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So, I went and did a thing.

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    So, I went and did a thing.

    So I went on a thing, went to a place, then did another thing, which turned the the first thing into a third thing........

    The minister was "almost, but not quite entirely unlike" a Vegas Elvis. I had to buy and wear actual pants!!


    Free advertising. I'd recommend them, though.

    My Aussie Redhead came over for three weeks to see a bit of 'Murrica, and to meet my brother who teaches at UNLV, whom I somehow had not seen since 2004.

    After some snafus that kept us stuck in Savannah for over a week, we embarked on the mad dash across the continent by car, which gave us time to eventually realize that we could get married in Vegas, Vegas style.

    No, this does not get me down to Australia any quicker or any easier, as I won't get by their physical requirements as I need both knees replaced. Because my knees are so bad, I had to drop down to part time at the day job, which meant I lost insurance there. The new one wants me to lose another 30 pounds, even though I was only a few pound short of the goal required by the previous one. I do not see Australia giving me some sort of medical waiver over something that is so expensive.

    On the techy nerd side of things, I brought my DSLR, both my laptop and my Chromebook, but oddly I left my extr4a backup phone at home. My camera had a aperture block failure at the Grand Canyon, but my V30 has a very capable camera. The laptop came out of the case once, and then I only charged it. The 500e touchscreen Chromebook came out sometimes, as I could do a few tasks for my second job when I got ....bored??

    As my knees are so bad, I overestimated how much walking I could do, but it soon became obvious I was in trouble there, so I didn't get any pictures from Graceland or Sun Studios, or New Orleans. Mrs claydoh got shots there with her iPad.

    I have been back in town for about a week now, and seem to not really care too much about computer-ing and the like, for some reason. Riding my bike has been an ordeal due to the knee pain, which is strange as pedaling usually helps keep thing from getting to the unbearable stage too quickly.

    I just found out I will have to move out of the room I am renting and find a new place by the end of the year, to boot.

    Anyhoo, enough of this for now, gotta get back to job #3.....

    Windows no longer obstructs my view.
    Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
    "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


      Life never does seem to quit throwing things out at us. Hope things go better!

      Oh, yes, important to say: Congratulations!


        Well ,,,, seems as though Congratulations and exasperation's are in order Mr Claydoh

        good luck my linux friend ,,with both

        i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
        16GB RAM
        Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores


          Congrats, Claydoh! She'll give your life more meaning and direction.
          "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
          – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.




            I have an 1100 square foot apartment from which I walk out to see a small river and great blue heron flying with ...a wunnerful nation class indoor community pool in which I hang to reduce strain on my leg that was crushed in a car wreck.

            It would be perfect for your knees!

            To put it simply, not only did Obama screw all of the part time teachers nationwide with the ACA using the IRS to redfine the number of hours that are "full time" my state Dems, Repubs and Governor REdefined what an "instructor" at the college level is so we all lost another class.

            Point being...this thing has two nice bedrooms a full bath and a half bath great kitchen and great living room.

            I am needing to reduce my expenses by half or will go into deficit mode around June of 19..

            If you need a place to hang out i'd split it with you for #300 USD / mo I pay utilities all that full cable and internet. Downloading a Kubu Iso takes maybe a minute.

            or...since I ammmmm "the old woodsmoker"...maybe not! no reply needed!



              Lol, thanks but that is too far away...though we are currently hatching a plan to get me to 'Straya for a spell, then return when I have lost the weight and can have surgery. I would have to see if my online work for US employers paid to US banks is OK to do on a tourist or family visit visa.


                thanks for the reply and I hope that all goes well with you and yours.


                  Well, if you don't have insurance - go to Thailand. $15K there vs. $50k here.

                  Please Read Me


                    I have insurance, but I had to change to another company as I lost my employer provided plan when I had to drop down to part time. The new one wants me to lose X percentage of my weight, even though I had already (nearly) done so while covered by the previous insurance. Of course, I have hit a plateau so I have to restart or reconfigure my diet. I am completely frustrated that as I have lost the weight, the knee pain has increased greatly.

                    If I had 15k I'd have had the surgery overseas . I am mostly unskilled and poor, so it is a touch hard to gather that kind of money.

                    Hopefully, we can figure this all out. I'd actually save money dropping to 2 jobs, not having to pay rent and utilities, except for the airfare - which right now, if I can act quickly, would be less than 800 bucks round trip for some dates in December (half the cost it usually is)


                      Sorry to hear you're having these issues. I can tell you there's a "Cabbage soup" diet that Mayo uses for heart patients that will drop your weight, and fast. However, the fourth or fifth day you will want to kill something and eat it - not because you're hungry, just because that's what 4 days of cabbage soup does to you. On the plus dies, it's cheap food-wise.

                      Good luck with all that.

                      Please Read Me


                        I love cabbage, tho, so maybe 6 days?? lol I do live alone at the moment bwahahah.,


                          Congratulations claydoh.
                          Linux User #454271

