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These "licenses" and taxes have, IMO, only one purpose: to supress freedom of speech and the free exchange of ideas, many of which are not popular with the Globalists who are now in power.
Surely, there are the purposes of the megacorporations who want to control media distribution and more? Like, how the people think? But, silly me, they make large donations to right-wing parties and causes, so they're ok.
Surely, there are the purposes of the megacorporations who want to control media distribution and more? Like, how the people think? But, silly me, they make large donations to right-wing parties and causes, so they're ok.
Speaking of "controlling media distribution, how is that possible that Republicans and Conservatives are trying to "control" it? Hollywood, the music industry, and the rest of the entertainment industry, and MOST of academia is entirely controlled by the Left (operating under the pseudonymes of "liberal", "progressive" and "socialist"). Google, Twitter, Facebook and YouTube are entirely controlled by Leftist owners and CEOs, and in prepartion for the 2018 election cycle they began doing what they did in 2012 and 2008, de-platforming thousands of Conservative accounts for "hate speech" or unspecified ToS "violations". But, not suprisingly, Antifa, one of the most hateful and violent groups in the country, facists Brown Shirts reborn, still operates their Twitter account: https://twitter.com/antifausa?lang=en, and Facebook sees no problem either with them using Facebook to coordinate their attacks and destruction: https://www.facebook.com/berkeleyantifa/https://www.facebook.com/antifaintl/
Facebook does see a problem, however, with the account of a triple amputee solder:
And this is to say nothing of the thousands who've had their Twitter and Facebook accounts canceled because they posted verses from the Bible or the sayings of Jesus.
"A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
– John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.
I have a high respect for the EFF, but to me, Doctorow's interpretations and arguments seem a tad aggressive (and tendencious), and to some extent, unfounded. For example, the directive text doesn't really support the interpretation that hyperlinking is only allowed with a single word as it clearly states that "individual words" (!= "single word") are allowed.
I also don't understand the fear for the creative commons license, even if you need a license in some restricted cases...creative commons is a license.
THAT, in a nutshell, is the entire purpose for these link taxes. The EFF correctly, IMO, identified the problem:
These "licenses" and taxes have, IMO, only one purpose: to supress freedom of speech and the free exchange of ideas, many of which are not popular with the Globalists who are now in power.
The "link tax" is a really bad term in describing Article 11 (it is used by people strongly opposing the directive proposal, probably because it's catchy, and because people generally hate taxes). In reality, It does not affect "linking", and is not a "tax".
I'm also fully expecting to have the politicians and judges apply their own interpretation after the fact. 'tis the nature of the beast...
This shouldn't be as big a problem in the EU. The legal systems of the grand majority of EU Nations (including basically all of continental Europe) follow the civil (or statutory) law legal tradition, in which individual judges have a much lesser role in formulating the interpretations of the law (and less leeway to do so) than in legal systems that follow the common (or case) law legal tradition (such as the ones in the U.S. or England).
I live "across the pond from you" and we don't yet have such legislation (it is policy, not law) in place here, but copyrights are points of contention here too. Copyright holders are entitled to protection for their work but the discussion also involves the determination of what, exactly, is copyright-able material. I give you the example of Microsoft® which is saying that they want to support the Open Software concept, yet has a herd of copyright troll businesses which are actively collecting copyright ownership, including some copyrights which conflict with the Open Software licenses.
I hear you on the challenges of modern copyright law. And to reiterate my position, i'm not at all in favor of the Articles 11 and 13 (I just think there is a lot of misinformation on their effects...and not all of it on the opposing side, I admit). Articles that leave room for this much controversy (warranted or not) could certainly be improved (if not removed entirely).
I'm reminded of the saying about opinions: almost all of us have one.
Say what you will about opinions, they don't need to be backed by rigorous logic and arguable points of fact. They are opinion.
With respect to the EU proposed legislation presented as Articles 11 & 13, my opinion is that these have some less-than-obvious problems which will need attention by the public. Whether that closer inspection happens now, while it is just a proposal or after the fact when people and businesses feel the affects, that inspection needs to happen.
This thread is an example of such inspection. Opinions are being presented and discussed civilly. I like that.
I'm looking forward to watching how the EU handles this. More specifically, I want to see if the real people (citizens, not politicians or corporations) are given a voice in this or if the government will attempt to implement by simple fiat; "It is now law, deal with it".
I expect (opinion again) that this will go by the second route (fiat legislation) and will need to be dealt with in the future. It will be a waste of time and money which could be avoided by changing (or even rejecting) this proposal before it becomes law.
The one thing we must not do is ignore this. That is what Sheeple and Snowflakes do and it does not turn out well.
This thread has some excellent links for information on the topic and I encourage each of you to do your own due diligence research while keeping in mind that just because you read it on the Internet doesn't make it true.
Kubuntu 24.11 64bit under Kernel 6.12.3, Hp Pavilion, 6MB ram. Stay away from all things Google...
This thread has some excellent links for information on the topic and I encourage each of you to do your own due diligence research while keeping in mind that just because you read it on the Internet doesn't make it true.
I doubt there is any better advice I could give.
Individual thinking is the best cure for both mindless obedience and mass hysteria. And always give double the time and thought to arguments opposing your view as to those supporting it (in a possibly futile attempt to avoid confirmation bias).
Individual thinking is the best cure for both mindless obedience and mass hysteria. And always give double the time and thought to arguments opposing your view as to those supporting it (in a possibly futile attempt to avoid confirmation bias).
...and never have I read a truer or more salient thought on any forum, anywhere.
EDIT: I'm stealing that line for reposting purposes, but I won't hyperlink to it...
An aside, oshunluver: how's the flood repairing going? You back to normal yet?
"A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
– John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.
An aside, oshunluver: how's the flood repairing going? You back to normal yet?
Not even close but thanks for checking .
The root of the problem is it's a small town. All the local contractors are jammed with work and there's a lot of carpet-baggers around that I'm not willing to try out. Also, since the house is wiped out we're doing a total redesign and remodel so the work is more than just repair. I did get my A/C-Heating and ducts redone and an electrician is starting next week. Half the house will be ready for drywall and paint after the electrician. The kitchen and bathroom will take months but will be all new when done. I'm doing a lot of small stuff that I might not have done otherwise, like reframe closet doors that were just stupid and moving light switches to better locations, etc. I'm also running more network cables for the smart TVs (better band-width than wifi). I had to replace my switch so I upgraded to a 24 port so there's plenty of open ports.
"A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
– John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.