I gotta get this off my chest.
The whole "plasma" tablet thing...yeah...plasma is not "straight Ubuntu"...and we have the WHOLE TURF WAR THING...if is not "Ubuntu..."...yeah...it is those guys over there...
so...a tablet that COULD have had just a generic plasma run as a COMPUTER as opposed to an android flavour...COULD have happened YEARS AGO...
and there might already be a working TABLET with a "computer"system on it...in stores...
All Shuttleworth had to do is...well...BUY A TABLET...
If Windows can be on a tablet Ubuntu / Kubuntu / Plasma could have been on a tablet...for sale at...
dunno...new egg... whatever...
BUT NO...there are always ...ESCUSES...
Remember the "One Laptop per Child"?
Back when I had money... a LOT of money...I actually coordinated with 16 schools in my region to purchase and GIVE to the schoold FREE OF CHARGE the OLPC they all agreed.
I TRIED BY BEST to contact the OLPC people...they SUPPOSEDLY had one in hand...
I actually DROVE to MIT...after e-mailing and getting a reply that I could visit with at least a "representative" because Negroponte was "busy"...
and I got a nice tour of MIT...what CRAPPOLA...
Well you say that it is intended for poor people...well...why cannot RICH people PAY FOR THEM to FINANCE the operation for poor people...
it is because it is all EGO DRIVEN and vapor ware...
Segue to the Surface
Well...then here was the ..."surface" ...and just WHERE DID THE ORIGINAL OS COME FROM...? !!!
give me a break!!! AAARRRGGHHH...
again...Shuttleworth could have spent a million of his many millions and his SUPPOSED dream... could have been fulfilled...
but no...
This showed up on the Smart News Aggregator yesterday...
one of the original articles from 2017...
what a difference a year makes...
but no...
I think that Shuttleworh is more than willing to let thousands of people do his dirty work where in he spends chump change...
i remember another corporate type who did the SAME thing...over a decade ago...
I was an enthusiastic supporter for my very first install and then the man screwed everybody...
and everybody in linuxdome ...oooohhh...shhhh...oooohhh...don't SAY anything... ssshhhhhhh
AGAIN...If Shuttleworth had BOUGHT THE GUY OUT... guess what ? ...we would have been running windblows crappola decades. ago IN ADDITION to Linux...
and the THOUSANDS...of volunteers.plod right along...plowing ahead programming for "this" when the real work is for "that" and SOMEBODY is going to get filthy rich...
While we watch the video and make excuses when the simple dumping of a million by the SUPPOSED millionaire who SUPPOSEDLY wants to have "free and open source stuff"...
but it curiously ON THE DESKTOP...Linux / Ubunu...is ALWAYS..."behind the curve"...
FOR YOU AND ME...the sheeple users...
but...ya know what to PLAY THE SHUTTLEWORTH ADVOCATE...
I spent months completely working out how to put Kubuntu or Neon on a large screen t.v. using...and use it as an office device and media device...
UNFORTUNATELY because there IS NO TABLET...by...WAVING AN AIRMOUSE IN THE AIR...shall we say...together...CUMBERSOME!!
and not a single person even said it was stupid let alone any good.
So...maybe we "Ubuntu USERS"...really do...get what we deserve...
I gotta get this off my chest.
The whole "plasma" tablet thing...yeah...plasma is not "straight Ubuntu"...and we have the WHOLE TURF WAR THING...if is not "Ubuntu..."...yeah...it is those guys over there...
so...a tablet that COULD have had just a generic plasma run as a COMPUTER as opposed to an android flavour...COULD have happened YEARS AGO...
and there might already be a working TABLET with a "computer"system on it...in stores...
All Shuttleworth had to do is...well...BUY A TABLET...
If Windows can be on a tablet Ubuntu / Kubuntu / Plasma could have been on a tablet...for sale at...
dunno...new egg... whatever...
BUT NO...there are always ...ESCUSES...
Remember the "One Laptop per Child"?
Back when I had money... a LOT of money...I actually coordinated with 16 schools in my region to purchase and GIVE to the schoold FREE OF CHARGE the OLPC they all agreed.
I TRIED BY BEST to contact the OLPC people...they SUPPOSEDLY had one in hand...
I actually DROVE to MIT...after e-mailing and getting a reply that I could visit with at least a "representative" because Negroponte was "busy"...
and I got a nice tour of MIT...what CRAPPOLA...
Well you say that it is intended for poor people...well...why cannot RICH people PAY FOR THEM to FINANCE the operation for poor people...
it is because it is all EGO DRIVEN and vapor ware...
Segue to the Surface
Well...then here was the ..."surface" ...and just WHERE DID THE ORIGINAL OS COME FROM...? !!!
give me a break!!! AAARRRGGHHH...
again...Shuttleworth could have spent a million of his many millions and his SUPPOSED dream... could have been fulfilled...
but no...
This showed up on the Smart News Aggregator yesterday...
one of the original articles from 2017...
what a difference a year makes...
but no...
I think that Shuttleworh is more than willing to let thousands of people do his dirty work where in he spends chump change...
i remember another corporate type who did the SAME thing...over a decade ago...
I was an enthusiastic supporter for my very first install and then the man screwed everybody...
and everybody in linuxdome ...oooohhh...shhhh...oooohhh...don't SAY anything... ssshhhhhhh
AGAIN...If Shuttleworth had BOUGHT THE GUY OUT... guess what ? ...we would have been running windblows crappola decades. ago IN ADDITION to Linux...
and the THOUSANDS...of volunteers.plod right along...plowing ahead programming for "this" when the real work is for "that" and SOMEBODY is going to get filthy rich...
While we watch the video and make excuses when the simple dumping of a million by the SUPPOSED millionaire who SUPPOSEDLY wants to have "free and open source stuff"...
but it curiously ON THE DESKTOP...Linux / Ubunu...is ALWAYS..."behind the curve"...
FOR YOU AND ME...the sheeple users...
but...ya know what to PLAY THE SHUTTLEWORTH ADVOCATE...
I spent months completely working out how to put Kubuntu or Neon on a large screen t.v. using...and use it as an office device and media device...
UNFORTUNATELY because there IS NO TABLET...by...WAVING AN AIRMOUSE IN THE AIR...shall we say...together...CUMBERSOME!!
and not a single person even said it was stupid let alone any good.
So...maybe we "Ubuntu USERS"...really do...get what we deserve...