Posts answering questions? Good. Posts answering questions and containing examples? Better. Posts answering questions, containing examples, and including URLs or Hyperlinks to referenced external (not contained within the post) information? Best.
“Useful information results from aggregating disparate data and combining it into a unified and coherent source.” (This members opinion)
So, when answering or creating posts that reference external data, please include URLs or Hyperlinks (to the data). Instead of your post being just another piece of ‘disparate data’, it will instead, become a piece of ‘useful information’.
Just my
“Useful information results from aggregating disparate data and combining it into a unified and coherent source.” (This members opinion)
So, when answering or creating posts that reference external data, please include URLs or Hyperlinks (to the data). Instead of your post being just another piece of ‘disparate data’, it will instead, become a piece of ‘useful information’.
Just my
