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A fearful message from a Clinton supporter

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    A fearful message from a Clinton supporter

    It's wacky, I know. He says:
    “Humanity will survive, but it won’t be free,” says Epstein, a liberal who favored Hillary Clinton in the 2016 presidential election but who now has become a champion in exposing the bias and censorship of opinions on the right side of the political spectrum.

    Ya, I'm shocked too. Considering how those social sites are MASSIVELY removing Conservative opinion from their websites by labeling them as "hate speech" it is ludicrous to call these social websites bastions of Conservatism. Twitter canceled one person's account because he posted a one word tweet: "Jesus".. calling it "hate speech". Meanwhile, Tweets by AntiFa calling for 5 man cells of sniper teams to go out and shoot people stays up with Jack Dorsey's blessing. So does their tweets calling for violent protests and attacks on people they label as "Nazis" when, in fact, their behavior and dress is almost indistinguishable from the Nazi Brown Shirts.

    It’s all about surveillance capitalism, manipulation of the political culture, blacklisting and the potential for a stealth power coup.

    Already, one of the scientists featured in the film claims one-quarter of the world’s elections are already being impacted.

    You don’t see it, it’s not visible – you are not seeing police coming into your house,” explained Schweizer. “But they are, in a real way, like Big Brother, sifting and determining what you should see and what you shouldn’t see. “The problem is you can see storm troopers – you can see the fist of government trying to infringe on your rights – you can’t see what Google is doing because its hidden and we don’t know what we don’t know.”


    “The Creepy Line,” exposes the growing power of the big tech companies, primarily Google and Facebook, to shift the opinions, the thinking, the purchases and the votes of the American people on a massive scale without them even being aware of the manipulation.

    “Google has the ability to do a lot of things for you – but to the extent that they can do something for you, they can do something to you, and they are doing a lot of things to you,” he warned. “They want to give us advertising and steer our search engines in a certain direction – we all like that because we get good search results. But the problem is they take that information and they weaponize it – they use it against us to manipulate us. That’s the real problem – this ability they have to steer and influence what we are thinking and how we are looking at issues because they determine what information is actually put in front of us.”

    “All three of these are connected to each other: if you are censoring information and people don’t see it, you are manipulating them – you are manipulating their thinking,” the Harvard psychologist told WND.

    What’s at stake here is not just free and fair elections – it’s not just democracy, its human autonomy,” he warned. “If one or two private companies can manipulate billions of people around the world in significant ways and get away with it, what’s left of human autonomy? It means morning ’til night, we are doing, thinking and feeling things that they want us to do and feel and think as we enrich them, as they accumulate more money. We are losing ourselves and in so doing we are enriching a very small number of people. That’s not the kind of world I think we want to live in.”

    Definitely bad. But, what to do?

    Epstein warned that all of Google’s software and services are surveillance tools and outlined how consumers can protect themselves and their children from data manipulation. Here are some of what he calls important do’s and don’ts:

    First and foremost, do not use Gmail,” Epstein told WND. “It’s not an email system. From Google’s perspective, it’s just a surveillance tool. Instead of using Gmail, use one of the newer systems which guarantee the privacy of your emails. I use Protonmail, which is at Proton mail is based in Switzerland, it’s subject to strict Swiss privacy laws and it uses end-to-end encryption to ensure emails are private.

    Do not use Chrome which is Google’s browser. They created Chrome because they weren’t getting quite enough information from your search engine about what websites you were visiting, so they invented a browser, Chrome. Chrome monitors every single thing you do when you are online.

    Do not use the Google search engine. So, what do you do instead? I use a search engine called ‘Start Page.’ Start Page, which is at, gives you full access to Google’s index, but it doesn’t track you. That’s because of an arrangement that they have with Google. Google can cut them off at any time. But in the meantime, instead of using, use and you’re not tracked.”

    He recommends using a browser called “Brave” that is faster than Chrome, doesn’t show advertising at all and it protects your privacy.

    Android phones, he argued, are the most unsafe devices: “Do not use Android phones. Android is also Google and Android records what you are doing whether you are online or not online.”

    While there is no competitive alternative to Facebook, Epstein emphasized the information consumers publish on Facebook can be “used against you.”
    Last edited by GreyGeek; Oct 01, 2018, 02:51 PM.
    "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
    – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.

    all the more reason to get your "news" from , O , I dont know , maybe the NEWS and not some social media site .

    I like my local news and BBC news.

    just today the wife's mother posted a meme on FB of an old picture of Bill Clinton and Kirsten Gillibrand but the meme was saying it was Dr Ford and some derogatory stuff .
    the wife set the story straight in THAT feed but just how quick a lot of people were jumping on the hate band wagon was astonishing given it was clearly a propaganda posting intended to discredit Dr Ford by some Conservative.

    i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
    16GB RAM
    Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores


      Our local ABC is good. I haven't listened to radio or TV news in ages, but when I could hear well enough NPR and BBC were my favorites. For hard news I preferred Monty Python!
      "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
      – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


        Monty Python is definitely one of my trusted news sources... But am I still allowed to laugh when watching them?

        But Epstein has me confused. I absolutely agree with the recommendations quoted in your OP, but does that mean I must start wearing a pink pussy hat? Not gonna happen.

        My inner skeptic tells me to beware when I get mixed messages from sources which have, in the past, portrayed themselves a arch-liberal. What's next? Hillary calling for the arrest and trail of Bill on juvenile sex charges? Videos of Hollywood stars walking on water? No, wait, we live in the age of digital editing... Words can be stuck in peoples mouths.

