for having a Code of Conduct which was the creation of St Benedict, around 500AD.
The original author of SQLite and its main administrator, D. Richard Hipp, received "100 per cent buy-in from all committers prior to publishing", which was eight months ago. He and the Code of Benedict became the focal point for the Left's rage machine this morning.
One commenter wrote:
""Well, it looks like it may be time to stop using SQLite as it's readily apparent that my kind is not welcome there," sighed programmer James Hollingshead." He didn't say what "his kind" is. A strange comment since Mrs. Sarah Sharp pointed out that refusing to honor a "non-binary's prefered gender designation", as I did in this posting, will get one ejected from any group that adopts her particular code of conduct. One must concluded that the "kind" she objects to are Conservative Christians who espouse that marrige is between a man and a women, the only gender options available in normal biological creation. However, in today's politically correct atmosphere Christians, especially White male Christians, are the new kicking boy.
The insanity continues.
The original author of SQLite and its main administrator, D. Richard Hipp, received "100 per cent buy-in from all committers prior to publishing", which was eight months ago. He and the Code of Benedict became the focal point for the Left's rage machine this morning.
One commenter wrote:
""Well, it looks like it may be time to stop using SQLite as it's readily apparent that my kind is not welcome there," sighed programmer James Hollingshead." He didn't say what "his kind" is. A strange comment since Mrs. Sarah Sharp pointed out that refusing to honor a "non-binary's prefered gender designation", as I did in this posting, will get one ejected from any group that adopts her particular code of conduct. One must concluded that the "kind" she objects to are Conservative Christians who espouse that marrige is between a man and a women, the only gender options available in normal biological creation. However, in today's politically correct atmosphere Christians, especially White male Christians, are the new kicking boy.
The insanity continues.
