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Originate Overviews of Oracular Oriole Kubuntu 24.10

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    It's only 1 Month before the Release of Oracular Oriole 24.10.

    During this past month there have been significant advances in the development of Oracular. This is illustrated by the Version changes in the current Info Centre listing since last month which is shown below.

    2 Months To Go 1 Month To Go
    KDE Plasma Version 5.27.11 6.1.4
    KDE Frameworks Version 5.116 6.5.0
    QT Version 5.15.13 6.6.2
    Application Version 4:23.08.5 4:24.08.5
    Kernel Version 6.8.0-31-generic 6.8.0-31-generic

    The only problem that I have encountered is with using Glmark2 on x11. I have all versions installed but when I try glmark2-es2-x11 or glmark2-x11, I get the command not found message. Only glmark2 works? This is my only complaint which is rather trivial at this stage.

    Otherwise the developers are doing a brilliant job at development and are to be congratulated on the progress made during the last month.


      downloaded and installed 24.10 beta and work quite well for me. couple 3rd party programs would either not install or install and not run , but that will most likely get fixed after final is released. So far so good.
      Also so far been unable to get appimages to work.
      Last edited by kc1di; Sep 21, 2024, 02:04 PM.
      Dave Kubuntu 20.04 Registered Linux User #462608

      Wireless Script:


        Originally posted by kc1di View Post
        Also so far been unable to get appimages to work.
        That is because appimages require an older fuse library that is even older than what Ubuntu provides., lol. This was the case back in 22.04 as well, iirc.


          Originally posted by claydoh View Post
          That is because appimages require an older fuse library that is even older than what Ubuntu provides., lol. This was the case back in 22.04 as well, iirc.

          Thanks but the correct fuse libs are already installed in 24.10 So back to the drawing board. Haven't really investigated it that far yet will in the coming days as time permits. But Thanks for the hint.
          Dave Kubuntu 20.04 Registered Linux User #462608

          Wireless Script:


            It might also be the ongoing apparmor issue (on any ditsro that is using it iirc), these seem to need profiles created for apps.
            ​A brute force hammer:
            A bit more of a scalpel maybe?:
            sudo aa-disable /path/to/AppImage
            or maybe creating a profile similar to this:

            Appimages have sucked large ones for some time, for me, even before the libfuse thing
            Last edited by claydoh; Sep 22, 2024, 04:04 AM.


              Thanks claydoh the first one works , second did not , did not try the third. But appimages are now working
              Dave Kubuntu 20.04 Registered Linux User #462608

              Wireless Script:


                I'm on Kubuntu 24.04. Anyone upgraded to 24.10 without major issues?

                EDIT: Update completed. No issues encountered.

                EDIT2: Unable to boot into Windows 11 from grub menu. Error message: "error: cannot load image. Press any key to continue...".
                Booting into Windows from F11 (CMOS boot menu) works fine.
                Grub menu worked perfectly with 24.04
                Last edited by cookiemuncher; Sep 23, 2024, 04:07 AM.


                  The official beta is out today, so it is the prefect time to take sytem snapshots/backups and see what happens.


                    Originally posted by WonkoTheSaneUK View Post
                    Over on Ubuntu Forums, it's being said that the daily ISO now includes Plasma 6

                    Meanwhile, I'm having a weird issue downloading anything - the browser (I've tried both Chrome & Firefox) waits around 15 seconds before offering a "Save as" box, whether it's a 170-byte text file or a multi-GB ISO image.
                    Whiskey! Tango! Foxtrot!
                    Looks like some of the latest updates have fixed my above issue. Download boxes pop up in less than a second now.


                      As I live in Australia, I take the centre of the universe for testing new distributions to be "gb" and this is the first item in my source list for my downloads. I have not had any problems using "gb". I will be interested to know if there is another more reliable development source in the USA, Germany or France.


                        Originally posted by NoWorries View Post
                        I will be interested to know if there is another more reliable development source in the USA, Germany or France.
                        The sources for Oracular are not separate, all the sources for all the releases (that aren't EOL and mothballed) are on the same pool of mirrors as everything else. BUT the particular directories for oracular do see more upload traffic from the fairly constant changes, plus the prorogation out to all the vast number of mirrors.

                        One can use the 'find fastest server' thingy in the Software Sources tool to find the quickest specific server amongst all the different servers in each country , though IME, this changes constantly, even daily.
                        If I find the country specific server pool is slow, I usually switch to the worldwide main one ( These major country URLS are just load balancers or other services that try to send requests to the best specific server at that moment.

