It's wacky, I know. He says:

Ya, I'm shocked too. Considering how those social sites are MASSIVELY removing Conservative opinion from their websites by labeling them as "hate speech" it is ludicrous to call these social websites bastions of Conservatism. Twitter canceled one person's account because he posted a one word tweet: "Jesus".. calling it "hate speech". Meanwhile, Tweets by AntiFa calling for 5 man cells of sniper teams to go out and shoot people stays up with Jack Dorsey's blessing. So does their tweets calling for violent protests and attacks on people they label as "Nazis" when, in fact, their behavior and dress is almost indistinguishable from the Nazi Brown Shirts.
Definitely bad. But, what to do?
It's wacky, I know. He says:
“Humanity will survive, but it won’t be free,” says Epstein, a liberal who favored Hillary Clinton in the 2016 presidential election but who now has become a champion in exposing the bias and censorship of opinions on the right side of the political spectrum.

Ya, I'm shocked too. Considering how those social sites are MASSIVELY removing Conservative opinion from their websites by labeling them as "hate speech" it is ludicrous to call these social websites bastions of Conservatism. Twitter canceled one person's account because he posted a one word tweet: "Jesus".. calling it "hate speech". Meanwhile, Tweets by AntiFa calling for 5 man cells of sniper teams to go out and shoot people stays up with Jack Dorsey's blessing. So does their tweets calling for violent protests and attacks on people they label as "Nazis" when, in fact, their behavior and dress is almost indistinguishable from the Nazi Brown Shirts.
It’s all about surveillance capitalism, manipulation of the political culture, blacklisting and the potential for a stealth power coup.
Already, one of the scientists featured in the film claims one-quarter of the world’s elections are already being impacted.
“You don’t see it, it’s not visible – you are not seeing police coming into your house,” explained Schweizer. “But they are, in a real way, like Big Brother, sifting and determining what you should see and what you shouldn’t see. “The problem is you can see storm troopers – you can see the fist of government trying to infringe on your rights – you can’t see what Google is doing because its hidden and we don’t know what we don’t know.”
“The Creepy Line,” exposes the growing power of the big tech companies, primarily Google and Facebook, to shift the opinions, the thinking, the purchases and the votes of the American people on a massive scale without them even being aware of the manipulation.
“Google has the ability to do a lot of things for you – but to the extent that they can do something for you, they can do something to you, and they are doing a lot of things to you,” he warned. “They want to give us advertising and steer our search engines in a certain direction – we all like that because we get good search results. But the problem is they take that information and they weaponize it – they use it against us to manipulate us. That’s the real problem – this ability they have to steer and influence what we are thinking and how we are looking at issues because they determine what information is actually put in front of us.”
“All three of these are connected to each other: if you are censoring information and people don’t see it, you are manipulating them – you are manipulating their thinking,” the Harvard psychologist told WND.
“What’s at stake here is not just free and fair elections – it’s not just democracy, its human autonomy,” he warned. “If one or two private companies can manipulate billions of people around the world in significant ways and get away with it, what’s left of human autonomy? It means morning ’til night, we are doing, thinking and feeling things that they want us to do and feel and think as we enrich them, as they accumulate more money. We are losing ourselves and in so doing we are enriching a very small number of people. That’s not the kind of world I think we want to live in.”
Already, one of the scientists featured in the film claims one-quarter of the world’s elections are already being impacted.
“You don’t see it, it’s not visible – you are not seeing police coming into your house,” explained Schweizer. “But they are, in a real way, like Big Brother, sifting and determining what you should see and what you shouldn’t see. “The problem is you can see storm troopers – you can see the fist of government trying to infringe on your rights – you can’t see what Google is doing because its hidden and we don’t know what we don’t know.”
“The Creepy Line,” exposes the growing power of the big tech companies, primarily Google and Facebook, to shift the opinions, the thinking, the purchases and the votes of the American people on a massive scale without them even being aware of the manipulation.
“Google has the ability to do a lot of things for you – but to the extent that they can do something for you, they can do something to you, and they are doing a lot of things to you,” he warned. “They want to give us advertising and steer our search engines in a certain direction – we all like that because we get good search results. But the problem is they take that information and they weaponize it – they use it against us to manipulate us. That’s the real problem – this ability they have to steer and influence what we are thinking and how we are looking at issues because they determine what information is actually put in front of us.”
“All three of these are connected to each other: if you are censoring information and people don’t see it, you are manipulating them – you are manipulating their thinking,” the Harvard psychologist told WND.
“What’s at stake here is not just free and fair elections – it’s not just democracy, its human autonomy,” he warned. “If one or two private companies can manipulate billions of people around the world in significant ways and get away with it, what’s left of human autonomy? It means morning ’til night, we are doing, thinking and feeling things that they want us to do and feel and think as we enrich them, as they accumulate more money. We are losing ourselves and in so doing we are enriching a very small number of people. That’s not the kind of world I think we want to live in.”
Epstein warned that all of Google’s software and services are surveillance tools and outlined how consumers can protect themselves and their children from data manipulation. Here are some of what he calls important do’s and don’ts:
“First and foremost, do not use Gmail,” Epstein told WND. “It’s not an email system. From Google’s perspective, it’s just a surveillance tool. Instead of using Gmail, use one of the newer systems which guarantee the privacy of your emails. I use Protonmail, which is at Proton mail is based in Switzerland, it’s subject to strict Swiss privacy laws and it uses end-to-end encryption to ensure emails are private.
“Do not use Chrome which is Google’s browser. They created Chrome because they weren’t getting quite enough information from your search engine about what websites you were visiting, so they invented a browser, Chrome. Chrome monitors every single thing you do when you are online.
“Do not use the Google search engine. So, what do you do instead? I use a search engine called ‘Start Page.’ Start Page, which is at, gives you full access to Google’s index, but it doesn’t track you. That’s because of an arrangement that they have with Google. Google can cut them off at any time. But in the meantime, instead of using, use and you’re not tracked.”
He recommends using a browser called “Brave” that is faster than Chrome, doesn’t show advertising at all and it protects your privacy.
Android phones, he argued, are the most unsafe devices: “Do not use Android phones. Android is also Google and Android records what you are doing whether you are online or not online.”
While there is no competitive alternative to Facebook, Epstein emphasized the information consumers publish on Facebook can be “used against you.”
“First and foremost, do not use Gmail,” Epstein told WND. “It’s not an email system. From Google’s perspective, it’s just a surveillance tool. Instead of using Gmail, use one of the newer systems which guarantee the privacy of your emails. I use Protonmail, which is at Proton mail is based in Switzerland, it’s subject to strict Swiss privacy laws and it uses end-to-end encryption to ensure emails are private.
“Do not use Chrome which is Google’s browser. They created Chrome because they weren’t getting quite enough information from your search engine about what websites you were visiting, so they invented a browser, Chrome. Chrome monitors every single thing you do when you are online.
“Do not use the Google search engine. So, what do you do instead? I use a search engine called ‘Start Page.’ Start Page, which is at, gives you full access to Google’s index, but it doesn’t track you. That’s because of an arrangement that they have with Google. Google can cut them off at any time. But in the meantime, instead of using, use and you’re not tracked.”
He recommends using a browser called “Brave” that is faster than Chrome, doesn’t show advertising at all and it protects your privacy.
Android phones, he argued, are the most unsafe devices: “Do not use Android phones. Android is also Google and Android records what you are doing whether you are online or not online.”
While there is no competitive alternative to Facebook, Epstein emphasized the information consumers publish on Facebook can be “used against you.”