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Does a fake bear in the woods really .......

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    Does a fake bear in the woods really .......

    The “bear” that finally destroyed science for young people.

    There is a meme going around Facebook(tm).

    The first iteration of it was that a fellow, on a nice warm afternoon, discovered that a “bear” was walking down a lane toward his house on it’s hind legs.

    And then, as he “sneakily krept” around his house filming said “bear” the bear then went round the house,and one could tell by the turn of it’s head and poses that it was fully aware that he was there. The bear finally ended up a short ways from the house and the video ended. could kind of maybe, possibly, in some strange universe, maybe possibly think that a real bear actually did this.


    Within TWO DAYS... the same “bear” at the same house and being “sneakily filmed” by supposedly someone different on “another channel” was filmed...

    Sitting in/on/at the classic ‘wood picnic table of the thirties up to present day. We all know the one it is the one that folks used to make in “shop class” in the U.S.

    The bear sits there, on it’s rear end, forelegs on the table, hind legs under the table looking around.

    The film did not show the bear “getting into or on” or whatever one would say about you or me sitting “into or on” the table and it did not show the bear “dismounting”.

    It was all a fake.

    And that is fine...AS LONG AS...SOMEWHERE...the Facebook channel states, openly that it is a fake.

    BUT NO...I, personally have indicated this to FB through their rather turgid and unworkable app, They really do NOT want to deal with any of this and am given the option of:

    a) "unliking" the channel
    b) "hiding" the channel.

    but, the particular channel is not where it started, it was started on another channel and is "making the rounds" through Facebook.

    Because of this I have really begun to try to "get at" the channels and there really are, I think, maybe... ten "media and entertainment" channels that are actually being "run" by one or two overarching channels... it may all be a big "putup" except for the personal things produced by one named person.

    But back to the "bear"... and it's consequences in the woods...

    It would have been amazing enough to know that a person could actually pull off a relatively good fake of what a bear might do and that would have been good and laudable...

    But, by presenting it as real, and Facebook NOT DOING ANYTHING ABOUT IT... we now have a situation in which “young people” who are still forming their views on things will incur one of the two following scenarios ...

    a) the young person will actually think that a bear could really do this because...just how many people actually are around bears... and take it to school, and be laughed at by peers and “sniffed at” by the biology teacher.

    b) posit all of A and then the young person finds out that what she or he had thought for several years about a “biology thing” about a bear, which is also a “science” thing about a bear was a hoax, a fake, a thing to foist on people to make money through “clicks”...

    And then we will all continue complaining mightily that “people don’t believe science, they are stupid”.

    Think about that...

    The U.S. society, the U.S. business world, a multimillionaire is allowing this to happen all in the name of money..

    The liberal elites who decry capitalism can seize on this as a TRUE REFLECTION of “evil capitalism” and promote alternative models such as Socialism and Communism because well... a state run economy really never would...allow such to happen...

    think on that really seriously.