I am a chronic distro-hopper. For the last few months my frustration at having to set up my system over and over again has started to surpass the frustrations that would cause me to want to change (thank goodness).
Ubuntu 18.04 has treated me well despite Gnome. But with Kubuntu I get both the good of 18.04 without the Gnome. A main point of contention was (and still is I guess) gaming. Yesterday I set up EVE Online (was running two clients at the same time no issues), installed the Witcher 1 via Steamplay. Overwatch, Heroes of the Storm, Magic the Gathering Arena all via Lutris using DXVK. All working perfectly
Blown away.
Ubuntu 18.04 has treated me well despite Gnome. But with Kubuntu I get both the good of 18.04 without the Gnome. A main point of contention was (and still is I guess) gaming. Yesterday I set up EVE Online (was running two clients at the same time no issues), installed the Witcher 1 via Steamplay. Overwatch, Heroes of the Storm, Magic the Gathering Arena all via Lutris using DXVK. All working perfectly

Blown away.