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Where is Bionic Bever?

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    I was planning to wait a week or so to download anyway.
    Just thought it interesting to follow.

    Currently the download title is Kubuntu 18.04.0 LTS.
    When the fix is added will it be Kubuntu 18.04.1 LTS or will that be saved for other fixes/upgrades
    Last edited by GregM; Apr 27, 2018, 08:19 AM.


      I read that Canocal, put code in the release updated that won't reveal the upgrade to its LTS users until 18.0.1. That's so they are less likely to run into Bugs that they have trouble with work arounds. I don't have to stick with LTSes as I know enough about Linux to deal with any needed work arounds.
      Last edited by steve7233; Apr 27, 2018, 10:53 AM. Reason: Auto correct error
      Just to remind users and devs that Ubuntu and its flavors have a long way to go to be as usr friendly as they should be.


        I DL’d the iso last night and created a persistent LiveUSD. It booted fine after temporarily displaying the msg “string descriptor error -22”

        I noticed that
        sudo apt update
        Checks for updateable packages and reports ya or na, indicating the need, or not, of running
        sudo apt full-upgrade

        Edit: so does 16.04, but I never noticed it.

        Even running from a USB stick Bionic is quick and agile. Haven’t found any problems so far.

        Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
        Last edited by GreyGeek; Apr 28, 2018, 03:36 PM.
        "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
        – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


          The installer hung after I selected install 3rd party software. It shows a never ending wait icon.
          Just to remind users and devs that Ubuntu and its flavors have a long way to go to be as usr friendly as they should be.


            Where is Bionic Bever?

            Originally posted by steve7233 View Post
            The installer hung after I selected install 3rd party software. It shows a never ending wait icon.
            Did you have an Internet connection that was working, preferably a cable?

            Regardless, I've run into that conundrum more than once over the years and I uncheck that option. I wait till after the installation is complete and running well before I do an update & dist-upgrade.

            Re-do your install and do not select 3rd party updates. After the install is up and running OK, you can edit the sources.list via Muon (if you installed it, which I recommend) or Discovery, and check the boxes for the 3rd party sources.
            Last edited by GreyGeek; Apr 28, 2018, 10:33 PM.
            "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
            – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


              I don't have internet on the Linux computer but I will get it back on the third of May. I read that upgrading is unreliable as old and new config might screw up the upgraded system. I read this on the Ubuntu forums. I suspect that applies to all flavours of Ubuntu. I will have to make a script to reinstall all the packages that the fresh install doesn't do. Like steam, Google Earth ect... Perhaps Steam is so common now that the Ubuntu and Kubuntu - probably not all flavours -, devs might want to add it to the installer.
              Just to remind users and devs that Ubuntu and its flavors have a long way to go to be as usr friendly as they should be.



                Bionic is working well for me. I installed the RC when acheron made the post for testers. I never found anything terribly wrong, other than the RC would not always load plasma after logging in (the system would hang) until I installed the proprietary nvidia driver. I bumped into (possibly) the same issue when I went to install the final 18.04 today and selected "Try Kubuntu" instead of "Install" in which plasma did not load. My system specs are in my signature, the graphics card is an ASUS maded 660gtx. I know the rest of my system is old, but is and has always been very reliable. Other than that, I am very happy with it (this is coming from someone who did not like KDE 4 and went to xfce when 16.04 came out). I am definitely liking Latte Dock (vs. Cairo) since it is simple, effective, and so far reliable. I am enjoying the global menus even though they are not consistent.

                Overall I am please with plasma 5 as well. Speaking of...

                Do we know if Bionic will get the remaining plasma 5.12 LTS updates officially?
                Nowadays I'm mostly Mac, but...
                tron: KDE neon User | MacPro5,1 | 3.2GHz Xeon | 48GB RAM | 250GB, 1TB, & 500GB Samsung SSDs | Nvidia GTX 980 Ti


                  Originally posted by benny_fletch View Post
                  Do we know if Bionic will get the remaining plasma 5.12 LTS updates officially?
                  We plan to if at all possible!

                  The Ubuntu SRU (Stable Release Update) team are strict on validation and testing on updates to the main archive, and Plasma is 40+ source packages to build and test, so the bar is high and making 100% promises would be foolish.

                  We will make the updates available in our Kubuntu Updates PPA (note that is different to backports ppa) whatever happens, but when it comes to will be grateful for testers to do the Stable Release Update verification on the real archive candidate packages when they sit in the proposed updates pocket of the main Ubuntu archive. We will likely shout out on the website, here, and social media when testing is needed.
                  On #kubuntu-devel & #kubuntu on - IRC Nick: RikMills - Launchpad ID: click


                    Originally posted by acheron View Post
                    We plan to if at all possible!

                    The Ubuntu SRU (Stable Release Update) team are strict on validation and testing on updates to the main archive, and Plasma is 40+ source packages to build and test, so the bar is high and making 100% promises would be foolish.

                    We will make the updates available in our Kubuntu Updates PPA (note that is different to backports ppa) whatever happens, but when it comes to will be grateful for testers to do the Stable Release Update verification on the real archive candidate packages when they sit in the proposed updates pocket of the main Ubuntu archive. We will likely shout out on the website, here, and social media when testing is needed.
                    Let me know and I will do my best to test whenever possible. I have added the Kubuntu Updates PPA you mentioned to my Bionic install and I'll let you know if I bump into anything out of the ordinary. Thank you acheron!
                    Nowadays I'm mostly Mac, but...
                    tron: KDE neon User | MacPro5,1 | 3.2GHz Xeon | 48GB RAM | 250GB, 1TB, & 500GB Samsung SSDs | Nvidia GTX 980 Ti


                      Originally posted by benny_fletch View Post
                      Let me know and I will do my best to test whenever possible. I have added the Kubuntu Updates PPA you mentioned to my Bionic install and I'll let you know if I bump into anything out of the ordinary. Thank you acheron!
                      IF you decide to test, make sure that you sign up to be a tester, as then, you get a road map to follow (what to test) and where to report results; very important.
                      Windows no longer obstructs my view.
                      Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
                      "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes

