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Also back from the dead...

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    Also back from the dead...

    And this one may surprise you! It is...
    • Windows!
    • Lindows!
    • Linspire!

    Yes folks, Linspire is back from the dead, thanks to new owners. I always think projects like this are neat and fun to follow, in the vein of other projects like ReactOS. There are two versions - Freespire - which is the free version, and Linspire, which is $80 / yr. including support and more included packages. However, I find the included package list a little...eccentric...?

    Let’s start with Freespire; it contains the following applications and features:
    1. Kernel 4.10.0-42
    2. Firefox Quantum Web Browser
    3. Geary e-mail client
    4. Ice SSB
    5. Abiword
    6. Gnumeric
    7. Parole Media Player
    8. Pinta Graphics tool
    9. Font Manager
    Parole media player? Pinta? I'll pass. Based on Debian and perhaps some businesses would embrace it, as the commercial version includes Wine, a lot of MS-compatibility tweaks, and support until 2025.

    More info and link to the project's page can be found on Phoronix here.
    ​"Keep it between the ditches"
    K*Digest Blog
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    Interesting. Will like to see how they are doing a year from now.


      Originally posted by MoonRise View Post
      Interesting. Will like to see how they are doing a year from now.
      For sure!
      ​"Keep it between the ditches"
      K*Digest Blog
      K*Digest on Twitter


        I predict that it will make a mighty roar, expel a lot of fire & smoke, but never leave the launch pad.

        Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
        "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
        – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.




          For people who do not know...the Moon DA MAN...Kubut, KDE artwise...

          YEAH MY MAN!!!



            Ah, Freespire and Linspire. I forgot about them. I think about 2005. I started with Freespire, only briefly, but that's where I learned about GRUB, re-installing GRUB, and establishing a dual boot (with XP at the time). Geez, I can't remember the guy's name, he was a star at Freespire, of British origin, helluva nice guy, took time out from his football game to help me with the GRUB thing, and even helping format my post (I thought it was WYSIWYG, but it wasn't--until he straightened out the rambling mess I typed). I learned about Freespire from the author of a book I read at the time on Linux, he favored Linspire and Freespire, but I can't remember the book or the author now. Damn, can't remember much of anything! Except I do have fond memories of my good experience at Freespire. This was right before I started Kubuntu. I dropped Freespire as an experiment and started Kubuntu since another guru (at a hardware website I was at) said that Kubuntu KDE was very close in look-and-feel to XP, and the transition into Linux that way should be smooth, which it was.
            An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski


              Originally posted by woodsmoke View Post
              MOONRISE...YOU OLD WAR HORSE!!!!

              LOVING YOU MY MAN!!! LOVING YOU!!!

              For people who do not know...the Moon DA MAN...Kubut, KDE artwise...

              YEAH MY MAN!!!



                Originally posted by dequire View Post
                And this one may surprise you! It is...
                • Windows!
                • Lindows!
                • Linspire!

                Yes folks, Linspire is back from the dead, thanks to new owners. I always think projects like this are neat and fun to follow, in the vein of other projects like ReactOS. There are two versions - Freespire - which is the free version, and Linspire, which is $80 / yr. including support and more included packages. However, I find the included package list a little...eccentric...?

                Parole media player? Pinta? I'll pass. Based on Debian and perhaps some businesses would embrace it, as the commercial version includes Wine, a lot of MS-compatibility tweaks, and support until 2025.

                More info and link to the project's page can be found on Phoronix here.
                Oh, I remember Lindows/Linspire! You're right, the package list is a little eccentric, but whatever, it's always good to see another Linux distro around.
                Xenix/UNIX user since 1985 | Linux user since 1991 | Was registered Linux user #163544

