This is a request for help from those who are closer to this than I. With the changes in Dolphin which prevented running as the root user, my work flow was badly skewed. I read in the Phabricators discussion that there may be a version of Dolphin which has had root access restored. My question; where can I find the version of Dolphin which has had root access restored? To forestall any thread drift, I am aware that Polkit has had some changes which will allow root actions from within Dolphin, but that version of Polkit has not yet arrived in Kubuntu releases (I'm on 18.10 now). Thanks and sorry that this post will not format into more than one paragraph...
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Finding the correct version of Dolphin file manager
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sudo Dolphin Krusader
it used to be that one could "sudo" Dolphin and be in root mode but I have not been able to do that of late.
for the last few years I have just bit the bullet and installed Konqueror and one WAS able to go root mode in it, or again, sudo Konqueror.
The proper command WAS THEN... a few years ago... " kdesu Konqueror".
However, I just tried both and neither work. and there have been "discussions" at higher levels about all of this and the folks tend to "err on the side of safety.
Here is an OLDER ... appropriate thread from here at the forums.
So with absolutely no authorization from the Master conrtroller I tried " kdesudo Konqueror " and it worked.
kdesudo Dolphin
I do not have Krusader on my work machine so cannot speak to it with authority but it "should" work.
hope this helps.
woodyLast edited by woodsmoke; Jan 28, 2019, 10:57 PM.
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Hi woodsmoke; I've tried Midnight Commander but it lacks much. I have Konqueror installed but haven't tried to integrate it into my day-to-day work. What I have read, from the KDE developers (link in my OP) is that they have "fixed" the problem, either in the same way they changed Kate or by restoring the original "run as root" option. I was hoping that someone here knows where to get the latest Dolphin from KDE which may have those changes.Kubuntu 24.11 64bit under Kernel 6.12.3, Hp Pavilion, 6MB ram. Stay away from all things Google...
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"executing dolphin with sudo is not possible due to unfixable security vulnerabilities".
I received the ABOVE in terminal when I tried sudo Dolphin on my KDE Neon Dev Stable machine.
None of the above commands worked in KDE Neon Dev Stable.
with sudo Konqueror: "no sandbox is supported".
HOWEVER ...sudo Krusader does work!it even has in BIG BOLD WORDS "Krusader Root". lol
woodsmokeLast edited by woodsmoke; Jan 28, 2019, 11:21 PM.
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It must be possible to change this root behaviour. I have seen a article about executying dolphin as root but I cannot remember where.
My solution is to use a second filemanager. I have installed tuxcmd but krusader works also great.
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Provided you have a recent version of dolphin (KDE Apps 18.08+), there are a few workarounds to get dolphin to run as root, for example:
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Thanks for all the replies. I have seen the recommendations to use pkexec and also instructions on replacing some of the libraries used by Dolphin to remove the block on root access.
@woodsmoke I think the reason you can still use kdesudo is that your version 4.13 Dolphin is old enough to be before the devs put the restriction on.
I'm running Dolphin 18.04.3 which came from the Kubuntu repository (normal update).
What I'm looking for is the very bleeding edge release of Dolphin, which the devs at mentioned. As Kubicle noted, it is probably version 18.08+. Where can I get that?
Ok, I fixed the problem with my editor and can now add paragraph breaks (I was blocking a script).Last edited by TWPonKubuntu; Jan 29, 2019, 06:14 AM.Kubuntu 24.11 64bit under Kernel 6.12.3, Hp Pavilion, 6MB ram. Stay away from all things Google...
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@kubicle I note that you are using KDENeon which DOES contain the newest Dolphin V. 18.08+.
It is not (yet) part of Kubuntu 18.10. I'd rather not wait until Kubuntu 19.04 to get this newer Dolphin (18.08+), if it is even planned to be included in Kubuntu 19.04...
I may be forced to go to the beta release of Kubuntu 19.04 if I can find it.Last edited by TWPonKubuntu; Jan 29, 2019, 06:18 AM.Kubuntu 24.11 64bit under Kernel 6.12.3, Hp Pavilion, 6MB ram. Stay away from all things Google...
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Originally posted by TWPonKubuntu View Postif it is even planned to be included in Kubuntu 19.04...
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kubicle, Thanks, that was the link I was looking for. I'll do some research on how to install it to my current Kubuntu 18.10 system.
I may simply backup everything and install Neon. That may be quicker than waiting until 19.04 (Disco) is released in April (3 months to go).Kubuntu 24.11 64bit under Kernel 6.12.3, Hp Pavilion, 6MB ram. Stay away from all things Google...
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Well, I'm going to expose my iggernance here ...but maybe i just don't understand the meaning of the term "correct" as in correct version of Dolphin.
I can open Dolphin go to Dolphin / control / help / about Dolphin and there is what IS WRITTEN as the version of Dolphin and KDE.
Am I missing something in the discussion?
I can imagine that at one time a year or so ago I "upgraded" Kubuntu to a few "leaps" ahead but don't know that I check the "about" in Dolphin, would it have not shown the "few leaps" ahead and shown instead the original version number? I DID NOT CHECK but would it not have shown the newer version number?
Maybe I'm just not getting the point here.
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