Hi! I'm gonna jump right in on this one, simply because i don't know how to ask the question. I'm attempting to run
it seems to run ok but i can't get any output after echo "$password" | sudo -S dd if=$openiso of=$answer bs=$bss status=progress"
is there any quick answer to this?
openiso=$(kdialog --getopenfilename "/home/$USER/Downloads/")
answer=$(kdialog "Select sub drive" --combobox "Select USB Device" $(lsblk --nodeps --paths --output NAME,TRAN | grep usb | awk '{print $1}'))
bss=$(kdialog --combobox "Select a bs rate" "4M" "10M" "20M" "40M")
password=$(kdialog --password "Enter password") && echo "$password" | sudo -S dd if=$openiso of=$answer bs=$bss status=progress
openiso=$(kdialog --getopenfilename "/home/$USER/Downloads/")
answer=$(kdialog "Select sub drive" --combobox "Select USB Device" $(lsblk --nodeps --paths --output NAME,TRAN | grep usb | awk '{print $1}'))
bss=$(kdialog --combobox "Select a bs rate" "4M" "10M" "20M" "40M")
password=$(kdialog --password "Enter password") && echo "$password" | sudo -S dd if=$openiso of=$answer bs=$bss status=progress
is there any quick answer to this?