this is SENT AS AN APPEAL to the "new folks" to "Linux" / "Ubuntu" / Kubuntu...the "newbies... I DETEST THAT TERM (newbie) implies that there are ELITES in Linuxdom and are just...well, not worth much UNTIL YOU PROVE YOURSELF...
THIS IS SENT AS AN APPEAL TO YOU...the NEW person to Kubuntu/Ubuntu/Linux...
YOU...are now...
Batman...(or Batwoman) who...begins, falls and rises...
Ubuntu...Fell and rose... Canonical stumbled as did a lot of other "*nixs"...
but...NOW...NOW...all of that effort...all of those hard fought battles...fought by the VERY PEOPLE ON THIS FORUM...who battled against Microshaft...and Apple...Proprietary Software...
they... are continuing to fight the good fight...
But...whereas before...We could SEE the FOE... he was in a tower a stark foe... the all balefule eye...
We could SEE the tower, the guardian of the ONLY way... is the University which has given way to convenience...the high school which has given way to expediency...
the UNENDING...UNENDING FOE...of free and open information is now...

I know...the old woodsmoker is "mixing metaphors" but...
Please consider the following video from is a Medley of music about "the Dark Knight"...
And what is striking about "the Dark Knight" is that he is NOT a "super" hero...
Batman / Batwoman.. can be KILLED...
Free and Open Source software STILL TODAY...can be KILLED...
It is already being KILLED in the totalarian regimes such as CHINA...
I chose this PARTICULAR video nuanced...
The FOE OF OPEN SOURCE software and information is NOW ...much more NUANCED than than in the days when those such as the GreyGeek jousted with a FOE ON THE OPEN PLAIN...God what that man has done...we on the dark web have watched just do not know...
but...after a much needed hiatus...he is STILL WITH US...
HE... is with YOU...YOUNGLING...!!

nowadays...the foe //////is much more...IN...DARTH...sidious...
WATCH THE VIDEO...listen to the music...
the COLOUR...MOVES...almost imperceptably...across the screen...
has moved from "BEGINS"... to..."Falls" ( the massive arguments about "what should Linux "be" " ? to...
Where it will BEGIN TO RISE!!!!!
and the this old woodsmoker ( not too bright of mind)
MUST BEGIN... .in the next few years...
If the Batman / Batwoman is not able to rise against the almost OVERwhelming ...MONEY and POLITICAL POWER... quote the will be forever condemned to the shallows of... super fast servers...
YOU...can BE the Batwoman and Batman...who SOMEHOW...figures out how...
not being too... SERIOUS...

YOU...woman or man, man or woman...FIRST TO FIGHT... (reference to the army which won TWO world wars...)
can be the Dark Knight RISING...
YOU can take ".nix" to...dominate the desktop... or DOMINATE the tablet or WALK ALL OVER...
the latest thing that technology provides...
watch, listen to the video
...and maybe watch it as the EMPHASIS moves LEFT RIGHT/// through begins, falls and rises...YOU...can be THE person who...RISES!!
Because...gawd love us all...
we have shot our bolt...
woodjustsayin'smoke I DETEST THAT TERM (newbie) implies that there are ELITES in Linuxdom and are just...well, not worth much UNTIL YOU PROVE YOURSELF...
THIS IS SENT AS AN APPEAL TO YOU...the NEW person to Kubuntu/Ubuntu/Linux...
YOU...are now...
Batman...(or Batwoman) who...begins, falls and rises...
Ubuntu...Fell and rose... Canonical stumbled as did a lot of other "*nixs"...
but...NOW...NOW...all of that effort...all of those hard fought battles...fought by the VERY PEOPLE ON THIS FORUM...who battled against Microshaft...and Apple...Proprietary Software...
they... are continuing to fight the good fight...
But...whereas before...We could SEE the FOE... he was in a tower a stark foe... the all balefule eye...
We could SEE the tower, the guardian of the ONLY way... is the University which has given way to convenience...the high school which has given way to expediency...
the UNENDING...UNENDING FOE...of free and open information is now...

I know...the old woodsmoker is "mixing metaphors" but...
Please consider the following video from is a Medley of music about "the Dark Knight"...
And what is striking about "the Dark Knight" is that he is NOT a "super" hero...
Batman / Batwoman.. can be KILLED...
Free and Open Source software STILL TODAY...can be KILLED...
It is already being KILLED in the totalarian regimes such as CHINA...
I chose this PARTICULAR video nuanced...
The FOE OF OPEN SOURCE software and information is NOW ...much more NUANCED than than in the days when those such as the GreyGeek jousted with a FOE ON THE OPEN PLAIN...God what that man has done...we on the dark web have watched just do not know...

HE... is with YOU...YOUNGLING...!!

nowadays...the foe //////is much more...IN...DARTH...sidious...
WATCH THE VIDEO...listen to the music...
the COLOUR...MOVES...almost imperceptably...across the screen...
has moved from "BEGINS"... to..."Falls" ( the massive arguments about "what should Linux "be" " ? to...
Where it will BEGIN TO RISE!!!!!
and the this old woodsmoker ( not too bright of mind)
MUST BEGIN... .in the next few years...
If the Batman / Batwoman is not able to rise against the almost OVERwhelming ...MONEY and POLITICAL POWER... quote the will be forever condemned to the shallows of... super fast servers...
YOU...can BE the Batwoman and Batman...who SOMEHOW...figures out how...
not being too... SERIOUS...

YOU...woman or man, man or woman...FIRST TO FIGHT... (reference to the army which won TWO world wars...)
can be the Dark Knight RISING...
YOU can take ".nix" to...dominate the desktop... or DOMINATE the tablet or WALK ALL OVER...
the latest thing that technology provides...
watch, listen to the video
...and maybe watch it as the EMPHASIS moves LEFT RIGHT/// through begins, falls and rises...YOU...can be THE person who...RISES!!
Because...gawd love us all...
we have shot our bolt...