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18 killed in school shooting

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    Originally posted by sithlord48 View Post
    Can you list all the uses of this tool?
    1. Hunting
    2. Competition Shooting (Matches)
    3. Proficiency Shooting (target practice)
    4. Self-Defense
    5. Defense of others

    These are likely the 'broad categories'.
    Windows no longer obstructs my view.
    Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
    "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


      This whole gun issue is wearing, but necessary. The Divider-in-Chief is not helping, as he hasn't helped one single other damned issue, so far.

      Isn't it true that most gun deaths are done by just a 22 pistol?

      I've have a 22 pistol and a 38 S&W snub nose, feeling I should bone up on my marksmanship, haven't fired for 35 or 40 years, and haven't ruled out getting a concealed carry or sending my wife for gun lessons. WTH is this! And I'm kind of a moderate liberal. I do sometimes carry semi-precious stones around, on the road, and so carry a gun whenever, as does everyone else I know in the biz, along with coin dealers and precious gems people. Have had friends who had to use their guns in self defense, then had to pay a lawyer to get them off on a justifiable homicide ... God Bless America? Again, WTH!?
      An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski


        Originally posted by Snowhog View Post
        1. Hunting
        2. Competition Shooting (Matches)
        3. Proficiency Shooting (target practice)
        4. Self-Defense
        5. Defense of others

        These are likely the 'broad categories'.
        The single purpose is to send a projectile down range.
        Mark Your Solved Issues [SOLVED]
        (top of thread: thread tools)


          Sure! Can't you?
          "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
          – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


            There are certain topics that engender STRONG feelings. Guns are one. What we must all at least agree on, is that it isn't a "I'm right and you're wrong" issue. Advocates on both sides have their reasons for believing as they do, and that doesn't necessarily make one side right and the other wrong. It also doesn't mean that either side 'must' convince the other to change their minds. Civilized minds can (and should) simply 'agree to disagree' when that is the only viable option in the debate.
            Windows no longer obstructs my view.
            Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
            "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


              Originally posted by Qqmike View Post
              Isn't it true that most gun deaths are done by just a 22 pistol?
              There is a website,, that presented a table created from actual shootings which related the number of shots per per death per caliber. The lowly .22 required the least number of shots to be lethal. It was (is?) the preferred weapon for the Mafia executioners. And, more deaths have been attributed to it than any other caliber. The author of that article came to the conclusion that it didn't matter what caliber of weapon you used for self-defense. All that mattered was shot placement.

              Originally posted by Qqmike View Post
              I've have a 22 pistol and a 38 S&W snub nose, feeling I should bone up on my marksmanship, haven't fired for 35 or 40 years, and haven't ruled out getting a concealed carry or sending my wife for gun lessons.
              Your .38 snub nose is probably only a six shot pistol. That's not enough rounds to be at your disposal, and cylinder reloads are bulky and more difficult to reload in a J frame.

              If you are going to practice then do so at ranges of 5 to 15 yards, no farther. And practice with the two hand grip, and with a single hand grip, so you become proficient with either hand or two hands. At 15 yards the center of mass is not hard to hit, unless you are excited, nervous, shaking or have been injured by the perp. A so-called "Mouse gun" (.22 semi-auto like the TAURUS PT-22) can be an excellent deterrent because it is easy to shoot (no recoil anticipation because there is no hard recoil), has a very loud report (scary), and while carrying it, it is invisible in your front blue jean pocket, or the pocket of a jacket. It's not so heavy that it causes hang-down, and is so thin that it doesn't "print" as much as bulkier guns do. As I said before, hand gun bullets do not have the kinetic energy to do much more than poke holes, so practice enough that you can poke holes in the right places. Otherwise, use a rifle. It will blow holes, not poke them.

              Originally posted by Qqmike View Post
              WTH is this! And I'm kind of a moderate liberal. I do sometimes carry semi-precious stones around, on the road, and so carry a gun whenever, as does everyone else I know in the biz, along with coin dealers and precious gems people. Have had friends who had to use their guns in self defense, then had to pay a lawyer to get them off on a justifiable homicide ... God Bless America? Again, WTH!?
              In today's 2A environment, thanks to the Left, carrying around a firearm without a concealed carry permit can get you into deep legal trouble. Carrying it in the open, IF such is allowed, can get you whacked in the head and the gun stolen. I would never recommend open carrying of any firearm in a metropolitan area, even if it is legal to do so.

              Gun laws are far from uniform. Several states permit what is called "Constitutional Carry", meaning that no permit other than the 2nd Amendment is needed to carry a firearm either openly or concealed. There were four when I acquired my CHP. Now there are around 15. The rest require a permit to carry a concealed weapon. Some states, like New Jersey, will incarcerate you for a year with fines up to $10,000 if, during a road stop for any reason what so ever, they find a single bullet in the trunk of your car. Or worse, if they find a gun, even if you are just "passing through", had no intent on stopping for anything but gas, and were duly licensed in your home state. Nebraska honors the CHP from 35 other states, the last time I checked.

              Some states offer concealed carry permits but some cities within those states pass ordinances which prohibit some of what the state allows, or attaches grievous restrictions to the laws so as to make exercising them difficult. All of these "reasonable" laws and restrictions are designed to put roadblocks (infringements) in front of our 2A rights. For example, here in Lincoln one has to purchase a $5 city permit to purchase a handgun. Without that permit a gun dealer cannot sell you a hand gun. Supposedly giving the city/county a chance to check if you have a felony record (duplicate's the Federal NICS database check), it's nothing less than registering YOU as a potential handgun owner. A month later, when the permit arrives, you can go buy a hand gun.

