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Shuttleworth COULD HAVE.....

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    Shuttleworth COULD HAVE.....

    I gotta get this off my chest.

    The whole "plasma" tablet thing...yeah...plasma is not "straight Ubuntu"...and we have the WHOLE TURF WAR THING...if is not "Ubuntu..." is those guys over there...

    so...a tablet that COULD have had just a generic plasma run as a COMPUTER as opposed to an android flavour...COULD have happened YEARS AGO...

    and there might already be a working TABLET with a "computer"system on stores...

    All Shuttleworth had to do is...well...BUY A TABLET...

    If Windows can be on a tablet Ubuntu / Kubuntu / Plasma could have been on a tablet...for sale at... egg... whatever...

    BUT NO...there are always ...ESCUSES...

    Remember the "One Laptop per Child"?

    Back when I had money... a LOT of money...I actually coordinated with 16 schools in my region to purchase and GIVE to the schoold FREE OF CHARGE the OLPC they all agreed.

    I TRIED BY BEST to contact the OLPC people...they SUPPOSEDLY had one in hand...

    I actually DROVE to MIT...after e-mailing and getting a reply that I could visit with at least a "representative" because Negroponte was "busy"...

    and I got a nice tour of MIT...what CRAPPOLA...

    Well you say that it is intended for poor people...well...why cannot RICH people PAY FOR THEM to FINANCE the operation for poor people...

    it is because it is all EGO DRIVEN and vapor ware...

    Segue to the Surface

    Well...then here was the ..."surface" ...and just WHERE DID THE ORIGINAL OS COME FROM...? !!!

    give me a break!!! AAARRRGGHHH...

    again...Shuttleworth could have spent a million of his many millions and his SUPPOSED dream... could have been fulfilled...

    but no...


    This showed up on the Smart News Aggregator yesterday...

    one of the original articles from 2017...

    what a difference a year makes...


    but no...

    I think that Shuttleworh is more than willing to let thousands of people do his dirty work where in he spends chump change...

    i remember another corporate type who did the SAME thing...over a decade ago...

    I was an enthusiastic supporter for my very first install and then the man screwed everybody...

    and everybody in linuxdome ...oooohhh...shhhh...oooohhh...don't SAY anything... ssshhhhhhh


    AGAIN...If Shuttleworth had BOUGHT THE GUY OUT... guess what ? ...we would have been running windblows crappola decades. ago IN ADDITION to Linux...

    and the THOUSANDS...of volunteers.plod right along...plowing ahead programming for "this" when the real work is for "that" and SOMEBODY is going to get filthy rich...

    While we watch the video and make excuses when the simple dumping of a million by the SUPPOSED millionaire who SUPPOSEDLY wants to have "free and open source stuff"...

    but it curiously ON THE DESKTOP...Linux / ALWAYS..."behind the curve"...

    FOR YOU AND ME...the sheeple users...

    but...ya know what to PLAY THE SHUTTLEWORTH ADVOCATE...

    I spent months completely working out how to put Kubuntu or Neon on a large screen t.v. using...and use it as an office device and media device...

    UNFORTUNATELY because there IS NO AN AIRMOUSE IN THE AIR...shall we say...together...CUMBERSOME!!

    and not a single person even said it was stupid let alone any good.

    So...maybe we "Ubuntu USERS"...really do...get what we deserve...

    Last edited by woodsmoke; Mar 13, 2018, 07:31 PM.

    Be happy with what you have, Woodsmoke. If you spend all your time getting pissed off about things that are beyond your control you'll always just be pissed off. You have a free OS that does a hell of a lot. Thats enough for me, honestly.


      Yup, for which, after years of having to use Windows, I'm thankful!

      A friend just came by to pick up his laptop after I installed KDE Neon on it because his Win7 was infected, the wifi wouldn't work, the BitDefender stopped working and he had a wscript.exe virus on it, to name one. KDE Neon live had no trouble using the WiFi. So, I introduced him to the joys of Btrfs, made his first snapshots, and showed him the power of the Dolphin. Got him hooked up with LibreOffice so he could continue to use his templates to bill his clients, and FF to hook up to his AOL email, which he's had since AOL started. Happy camper!
      "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
      – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.





          Love it!
          I just spent a weekend recovering a friend's Win7 installation. After the new "recovery" install about 15 hours was used to download kb's install them, with constant rebooting, which caused other kb's to be requested. Then, trying to reinstall Bit Defender, I was informed that IE11 was required. Trying to install it required six kb's. Installing them led to 161 updates, with frequent rebooting. Finally, IE11 was in and BD installed.
          Took it to friend's house. Booted up. The ETH0 would not connect! Debugged that and got it going. Had to install HP printer. Downloaded install exe. It required several kb's which led to an addition four hours of waiting while updates completed. Then the printer installed.

          All this because Bit Defender caught the wscript.exe virus but couldn't quarantine it. He now has KDE Neon in dual boot mode. If wscript shows up again I'll lead him through deleting it from Neon.
          "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
          – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


            Aaah yoda...I kneel...



              Hmmmm... Do you know what neckbeard hair does to a keyboard?
              Kubuntu 24.04 64bit under Kernel 6.10.2, Hp Pavilion, 6MB ram. All Bow To The Great Google... cough, hack, gasp.


                Originally posted by TWPonKubuntu View Post
                Hmmmm... Do you know what neckbeard hair does to a keyboard?
                Dandruff is worse. Luckily, I don't have that problem any more.
                "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
                – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.

