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Scientific AmericanQuieting egos

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    Scientific AmericanQuieting egos

    I ran across this a coupla days ago from the Scientific American, kinda interesting.

    The Pressing Need for Everyone to Quiet Their Egos


    And the article raised a question in my mind: "Will politicians 'get it'?"

    While I found the author's concept interesting, it also made me think of political re-education camps and what passes for University level psychology/sociology classes.

    My ego tells me that, while I could undertake such a mental quieting process, I'm not sure I would like myself after it was accomplished.

    Woodsmoke, this is a tough call to make for anybody who has enjoyed "success" in today's world. That "success" is intimately interwoven with ego. The phrase "stoking ones ego" seems accurate here.

    Still, an interesting concept which gives me pause for thought.
    Kubuntu 24.11 64bit under Kernel 6.12.3, Hp Pavilion, 6MB ram. Stay away from all things Google...



      Woodsmoke, this is a tough call to make for anybody who has enjoyed "success" in today's world. That "success" is intimately interwoven with ego. The phrase "stoking ones ego" seems accurate here.
      AND THAT observation is why are you are the smart guy here and I am just an old hardware kinda guy!

      Still, an interesting concept which gives me pause for thought.
      And that is what us older than dirt folks USED to do... pause...

      what was that "old saw" eschewed by the "smart people"...

      "it is better to be thought an idiot than to open one's mouth and prove it"...

      dunno...I'm not too bright and I often open my mouth and other people show me why i am stupid...but if anyone wants to research the origin of the phrase ...feel free to so do.


