The video also mentions Google's AI lab entry into quantum computers, which is scary in itself.
The following links are also included:
IBM cloud quantum computer press release, May 2016: Q press release, March 2017: IBM quantum processors press release, May 2017:“Physical Review X” technical article on D-Wave 2X performance (1 August 2016):“Nature” article by Google Quantum AI Lab engineers (March 2017): Station Q:“MIT Technology Review” article on Intel silicon-based quantum computing (December 2016): quantum computing lab press release (July 2015): sources you may find useful include
-Wave Systems website: Systems video explaining quantum annealing:“New Scientist” article on Google’s quantum chips (June 2017):“Tech Radar” article on Microsoft quantum computing (December 2016): videos on computing-related topics can be found at: may also like my ExplainingTheFuture channel at:
IF you have a YouTube account EC is one of those channels worth subscribing to.
The following links are also included:
IBM cloud quantum computer press release, May 2016: Q press release, March 2017: IBM quantum processors press release, May 2017:“Physical Review X” technical article on D-Wave 2X performance (1 August 2016):“Nature” article by Google Quantum AI Lab engineers (March 2017): Station Q:“MIT Technology Review” article on Intel silicon-based quantum computing (December 2016): quantum computing lab press release (July 2015): sources you may find useful include
IF you have a YouTube account EC is one of those channels worth subscribing to.