              Before you can purchase it, however, you must fill out a two page form which attests to your being a US citizen of legal age, without felony convictions, spousal abuse or court ordered non-contact. Then the gun dealer fills in his license info and phones the info into the Federal NICS. Usually within an hour the gun dealer will get a call back from the Feds approving the purchase or denying it.

              Now that you have your hand gun you can take it to the shooting range and practice firing it. My recommendation is that you take shooting lessons from a qualified NRA instructor so you learn the right things in the right way. Satisfied with your marksmanship and safety skills you sign up for a conceal weapon permit class, for $150+, also given by State approved and licensed NRA instructors or LEO's. You will be taught both the Federal and State laws relating to the CHP (Concealed Holder Permit). You will be required to fire accurately from 3, 9, 15 and 21 feet, both in hand and from a concealed draw. At the end of the one week class, meeting 5 to 9, you are given a test. Make 70 or better and you pass. You get the class certificate notarized. You take it, your REAL birth certificate (not the fake thing with your foot prints that the hospital gives your parents), your driver's license, recent 5X7 photo, proof of residency, you get finger printed and pay $100. IF your application passes muster they'll send you your CHP within 35 days. Otherwise you correct the problems and pony up another $100. Rinse and repeat. Within 50 days prior to your CHP expiring you can log onto an online site and renew your CHP. It will cost you only $50.

              Now that you have your Nebraska CHP you can carry concealed anywhere EXCEPT:
              Sec. 15. (1)(a) A permit holder may carry a concealed handgun anywhere in Nebraska, except any: Police, sheriff, or Nebraska State Patrol station or office; detention facility, prison, or jail; courtroom or building which contains a courtroom; polling place during a bona fide election; meeting of the governing body of a county, public school district, municipality, or other political subdivision; meeting of the Legislature or a committee of the Legislature; financial institution; professional, semiprofessional, or collegiate athletic event; school, school grounds, school-owned vehicle, or school-sponsored activity or athletic event; place of worship; emergency room or trauma center; political rally or fundraiser; establishment having a license issued under the Nebraska Liquor Control Act that derives over one-half of its total income from the sale of alcoholic liquor; place where the possession or carrying of a firearm is prohibited by state or federal law; a place or premises where the person, persons, entity, or entities in control of the property or employer in control of the property has prohibited permit holders from carrying concealed handguns into or onto the place or premises; or into or onto any other place or premises where handguns are prohibited by law or rule or regulation.
              (b) A financial institution may authorize its security personnel to carry concealed handguns in the financial institution while on duty so long as each member of the security personnel, as authorized, is in compliance with the Concealed Handgun Permit Act and possesses a permit to carry a concealed handgun issued pursuant to the act.
              (2) If a person, persons, entity, or entities in control of the property or an employer in control of the property prohibits a permit holder from carrying a concealed handgun into or onto the place or premises and such place or premises are open to the public, a permit holder does not violate this section unless the person, persons, entity, or entities in control of the property or employer in control of the property has posted conspicuous notice that carrying a concealed handgun is prohibited in or on the place or premises or has made a request, directly or through an authorized representative or management personnel, that the permit holder remove the concealed handgun from the place or premises. A permit holder carrying a concealed handgun in a vehicle into or onto any place or premises does not violate this section so long as the handgun is not removed from the vehicle while the vehicle is in or on the place or premises. An employer may prohibit employees or other persons who are permit holders from carrying concealed handguns in vehicles owned by the employer.
              (3) A permit holder shall not carry a concealed handgun while he or she is consuming alcohol or while the permit holder has remaining in his or her blood, urine, or breath any previously consumed alcohol or any controlled substance as defined in section 28-401. A permit holder does not violate this subsection if the controlled substance in his or her blood, urine, or breath was lawfully obtained and was taken in therapeutically prescribed amounts.
              Sec. 16. Any time the discharge of a handgun carried by a permit holder pursuant to the Concealed Handgun Permit Act results in injury to a person or damage to property, the permit holder shall make a report of such incident to the Nebraska State Patrol on a form designed and distributed by the Nebraska State Patrol. The information from the report shall be maintained as provided in section 18 of this act.
              Good luck.
              Last edited by GreyGeek; Feb 26, 2018, 06:54 PM.
              "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
              – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


                Thanks @ GG for #59 & #66.
                An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski


                  GG: Carrying it in the open, IF such is allowed, can get you whacked in the head and the gun stolen. I would never recommend open carrying of any firearm in a metropolitan area, even if it is legal to do so.
                  Got a buddy, tough guy, he pulls up on his heavy hog in my driveway, the house shakes & rattles, and I'm sure the neighbors, rattled upon seeing him (read: tough-scary guy) feel like dialing 911. He got an open-carry license. So I ask him if he carries his pistol on his belt, in the open as he rides. He said he tried that for awhile but young, punk gang members try to surround him and taunt him about how pretty his bike and gun look, threatening to take both away from him. After running away (literally) from such scenes a few times, he came to the conclusion not to carry in the open. Kind of a funny-yet-not-so-funny story.
                  An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski

