This may be of interest to those of us who are concerned about online privacy...
The article, by Doc Searls at Linux Journal, discusses the plans for legislation in Europe with respect to ISPs, Hosts and us, the internet users.
It contains an invitation to join the discussion, BUT it uses DISCUS, the chat software, which I frankly do not trust. YMMV.
There are multiple links in the article which point to additional information.
My prediction (worth every penny you pay for it) is that this will come back to bite us, no matter on which side of the pond we live...
I do like the concept of cookies which act on the ISPs, Hosts and Content Providers. It should not be a one-way contract.
The article, by Doc Searls at Linux Journal, discusses the plans for legislation in Europe with respect to ISPs, Hosts and us, the internet users.
It contains an invitation to join the discussion, BUT it uses DISCUS, the chat software, which I frankly do not trust. YMMV.
There are multiple links in the article which point to additional information.
My prediction (worth every penny you pay for it) is that this will come back to bite us, no matter on which side of the pond we live...
I do like the concept of cookies which act on the ISPs, Hosts and Content Providers. It should not be a one-way contract.