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Server for a classroom

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    Server for a classroom


    I would like to know how I could do the following, or which is the best option to do so. In a classroom I want to have a server so that students can connect from their computers and each of them have their own directory on the server. The idea is that they enter with the username and password and then connect to the server and store their tasks on the server. The server has Linux, clients have Linux and Windows (dual boot)

    How could I do it?

    Would it be possible to do it also connecting with your username and password from Windows?

    Thank you

    This sounds like a straightforward Samba use case to me.
    Samba will allow Windows users to connect natively, Linux users will require eg. the smbclient package.
    Managing access rights may get a bit complicated but once you have figured it out things should work flawlessly.

    As far as the server is concerned I guess you could use Kubuntu but I am not sure if there are any benefits. Managing Samba is done through the terminal or a web browser anyway so you may as well keep things lean and not waste resources on a graphical UI.
    For my use case I went for Ubuntu server + Samba and Kubuntu/Windows PCs as clients.

    And yes, you can connect with Windows username and password, either by running with two sets of accounts which you need to keep in sync on server and PC (easy to setup, harder to manage), or creating a proper Domain on the server where you have only one set of user accounts managed on the server.
    How many student accounts do you plan for? Generic accounts (Student1, Student2...) or individual ones? Will the students own their accounts (e.g. able to change the passwords?)

    Given the way you asked I would guess you haven't dealt with Windows Domains before, so expect a bit of a learning curve.


      Thanks for the answer.

      I'm planning individuals accounts for 15 students, and they will be able to change his own passwords.

      I'll check the Samba documentation, and see what I can do.


        Webmin can allow windows clients to change passwords. The rest will be easy...

        Please Read Me



          Finally I got it