        Should I be charitable and assume that Epstein has had a true Epiphany moment and has stepped away from the "dark side"? Maybe, just maybe, somebody realized that the sword cuts both ways and liberals are also vulnerable to the problems being created by the likes of Google and Social Media... It could happen.
        Kubuntu 24.11 64bit under Kernel 6.12.3, Hp Pavilion, 6MB ram. Stay away from all things Google...


          sometimes it only takes 500 monkeys typing on a typewriter to produce a few lines of good information and that goes for people with a political agenda also.

          And the smartphone is only going to make things worse for one simple reason.

          It is really just physically hard to backtrack links and urls on a smartphone to find out "who" is behind them.

          SO THE AVERAGE USER JUST WILL NOT DO IT...most people just read stuff and take the hogwash for real.

          That thing about FB removing a bunch of stuff because "Russian hackers" were posting threads that purported to be pro Trump or pro Billary or pro Bernie was literally being SCOFFED at. The FB people knew exactly what was going on, if they didn't then we REALLY ARE in for a scary decade ahead.

          I use gmail but do not use it for anything associated with finances or my personal information. And I use the college's e-mail for college stuff only because...ALL of it now goes through Microshaft cloud from me or to me from the college or to the college and Microshaft IS storing all of it just like Gmail.

          This all started kind of under Bush was massively ramped up by Obama all in the name of being able to get at terrorists AFTER THE FACT USUALLY but they really are trying to do deep reach to stop stuff before the fact.

          I remember the absolute FLAME wars at Castle Cops about all this after 9-11...

          there was a MASSIVE thread started by a MUSLIM to the effect that "not all Muslims are bad" it was the longest running thread in terms of actuall day to day posts and length in the database for more than a YEAR...

          And then it was exposed by the OP to be one of the female volunteers who did it to just sit back and watch people make absolute fools out of themselves screaming at each other from "this agenda" or "that agenda'...and it was all for naught...

          Because Bush did what he wanted and the Dems and Repubs and Independents went along with it BEHIND CLOSED DOORS... but beat their chests loudly on t.v. to get that oh so important re-election or throw them out election.

          And same for Obama and now Trump.

          Back in the $#!+ I was electronic warfare "officer" although I was enlisted I had a degree which NO enlisted had back then and we literally were shooting willie peter with the push of a BIG RED BUTTON...not not Billary's reset button into the air to get the Styx missiles to orient to the WP, over OUR SHIPS... when a Styx missile went from search mode to lock on mode to heat seeker because the RUSSIANS flying Bears over the horizon were using literally visual recognition from the VC who were only able to actually maybe get a Mig into the air let alone do anything with it...and all to distract it from getting a lock on the holy grail of a U.S. carrier.

          A lot of those poor VC were vaporized before they knew anything was going on... and the Russians turned the Bear around and laughed on their way home.

          and was this on a presidential briefing? NO
          was it on the oh so relevant nightly news? NO.

          there really is a letter in the desk and everybody just needs to get over it.

          Because WHEN there is some kind of attack the only thing that could have stopped it maybe will be the DREDGING of our information by Google, FB, Microshaft, Apple

          Oh, and those browsers they are only a "little bit" "more safe" kind of like Duck Duck Go...which is a "little more safe" to weed out the kid in an internet cafe in Pakistan being paid a nickle an hour to get into chat rooms.

          Think honey pot.

          but even honey pots only attract the entry level people.

          Start Page? lol Please READ what the person wrote. "they" have a "special arrangement" with Google...well WHAT KIND of special arrangement? It is a honey pot, yeah Google won't "track you" because niniety - nine . nine percent of people are not terrorists ... and their stuff is kicked out after being dredged for "certain terms" or "certain patterns" or "certain phraseology" or whatever... the spreadsheet of stuff that is used to search has thousands of lines and thousands of columns...

          It all got started at Castle Cops...back then it was hundreds of lines and hundreds of columns...

          but they are still dredging the data your overworked search terms just aren't put up in the suggestions line...

          NOTHING that is on the web is safe from being snooped except a dedicated, encrypted peer to peer operation and "4G" may actually allow that to be hacked with a cloud size operation throwing every thing but the kitchen sink at it.

          Peer to peers are where the fun

          Last edited by woodsmoke; Oct 03, 2018, 11:45 AM.


            The problem with P2P is that most, especially those using blockchain, act as servers to the remote peers which connect to them, which is a violation of the ToS for most ISP's. When I was testing IPFS, for example, I had a 100Mb/s Internet connection on this i7 Acer with eight cores saving on a 750Gb platter. I had at one time around 400+ (I've forgotten the exact number and I'm too lazy to look it up on this forum) connections, each taking around 200Mb. That many connections slowed my PC down to a crawl.

            FreeNet allows one to create a blockchain tunnel end to end with specific people in a private network. If I were going to use P2P that is the one I'd use. I don't trust VPN's. PureVPN, EarthVPN were liars about "keeping no logs", but the absolutely worse case was the VPN "HideMyAss". Their BIG PRINT may say that they "do not keep any data logs" but when you check the legalease it says "... may collect the connection times to our Service and the total amount of data transferred per day ..." and more.


            And, when you close Chrome, it leaves a service behind that continually monitors your Internet usage. Nice. Apparently you can turn off this feature. One way to make sure is to run Chrome, or any Internet browser, inside firejail.
            "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
            – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


              And as usual the GGmeister elucidates my fogbound posts!

