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NPR ... going to.... TCM red blank

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    NPR ... going to.... TCM red blank

    I was of the "elite snobs" of the FEW elite snobs here in our little part of the midwest...

    UNTIL... the first wife and fam and I actually built one of the few energy efficient homes in the area... 6 inch walls, double insulation in the roof, four foot overhand roof...

    And during that I had a junk battery powered radio and I...WE...listened to the local NPR station...

    One day...i was laying in the "plenum" we used what was considered then to be the BEST way to heat a house... a "heated plenum" below the floors... installing water piping and I heard Nina Totenberg intone...

    I had completely MISSED this for... a...year?... "where is the...'dont remember name" going to"...

    Did you get that..."going to". ending a sentence with a preposition...

    I ...WORK to make sure that I do not end sentences either SPOKEN or written with prepositions.

    I literally laid there ON THE DIRT of the plenum and said to myself..."WHAT? These people are supposedly the cream of the cream of the cream laying ABOVE people..."like me"...


    I started paying much closer attention... Not only were they using the same sentence structure as we...the "great unwashed"...

    They always started "reportage" by INTONING..."there AAARRREE "concerns" " about ANYthing that was not "liberal"...

    I stopped listening and donating to the local NPR station...


    TCM is advertising it's WINE CLUB...

    And is touting a "red blank"... WHAT!!!!

    first a red and a blank going together is well okaay...

    BUT...they were INTONING...the "highly important"...term..."BLANK"...and in "point blank" or a 'blank sheet of paper"...

    as opposed to the CORRECT pronunciation of...

    blannnnk as in "blanc"...

    THE LIBRERAL ELITES SNEER AT THE ..."great unwashed"...but then talk like them...

    while TELLING THEM that "they need to GET EDUCATED"...

    wood that is pronounced "would"...

    smoke that is pronounced " smoooook" with all "o" as in "oh my"...

    I will not use "a e i o u" because...

    there is the continental...AAAAHHH , EEEEHHHHH, EYE...OOOOOOO and YOU...

    if the uber liberal elites would maybe stop sneering at the great unwashed, while at the same time TALKING like them...but INTONING..."talk this way"...

    OR I WILL DENOUNCE being "reactionary"..."anti-revolutionary"...and generally BOORISH... I WILL TAKE YOUR HEAD...

    woodistiredofpeoplewhoSAYtheyarenottwofaced...bein gtwofaced...andthensaying...ifYOUsayIamtwofacedI WILL DENOUNCE YOU... smoke...

    Maybe...the great unwashed would take them seriously...

    Being an NPR devotee, I feel your pain, Woody. But the problem extends to journalists and "announcers" in general, and it's not just grammar. A year or so ago, there was quite a to-do about "wire tapping" and "tapes". It was all started by the Tweeter In Chief, and I found it incredible that supposedly educated journalists and their analyst and anchor buddies all repeated the "tapes" terminology. For several weeks it was tapes, tapes, tapes. I finally got mad and wrote a paragraph on my Facebook page about the stupidity of people using that terminology in the year 2017. Instead of imitating the behavior of lemmings, they could have taken the opportunity to point out how anachronistic the originating tweet was, and how easy it is with current technology, i.e. anyone with a cell phone, to make (and reproduce) a digital recording. But no ... it was just tapes, tapes, tapes.

    When I was growing up, correct use of language was emphasized by my elders, and stated to be an important characteristic of a well-educated person.

    Not so much anymore, I guess.
    Last edited by dibl; Apr 12, 2018, 04:34 AM.


      Is laid transitive or intransitive?


        I'm not a grammar Nazi, really - but I do make assumptions about a person based on their spoken or written language. I heard on teh intrawebz maybe twenty years ago "If you don't care what you write why should I read it?".

        I've echoed that sentiment many times myself.
        we see things not as they are, but as we are.
        -- anais nin


          Originally posted by wizard10000 View Post
          ..."If you don't care what you write why should I read it?".
          Sound advice, but few will follow when it is written (not in stone but on the net) that words are weapons and if you throw enough words, you will hit something or someone. Hence the barrage of rhetoric from the media.

          woodsmoke, I feel your pain and I also gave up the NPR pap a couple of decades ago. "The Prairie Home Companion" was getting a little too saccharine for my tastes. "Soylent Green Is People!" Care for a cracker with your Red Blank?
          Kubuntu 24.11 64bit under Kernel 6.12.3, Hp Pavilion, 6MB ram. Stay away from all things Google...


            Originally posted by wartnose View Post
            Is laid transitive or intransitive?
            Until you supply a context you cannot say. Is there a receiver for the action of the verb? If so, it’s transitive, otherwise it’s intransitive.
            "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
            – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


              Originally posted by TWPonKubuntu View Post
              Sound advice, but few will follow when it is written (not in stone but on the net) that words are weapons and if you throw enough words, you will hit something or someone. Hence the barrage of rhetoric from the media.

              woodsmoke, I feel your pain and I also gave up the NPR pap a couple of decades ago. "The Prairie Home Companion" was getting a little too saccharine for my tastes. "Soylent Green Is People!" Care for a cracker with your Red Blank?
              I, too, was a regular NPR listener and my wife and I enjoyed “Prairie Home Companion” for years. UNTIL the Internet allowed me to easily check original sources and compare what they reported to what the sources said or didn’t say.
              In college during the early 60’s a Civics Class was a requirement. We were required to give reports on articles in the major news sources of the day, the premier source being the NYT. That class led to a long period of newspaper and news mag reading as a source of political and social information. During the 80’s TV (air and cable) began replacing print as the primary news source. That was problematic. I could always clip and article or save the entire paper. Doing so with TV news was, at the time, not so easy.

              Part of my business in the early 80’s was installing satellite dishes in rural areas where cable never went. I always used the ABC news feed on the Westar4 transponder satellite. While doing an installation I had my 12” portable color TV playing to check reception and signal strength. I heard “Hail to the Chief” and saw Raegan walk into the stage at a NOW convention. He received a standing ovation for 5-10 minutes. He punctuated his speech with about dozen jokes. He often used humor to make his point. Laughter greeted every joke except one. He finished his speech and left the stage, receiving another 5 minute standing ovation. That was what the live feed showed, uninterrupted and no commercials. Then, the feed showed Harry Reasoner and Max Rynolds talking back and forth about how to present the story. I was thunderstruck. It was the first time I saw “reporters” discussing how to slant the story. When the ABC news began that evening the lead was “Reagen gets a mixed reception at NOW”, and the story immediately launched a 1:47 clip of Elenor Schmeel claiming that Raegan would drag women back to the Stone Age by their hair”.
              It took a couple of years for the MNM to realize that folks in rural areas were watching their news feeds to get the real story, not their nightly news presenting biased propaganda. When the did realize it they encrypted their feed. Satellite users bought decryption chips. So the MNM bought legislation that made using decryption hardware illegal to import, make, sell or buy.

              Too late. Rural America, and most folks over 55, became and have remained Conservative every since. Now you know the rest of the story. (Remember where that line came from?).
              "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
              – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.



                I just LOVE a forum run by the likes of GG and et. al.

                the threads kind of stay on topic and then just veer off...

                soon to return!!

                loove the replies folks!!


