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What happened?

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    What happened?

    Watch the the lady in the background (behind Horowitz) a few seconds past one minute into this video of the Senate hearing on the IG report:
    Kubuntu 20.04

    What happened?

    From CNN, aka Categorically Not News

    That woman in the background deliver held up her smartphone so that the camera could see it. No clue as to why, however, even though she was apparently shocked by what she saw.

    The media is also trying to portray Trump as being heartless because he is “ripping” children away from their parents, all of whom have entered the country illegally. Strange accusation indeed, since when ever law enforcement arrests American parents for violations of the law the children are always “ripped away” from the parents and placed in protective custody.

    It is pure propaganda to play an audio recording of a crying child to support claims their “heartless monster” narrative of Trump, but propaganda is par for the course in media these days.
    Last edited by GreyGeek; Jun 19, 2018, 09:04 AM.
    "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
    – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


      Originally posted by GreyGeek View Post
      From CNN, aka Categorically Not News

      That woman in the background deliver held up her smartphone so that the camera could see it. No clue as to why, however, even though she was apparently shocked by what she saw.
      She saw something on her smartphone that really triggered her
      Kubuntu 20.04


        It is pure propaganda to play an audio recording of a crying child to support claims their “heartless monster” narrative of Trump, but propaganda is par for the course in media these days.
        Oh, human perceptions/interpretations. The Liar-in-Chief is a Supreme Master of propaganda. It is un-American to attack the press with the intention of destroying it. Period.
        An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski


          The facts are children are being taken away from parents who are asylum seekers (not illegal) and from other parents even before the authorities determine whether or not the parents will be charged with anything.
          If you think Education is expensive, try ignorance.

          The difference between genius and stupidity is genius has limits.


            Did they attempt or actually enter this country? Yes. Should being a felon qualify them for rights and privileges that American felons cannot qualify for? No, especially the right to access welfare AND to vote.

            When American parents are arrested for criminal acts it is standard procedure to place their children in protective custody, so is that “ripping” the children out of the arms of their mothers as well? No.

            The fact that 95 of the top MNM talking heads accepted Podesta’s invite to dinner on April 15, 2015 in order to “coordinate campaign coverage” of the coming election is prima facia proof of network news bias. And the continued nature of their “reporting” since then has confirmed that they are merely the propaganda arm of the DNC, not actual, unbiased news reporters.
            "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
            – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


              This is the time to think real damn clearly about preserving what's left of our democracy. So, OK, let's put everyone at CNN in jail (based on your conviction of them). Moving on then, what should we do with Trump for what he has done and continues to do to America and to the cause of democracy worldwide?
              An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski


                Originally posted by SpecialEd View Post
                The facts are children are being taken away from parents who are asylum seekers ...
                No, citizens of foreign countries who need asylum present themselves at an official port of entry and announce their problem, they don't sneak across the border at 2:00 a.m.

                (not illegal) ...
                Yes, illegal. U.S. law forbids illegal entry into the country. It is a crime.

                BTW, any U.S. citizen who happens to be a parent and is arrested for a crime will be separated from any children who happen to be present when the citizen is taken into custody. The only difference is, CNN and MSNBC won't howl their heads off about it. This whole thing is a media extravaganza, but there's no "there" there.
                Last edited by dibl; Jun 19, 2018, 03:49 PM.


                  Originally posted by Qqmike View Post
                  This is the time to think real damn clearly about preserving what's left of our democracy. So, OK, let's put everyone at CNN in jail (based on your conviction of them). Moving on then, what should we do with Trump for what he has done and continues to do to America and to the cause of democracy worldwide?
                  And what is the basis of your claims of what Trump "has done"? CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, NPR, MediaMatters, ProgressNow! They are, after all, indistinguishable in their attacks on Trump, attacks which are unparalleled in American history. All predictable when one realizes that 95% of the media are avid Leftists.

                  The political divide in this country is now too wide to be bridged by "negotiations", or welded together by speech control or thought police. When it is all over, opinion contrary to PC will be suppressed in all the news media, just as it has been on the social media, and out of fear of public reprisal it will reach down to forums like this. To avoid this, forums will outlaw political discussion or face having their ISP drop their account. Basically, when push comes to shove, it would be better to prohibit political discussions on KFN rather than get shut down by politics or fear.
                  "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
                  – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


                    the biggest difference I see between a citizen that gets arrested getting the children taken away (if theirs no one else their to take them) is that in this case the kids will be taken care of and kept track of so that some family member or the parent can pick them up .

                    these kids being taken at the border are not being tracked per family or being kept in a humane way .

                    Trump , what can you say he is the liar and chief , he lies so much it's hard to keep track of all the *it coming out his orifice and I think he is a disgrace to the nation ,,,,, but trumpeteers cant seem to see all this past the embarrassment of their mistake in voting for him ,,,, or perhaps , deep down inside their just as evil as him .

                    and this will be the last time I post on a political thread hear ,,,,,not that their bad per say ,,,I just cant stomach it .

                    i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
                    16GB RAM
                    Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores


                      Originally posted by Qqmike View Post
                      This is the time to think real damn clearly about preserving what's left of our democracy. So, OK, let's put everyone at CNN in jail (based on your conviction of them). Moving on then, what should we do with Trump for what he has done and continues to do to America and to the cause of democracy worldwide?
                      Ummmm... Nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize? Reelection?
                      Kubuntu 24.11 64bit under Kernel 6.12.3, Hp Pavilion, 6MB ram. Stay away from all things Google...


                        I'm done here, too, along with Vinny.
                        An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski


                          Wow, did this topic go sideways! The OP just wondered what happened during that video. I can't imagine anything shocking someone in that town anymore. So, we remain curious. But, as a side note, it appears the divide between liberal and conservative views is deeper than I thought. Sorry to see this happen.

                          "A man has to know his limitations." Harry Callihan (Dirty Harry)
                          DIY ASRock AB350, AMD Ryzen 3 1200, 16 GB RAM, nvidia GT-710, kubuntu 20.04

