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98 percent of mass shootings occurred in....

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    98 percent of mass shootings occurred in....

    gun free zones.

    98% of mass shootings take place in “gun-free zones”

    According to research published by the Crime Prevention Research Center, (Derived from a study by a guy named Lott that the left disparages) more than 98% of mass shootings occur in gun-free zones. From 1950 through July 10, 2016, only 1.6% of mass shootings took place in areas where guns were allowed to be legally carried.

    SOOOOO...I am WAAY to busy to track down the origins of this, but the Presdent repeated it:

    Here is an article from the New Yawwk Times that pooh poohs what the Prez said:

    Here is a politifact that SEEMS to have a reasonably balanced view on the thing it is a LONG article basically about "what is the definition of a mass shooting or a gun free zone... give me a break...

    so, like I said, I am waay too busy to run this down but if it is ANYWHERE near correct then the suggestion about putting armed people in schools would seem to make sense.


    I expect that the liberal media will attempt to "spin" that 98% number to something lower, but even a fraction of that is unacceptable. The "Gun-free" label paints a target on the location and invites these attacks.

    I saw the linked article (first in your post) earlier and linked to it in another forum too. It is a fair indictment of the anti-gun movement.

    Sadly, I don't see much action, from either political party, to address this.
    Kubuntu 24.11 64bit under Kernel 6.12.3, Hp Pavilion, 6MB ram. Stay away from all things Google...


      There's just so much ignorance and FUD spinning around the media these days - one can't really keep up at all. Two things I know are: CNN is a leftist front organization with deep ties to both the DNC and the Deep State, and enrollment in the NRA is quickly shooting up - pun intended! - based on the hypocrisy and 'symbolism over substance' ideology that lefties usually spew to the masses.

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        America has gone insane...


          Originally posted by whatthefunk View Post
          America has gone insane...
          and that is why I need my guns ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

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            Originally posted by whatthefunk View Post
            America has gone insane...
            When I was a kid everyone had guns, carried pistols in their pockets, purses, glove boxes, and rifles in rear window racks. Everyone was well behaved. Then, in 1966 a single incident caused by a college student with a brain tumor triggered politicians to “do something”. The 1968 gun regulation act disarmed a lot of folks, but not the lawless thugs. They and those taking or dropping SSRIs have had a field day every since, especially after the 1994 gun regulation act.

            It’s like taking everyone’s cars away because some drive drunk. Or that outlawing guns will take them off the streets, even though outlawing cocaine hasn’t taken it off the streets.

            I find it hypocritical that those who want to confiscate firearms “to save lives” support abortion at any time during pregnancy, which is killing one million babies a year. Unborn babies aren’t human? Then why did they pass laws protecting Eagle’s eggs if unhatched Eagle’s eggs aren’t Eagles?

            It isn’t about saving lives, it is strictly about disarmament. Any attempt at mass confiscation could erupt into an armed rebellion, and Civil War II. That’s why the Marxists are infringing the 2A, one little piece at a time, slowly warming up the frog with”reasonable” mini-restrictions. Eventually they’ll succeed because they already control the media, the Internet , entertainment and education. Look at all the censorship of non-Marxist views occurring on Twitter, FB, YT, Patreon, and other sites.

            The Constitution and our form of government, Rule of Law under the Constitution, are not being taught in schools but it is being denigrated and ridiculed, along with our Founding Fathers.

            In Canada and the EU the truth is no longer a defense against “hate” speech. So, even though women are 2nd class citizens in Islam, their testimony in court is worth only half of a man’s and they have few rights, to say so is “hate” speech. In France Le Penn is being charged with a hate crime that carries a 3 year term an $90K fine for saying so THREE YEARS ago! French politicians had to make it a crime using a post de facto law just to punish her for pointing out the truth they want to suppress.
            Freedom is dead in Canada, France & the EU. It is on life support in the USA and Marxist are doing their best to yank out the tubes.

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            "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
            – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.

