Settings -> Privacy & Security
                        Enable Firefox-data-collection and use AND Allow Firefox to do research (I've a Dutch system, so the exact wording will be different.)
                        If you've enabled these two settings, you've to wait till the fix is installed. That may take up to six hours. Some people said restarting the browser made the fix install right away, others say it didn't.
                        When the fix is installed, you can disable those settings again, if you want.
                        To check if the fixes are installed:

                        Type in the addres-bar about:studies. There should be (at least) two 'studies':
                        After both something like 'Active' must be written.

                        But there are lots of reports from people that have those fixes installed and still have add-ons not (all) working. And Mozilla doesn't seem to know yet why it's not working for everybody.
                        If you still have add-ons not working, the best thing is to keep looking at:
                        Updates from Mozilla about the bug:
                        Discussions about the bug itself. Mozilla is also discussing it here:

                        Mozilla is explicitly warning against other 'solutions' you can read on all places, because they probably don't work and can even work contrary.
                        There's is also absolutely no use in reinstalling or updating add-ons, you'll only have a chance to loose your settings. The bug is not caused by add-ons, it is inside Mozilla's verification system. Somebody probably had a wild party and let some certificate expire.

                        ABOUT TOR: if JavaScript is enabled, it seems sometimes to be possible to get the ip-address. Not easy, but some Secret Service or so may be able to do that. If this is important for you (living in some not-so-friendly country or something like that), you better wait till Tor has been updated. At the moment NoScript etc. are not working in Tor.
                        Updates about Tor:

                        (I guess around this time the first complot theories about Google infiltrating Mozilla are starting to appear.)
                        Last edited by Goeroeboeroe; May 04, 2019, 08:35 PM.


                          More up-to-date twitter-account from Mozilla

                          This Twitter-account is more up-to-date. You can read here to what to do if the fix isn't working. (That's mainly sending info to Mozilla at the moment.)


                            Open about:config
                            put in
                            xpinstall.signatures.required...and set it to false.

                            This is not a fix, it is a hack, but it will allow your add-ons to work.

                            Looking for a new browser, I'm tired of this.


                              Originally posted by GregM View Post
                              Looking for a new browser, I'm tired of this.
                              I'm using the Palemoon browser, current version 28.5.0, a fork of an earlier Firefox version, on Kubuntu 19.04 Disco Dingo. Warning: the reason I like it is because it still allows "legacy" extensions to be used, unlike Mozilla. It has much of the Firefox "look and feel".

                              Warning 2: You will find that newer Firefox extensions Will Not work, by design. Read this forum set from the Palemoon forum for a description and "discussion" of the extension situation with Palemoon.

                              Kubuntu 24.11 64bit under Kernel 6.12.3, Hp Pavilion, 6MB ram. Stay away from all things Google...

