The school whereat I teach anatomy and physiology was informed this week, we were informed tonight, that the "manniken" that has interchangeable "private bits"... it is literally a "plugin thing". male or female...

will not be used next go around.
the "slot" where the female or male itty bits is supposed to go will be filled with the supplied "no part".
which then leads to removing "other parts" and we then have...don't know... a place to put

pop 'em in a zippy bag and they would fit right smartly and since we can't TEACH it...the students can snack while I get coffee.
Next time you have any kind of "tech" serving you ... if it has ANYthing to do with... itty bits...
i would actually just INSULT the person and ask for a doctor...unless this has spread upward...and then we are ALL scre@#$ by liberalism.

will not be used next go around.
the "slot" where the female or male itty bits is supposed to go will be filled with the supplied "no part".
which then leads to removing "other parts" and we then have...don't know... a place to put

pop 'em in a zippy bag and they would fit right smartly and since we can't TEACH it...the students can snack while I get coffee.
Next time you have any kind of "tech" serving you ... if it has ANYthing to do with... itty bits...
i would actually just INSULT the person and ask for a doctor...unless this has spread upward...and then we are ALL scre@#$ by liberalism.